Christmas Bonus


Apr 6, 2007
Do you give one? Is it all the same or do you have a system? What determines who gets how much?

Let's preface this with I am glad to have a job and even more fortunate to have a bonus at the end of the year...

But that being said, I usually get the shaft... By the time bonuses are cut my division is struggling through the cold weather, and the week before bonuses are given I am usually down to one job a day...
During this time we are slammed in restoration and the crews are dropping big checks on the desk, meanwhile I dropped all my big checks in the summer and my paycheck at this point is a gift to avoid laying me off while I catch up on paperwork and all the stuff I didn't have time for for the last eight months.

The attitude i see is "what have you done for me lately"

I understand that is how the bonuses are cut and I will have to have a phenomenal year in order to get a big bonus. That's fine... But if you are going to do that, make sure you don't leave the bonus chart laying out in the open. I didn't even realize what I had seen until I was a half block down the road. The restoration tech I had a part in hiring last year got DOUBLE what I did. The other guy I suggested two years ago is more than three times what I got. And this is my best bonus yet. I am trying to have A good attitude about it.

If you are nice enough to give a bonus (which I am greatful for) please have a solid pre-defined formula for giving them (ex: number of years at the company times one hundred dollars plus 1 percent of completed invoices) OR make sure you don't let anybody know how badly they are getting shafted.

I would have had a good day if not for that. Now I am just anxious and wondering what I've done wrong. I give everything I have to that company. I sacrifice my free time, my health, my sleep, my sanity ( or what was left of it )

now it's time for everybody to call me an ungrateful punk or tell me maybe I'm not doing as good as I thought.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow

I feel for you and I don;t know the reason that you are not being given one that is higher but I would suggest that you ask (politely) how they bonuses are figured. It is possible that you are missing someting and there really is some logic~or it may be you are not appreciated the way you feel you should be.

I do not believe in christmas bonuses, or any other "year end"' type bonus. I also do not believe that any bonus should e toied to length of service. What I do believe in in bonuses or incentives that are realistic and attainable through stretching and growing whether it be in sales, customer service or even education. Anything else in my opinion starts to be seen as an entitlement.

Ps I also believe that it is better to pay people well on an ongoing basis (tops in the industry if possible) and get and demand the best.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Suck it in for now....

and raise the issue when you are getting swamped in the spring.

It's better to negotiate when you have leverage.



Oct 7, 2006
I guess a little BAH HUMBUG is in order

btw is your boss name Scrooge

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I would meet with the owner and calmly ask why the major difference.

I would think those that serve on call and work losses around the clock are going to be due more money that those that do not. How ever it sounds like you put in a lot of OT also and he just may not recall that when he figured out who got what.

If it is just a seasonal thing then he needs to be reminded of the time you put in then. If it's being a part of the on call crew, you have to decide if it worth the extra money to give up some of your freedom.

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