Christmas poem <MUST READ>


Oct 26, 2006
[center:33i2b1d4]'Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house
The carpet was dirty, and so was the couch;
A throw rug was placed by the chimney with care,
In hopes it would cover, the burn marks that were there;
The children were cleaning toys from under their beds,
While millions of dust mites dropped on their heads;
So dad clipped a coupon, and hoped it was true,
then he called to get carpet cleaned for $9.95 per room,
Then out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Two carpet cleaners in a van, finishing their beer.
The driver stumbled out, and gave his cigarette a flick,
he started swearing under his breath, "lets make this quick".
They walked up the porch! Then knocked on the door!
No way I was letting these guys in on my floor!"
So we stayed real quiet and then they were gone,
all that was left was the beer cans they tossed on our lawn.
So I grabbed my lap-top and "carpet cleaning" I googled,
forget about coupons, it doesn't pay to be too frugal.
And then, in a twinkling, I picked up the phone
I called DAD'S Carpet Cleaning, to get the job done.
no sooner I hung up, and was turning around,
He pulled in my driveway, he came with a bound.
He was dressed in a uniform, clean cut and neat,
And his clothes were all pressed and booties on his feet;
A neat bundle of hoses he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a professional ready to unpack.
His equipment performed miracles, and wondrous feats,
And the steam it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a kit that had spot removers, none that were too smelly
He was able to remove everything from gum to grape jelly.
He was friendly and smart, and one by one,
made sure I was happy with each room he had done
He used guards to make sure he didn't scratch my walls or my bed,
As he dried my carpet in knew I had nothing to dread;
He worked real fast and the carpet was dry as powder
so I asked him to clean the tile in our shower
The house was now clean and allergen free mostly
the only thing left was for him to clean the upholstery;
So he finished his work and the house smelled so clean,
everything sparkled like the lights on our tree.
He packed up his van, ere he drove away,
He said to our neighbors, "Theres still time left, so call us today"[/center:33i2b1d4]

Props, Dave.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
ya think he'll be pissed that I ripped it off and put it on my blog?
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