Co2 + Pepsi Sprayers = Less chems & faster cleaning


Supportive Member
Sep 1, 2007
Versailles ky
Ashley Mckendree
So a month and a half ago I decide to buy a 20lb co2 tank + regulator so I can fill my pepsi sprayers on the fly without getting 3 or 4 ready at the shop before leaving ( why I stopped using them), and also I can mix the chems as strong as the job called for.

So Ive realized on some of the GREASY spoons I clean, when I spray down carbonated grease eraser it bubbles up the nasty grease almost INSTANTLY, and Im not having to get out my 175... not only that, Im mixing the GE weak, 3 (3oz) scoops to 3.5 gallons.

1 pepsi sprayer with 3.5 gallons and 90psi lasts 3 good size restaurants, spraying generously... Before I was using half a hydroforce at 1:8 ratio,

Cleaned 4 trashed empties (900sqft apts) with one sprayer full, and had enough left over to wash my wand & hoses off after we finished.

Also, I have charged up my pepsi sprayer at least 50 times, at 90psi and my co2 gauge is only showing that its gone down 1/4 its charge... although I dont know if the gauge works properly.

Anyone else have a positive experience similar to mine using Co2?

AND it only costs 25 bucks to re-fill a 20lb, a smaller 10lb is like 12 bucks and would be a little more convenient.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
That's all we ever used with Chem Dry. I always thought it cleaned better with Carbonation...some say it doesn't make a difference.

I liked the pepsi sprayer...we would put two on a cart once we switched to a small air compressor attached to the top. We had about 70 feet of clear hose (The home Depot) and rolled the whole thing right up to the front door.

I keep thinking I might go back to that. I'm not real happy with the sprayer I have now.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't use the CO2 tank...just an air compressor....only have to plug it refill.

That's worth the little bit of extra cleaning power lossed IMO.

Plus, the chems I'm using are really good on their own.

Plus, with the air compressor you never lose the charge while it's plugged in. I like that.

You might be surprised how much easier it is to roll up a little hose instead of lugging the tanks in...I think it's more professional as well. But that's just me.

I might have to call Jay D again...he has some sprayers. lol

I actually had hooked up a small air compressor to a 3 gallon plastic pump up jug and attached the 70 ft hose to it. Worked well...but looked pretty ghetto. lol
And 3 Gallons is never enough....5 at least

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Ashley, tell me more about your sprayer. You fill it up with Co2? instead of pressurized air? I dont know any thing about these things.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Mike Draper said:
Ashley, tell me more about your sprayer. You fill it up with Co2? instead of pressurized air? I dont know any thing about these things.

Yup, it's that much closer to a "pepsi" sprayer. The idea is the carbonation is supposed to help the cleaning.....there are arguements.

The carbonation charge will last longer than just compressed are if you charge and barge.

I like to just leave it sit in front of the house and pull the hose never lose the charge.

Do you have to have some kind of OSHA material for carrying one on the truck? I have no idea nowadays.

I think you just need something to push the solution through....but then again you might as well have a 60 to 100 PSI pump hooked up to it if you're going to leave it "plugged in" anyway.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
so you are saying that it would be wise to have a large co2 container on board if you have a Pepsi sprayer?


Supportive Member
Sep 1, 2007
Versailles ky
Ashley Mckendree
I carry the 20lb Co2 tank on my truck, it has a regulator to take it from 2kpsi to any psi below 120psi I wand. (Adjustable)
(I am not required to carry ANY certification, but I was required to sign a waver at the place I bought the tank, that they are NOT liable if I **** anything up)

I have a coil hose with the pepsi air quick connect coming off the tank, and I just pop it on after preparing my solution, it "Charges" it up in a few seconds and Im ready to go...

BUT Its NOT carbonated YET, you have to S H A K E the sprayer to get it carbonated, then once the solution has absorbed the co2 you have to charge it back up a little to get the PSI back up.

Did I mention I can air up my tires, run air tools in an emergency on the side of the road with this co2 setup?
Jan 21, 2008
Colorado Springs
Brad Gouveia
I got 30 tanks I will them all up once a week. I have a small portable compressor that I use if I need to fill one up on site. I take 4 with me and that usually makes it through a day.

The only negative is that I use powder prespray and some time It clogs up on me but that is why I fill 30 at once and by the time I get to use it is dissolved up. If not put it by the muffler for 10 min and it heats it up and helps dissolve any chem.


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
i have to believe that the carbonation when sprayed in the air comes right out of the solution . i'm certainly not a chemist but that is what seems logical. i do like the idea of using a compressor to pump it up. what does that thing weigh empty.



Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
AshleyMckendree said:
I carry the 20lb Co2 tank on my truck,

Be careful with that tank in the summer. The hotter the Co2 gets, the higher the pressure in the tank. It will turn a really hot van into a winter wonderland if you rupture the blow out disk due to the heat.
I remember when I used to play a lot of paintball, some guys would carry extra Co2 tanks in a fanny pack. It was always fun to watch some guy spinning in a circle trying to get a Co2 spewing tank off their ass.

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