Coastie Engineering

Old Coastie

Supportive Member
Jun 29, 2015
Heart of Dixie
Ever have a power cord break internally? Well, mine did and by the time I located the break, the cord was only 15 feet long. Grrr...

So as long as I need a new power cord, why not add a feature? One thing I've never liked about the Duplex dp420 (and may be an issue with your CRB) is how when you tilt the handle, it starts up. If you accidentally tug the cord while plugging it in, off it goes! Seems like there should be a swich to prevent that.

I bought a switch with a red pilot light and wired it in line. When on, the red light glows. "Red, you're dead."
Attaching it with zip ties through the case so's not to weaken the handle by drilling holes worked well. Then I added a male plug pigtailed off the switch.

Now I can use any extension cord to power it. I have a new 50- footer, but if it gets damaged I can use one off the van without having to unwire anything. Today the elves are off and away to scrub a hoarder's house (sad story there) and they are all excited about the safety feature. God love 'em, they are eager to go use it!

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