Clean carpet trashed in under 12 hours -- who pays ?


Apr 10, 2007
Hi Guys,

I just cleaned the lobby of my local YMCA on Saturday after hours, and the Sunday Church crowd that rents the place got dirty footsteps all over it.... it looks like the carpet cleaner didn't even work....

So I'm going back tonight out of the sense of duty and being the best.... but...

Just wondering here behind the scenes what you business owners do when something like this happens ?

I don't even know how to talk about it (with the client)...

Our expenses get up there regarding small jobs, with employees and Vortex maintenance.

Earlier this year I cleaned a classroom at this same place, and when it dried this dry cleaning white powder they had been assaulting the carpet with resurfaced... so it looks like the carpet cleaner didn't rinse his soap out, to the casual observer.... so of course I rinsed it out quick and didn't say anything... who pays!

Also had a lady in a residence at the outer edge of my friendly service area whose daughter spilled something on her carpet the day after I had cleaned it... I would have 50 bucks in going back there, two hours on the road for free... they ask me what they should do... !!!!!

Thanks!! hope your weekend was better....


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
just my honest opinion..maybe next time tell the customer at the Y that you will come sunday night.

I allways go back if there are any questions asked as far as the rinse job goes and explain to them that this is why they should keep calling you instead of trying their own methods. I avtualy ask people to show me or tell me what they use before I start cleaning so I can give them a heads up..and I let them see the difference for themselves afterwards. Plus I kinda tell them not to use any house hold crap. If a good professional job is done they wont need to.

The spillage is a tough one. Sure you can do them a favor..but I would treat it as a second call. Its a tough one..maybe a small " travel" fee.

I learned a lot of lessons the same way and I am just starting out..but customers dont work for free and neither do I. I just have to keep it that simple even though I just wanna help everyone.
Good luck man

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I might do it at a minimum charge, but I would not do it for free unless there was a problem with the cleaning.

In your case it sounds as if it got dirty from use and we don't' warranty use.


CYA, Jason. I agree with Richard.

I had the same problem last month at an old age home. Me and my bro were just getting done with the upstairs, when all of a sudden, one of the old timers came up the elevator, and walked on the still damp carpet, and he had shoe polish just oozing off of his shoes. He walked clear across the room, a good 50 feet to the soda machine, then walked around over by the vending machines a bit. Needless to say, it was a total fookin' mess! The nurses at this place were instructed by the owner, and us several times, to keep them off until the air movers had it dry enough.

Well, obviously they didn't listen, seeing as though it was more important for them to watch Oprah than take care of the people living there. That alone is a whole other subject!! :roll:

Anyway, I had originally quoted the owner X amount for the work, then added another 20% on for the PITA and inconvenience. No way in hell would I go over that for free! I spoke in length with the owner, and she agreed and had no problem paying the extra. In fact, have a nice big air duct cleaning job there Wednesday, so she can't be too heartbroken about it. :D

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Jason said:
Hi Guys,

I just cleaned the lobby of my local YMCA on Saturday after hours, and the Sunday Church crowd that rents the place got dirty footsteps all over it.... it looks like the carpet cleaner didn't even work....

So I'm going back tonight out of the sense of duty and being the best.... but...

a quick bonnet clean should get it all spiffy again.
I'm not sure why you see it as a "sense of duty" to do it fo FREE though.
If I pay a detailer to wash and wax my ride, then drive thru a mud puddle, it ain't HIS fault

Just wondering here behind the scenes what you business owners do when something like this happens ?.

what I'd do would depend on the custy, the agreement we have, how big/important the account is to me, how fast they pay, frequency of cleaning and what they're paying us.
any and all those factors could add up to us doing it free, nothing at all or somewhere in between.

One thing I learned long ago..."one size DON'T fit all"

if I was going back to do it free, I'd sure as hell let them know what we did and why
The "why" would be ...cause we love you. we care.. value added service.. etc.. yada yada yada

I don't even know how to talk about it (with the client)...

simply tell 'em what's up.
I'm not sure why there's be a dilemma with that one

Our expenses get up there regarding small jobs, with employees and Vortex maintenance.

could be , but what's the worth/value of a good long term custy?

Earlier this year I cleaned a classroom at this same place, and when it dried this dry cleaning white powder they had been assaulting the carpet with resurfaced... so it looks like the carpet cleaner didn't rinse his soap out, to the casual observer.... so of course I rinsed it out quick and didn't say anything... who pays!

that one is on you, IMO
they hired you to clean it..if you didn't inspect it properly and account for problems before the estimate...oh well..
some times you eat bear, sometimes the bear eats you
you bite the bullet and get it done

Also had a lady in a residence at the outer edge of my friendly service area whose daughter spilled something on her carpet the day after I had cleaned it... I would have 50 bucks in going back there, two hours on the road for free... they ask me what they should do... !!!!!


this one depends on the custy too.
and again it's what "I" would do...not saying I'm right and anyone that does different is wrong

a long time good and "regular" custy, we'd accommodate at no charge if she could wait til we we're near the area

and you know, a spotting machine and handful of basic spotters can be bungeed down to the back of a moped..
you don't "need" to roll out 150ft of hose hooked to an overly expensive super sucker to clean up a soda spill or cat puke fur ball on a freshly cleaned carpet.

again, it depends on the custy (and also the problem and/or how long ago it was cleaned) as to whether we jump right on it, charge a minimum, charge nothing or something in between


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
was it "dry"? as Kevin asked

yea I know everyone claims 1 hour dry times...but they're FOS if they're using a sufficient amount of pre-spray and flushing well
even if they're using airmovers, some parts might be dry, but it ain't ALL dry

and one last thing...turn your fooking hat around, would you.... :shock:

:p :p :p



Apr 10, 2007
Thanks for the info guys...

I will try to make it more dry next time with air movers in case it wasn't totally dry.

Thanks for fashion advice, too!
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Doc Holliday said:
"Not that there's anything wrong with it."

You're making it to MF6 are you Nate?

GOOD! :wink:

If I can find a sponsor... I don't think I'll last the plane ride. :lol:

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
I went to the grocery store and bought groceries. I went out for the night and my kids had friends over. They ate everything in the house.

I went back to the grocery store and they said I had to pay for my food again?


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
If it makes you feel better, do this equation.

A= Time spent to make customer satisfied + labor, drive time, incidentals, then subtract repeat business, referrals, etc.

B= Time & money spent acquiring new customer to replace unhappy one, + trying to collect payment from unhappy customer, + loss of income from repeats, referrals

Usually A is the least expensive and better option.

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