Color Repair for Master Cleaner status?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Color Repair for Master Cleaner status? Hasn't color repair gone the way of the bag phone?

The class is rarely offered and has little actual value? Why does the Clean Trust still have it as a necessary requirement for Master Cleaner status?

Color Repair really? That had to be the most useless class I every took.

Your feelings?
Oct 10, 2006
Ann Arbor
Steve Lawrence
I agree, Richard. But, if your guys want to achieve Master status they need to take it.

I have 2 going to Columbus next week to take color repair. What can you do?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I understand however with the new board I hope that they will review it and make some needed changes.

Back "in the day" when I took the course it seemed to be manufacturer driven with all of us fools running around with eye droppers squirting colored dye on carpet with less than acceptable results.

I like Tony's type of color repair techniques but to my knowledge that's not what's being taught. If it has to be a requirement then at least teach something of value AND make it available more frequently.

Color repair???? :oldrolleyes:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I understand however with the new board I hope that they will review it and make some needed changes.

Back "in the day" when I took the course it seemed to be manufacturer driven with all of us fools running around with eye droppers squirting colored dye on carpet with less than acceptable results.

I like Tony's type of color repair techniques but to my knowledge that's not what's being taught. If it has to be a requirement then at least teach something of value AND make it available more frequently.

Color repair???? :oldrolleyes:

I have to disagree, I thought the class was good and actually of value.
The results, if one is patient (you should try patience once Rich) are pretty good.

Only problem is most clients are not willing to pay for the time. The few repairs that I do turn out pretty good.

Just don't buy (like this individual sucker did) the whole $400.00 kit. Red,Yellow and Blue will do just fine. The clients though are very impressed with the useless kit.

Yes, they should offer it more frequently (I guess there was not much attendance) or offer another class for those who want the Master Cleaner designation. Rumor has it that they're going to start counting posts on MB for that. And in that case Richard, you're covered.:winky:

Now go back to work before the Robot slaps you :shifty:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I have that kit still.

Fun stuff to play with but mostly just a powdered dye mess!

I liked the spray enhancer better, of course my mother wasn't quite as excited about the results as I was.....well maybe it was the blue ring I left from the jug in her white sink. That chit was hard to get off of there too! :redface: My father quickly said I don't think we will be offering that. :icon_cry:

Patience? Have no need for the stuff........ I WANT IT ALL NOW!!! :p

annnnd the Robot is going to slap you for lying about Color Repair too!



Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
In the above pic, which of the three is you Richard ??



PS::: Err, I also still have my fishing tackle box full of powdered dyes.:icon_redface:

Now I also own "Colored dye sticks" :p

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Even Ernie David thought the course could be taught in a half-day, and didn't understand forcing people to spend two days on it. It should be revamped to include solid color, water carried color and solvent carried color, plus color removal. Then you'd have a class worth two days and Master status credit. There just aren't many instructors qualified to teach this much info.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
There just aren't many instructors qualified to teach this much info.

Who might they be Bryan??

I don't know many, but the first I thought of would be Ron Toney, but not sure?


Shorty. :very_drunk:

PS::: Do the boffins at the wheel REALLY have a CARPET CLEANERS heart for CLEANING, fixed in their brain, or is it more to do with the money.?

Like, a carpet cleaner is a carpet cleaner, an auto mechanic is very good at working on vehicles but may know nothing at all about spray painting one.

Likewise, not many carpet cleaners are experts on leather cleaning, yet many do it, many, many more do not, yet it can still be classed as upholstery cleaning even though it is not "FABRIC" cleaning as per the "UFT".

Here's what IICRC say's about leather:

There are several types of leathers and finishes and no two should be treated and cared for exactly the same. So, those one-type-cleans-all, do-it-yourself cleaning products can actually create more harm than good. Certified technicians are trained to recognize and care for all types of leather. They are able to respond with custom cleaning techniques and procedures that minimize problems before they arise and return leather furnishings to a clean, sanitary state.

Leather Cleaning Technician (LCT)

The Leather Cleaning Technician course addresses leather identification and cleaning techniques for professional on-location cleaners, restoration and inspection service providers, as well as other related industries. Emphasis shall be placed on theory, practical application, proper identification of leather types, soiling conditions and proper professional solutions to the cleaning challenges faced by the individuals performing the work in the field. (2 day course*; 14 hours, not including exam time, lunch and breaks)

Nothing at all about repairs/color/etc;


It is my firm belief that Master Cleaner status, (for what it's worth), should pertain entirely to the CLEANING of carpets.

I reckon that for someone to do all the courses, (CCT OR CCMT
+ UFT + OCT + RRT or BRT + CRT), & then fail due to their eyes NOT picking colors properly, is a bit much, causing them to not gain this "STATUS" as a "MASTER CLEANER".

It all reeks of "Mines bigger than yours" mentality, but that's just my opinion.

The typo ( OR ) is taken as is, from the IICRC website, not my mistake. :p
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Oct 7, 2006
Color Repair for Master Cleaner status?
Hasn't color repair gone the way of the bag phone?
The class is rarely offered and has little actual value?
Why does the Clean Trust still have it as a necessary requirement for Master Cleaner status?
Color Repair really?
That had to be the most useless class I every took.
Your feelings?

Hey Chavez, just because you have not mastered colour repair does not mean that is "useless or out of date".
Perhaps the class that you took did not offer much of value - not every instructor is the same and lord knows every student is not the same.
I do agree that the class is not offered very often - last year there were 34 CRT classes taught to 250 students.

Naturally, I do not agree with you that having some color repair skills will enhance your value as a carpet cleaner.
However, I do agree with you that there should be more options available to becoming a Master cleaner.
There are many on this Board that feel that we should re-visit the whole set of requirements to attaining "Master" status.

Lucky for you that I have not figured out how to "un-thank" someone for a post.......
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I should restate that it's not color repair as a class that I have issue with. It's the current Color Repair class I have issue with!

And were you not my friend (and have a thick file on me) I would call you out and ask you to tell me what you really think of the current class and how much different your class is. Now please don't make me look stupid...well any more than I already do (remember I have a little Tony graphic).

Seriously I think there is great value in a class that can truly help carpet cleaners repair color damaged carpet but (there is always a but...well sometimes there's a big butt too!) I don't not believe "that class" is not being offered as a Clean Trust class yet.

As a part of the Master Cleaner requirements? I think it's time has come that it needs to be removed, at least until it becomes a class that has some meat on the bone. You'll pack classes if there is some meat there.


Oct 7, 2006
I should restate that it's not color repair as a class that I have issue with. It's the current Color Repair class I have issue with!

And were you not my friend (and have a thick file on me) I would call you out and ask you to tell me what you really think of the current class and how much different your class is. Now please don't make me look stupid...well any more than I already do (remember I have a little Tony graphic).

Seriously I think there is great value in a class that can truly help carpet cleaners repair color damaged carpet but (there is always a but...well sometimes there's a big butt too!) I don't not believe "that class" is not being offered as a Clean Trust class yet.

As a part of the Master Cleaner requirements? I think it's time has come that it needs to be removed, at least until it becomes a class that has some meat on the bone. You'll pack classes if there is some meat there.

Understood but it would not be wise for me to comment on classes that I do not have first hand experience with.
My very first color repair class was a long time ago and I learned a lot but did not think it needed 2 days to get through.
I later attended a 3 day ( non-iicrc ) Course taught by a true genius, Ray Morgan where I learned a whole lot more.
I learned still more at a week-long leather class which involved a lot of color repair and later at a 3 day side match class.
You are probably right that the class can be improved - that is probably true of most any class.
I would also love to see a whole bunch of new "advanced" Courses on every subject that is currently taught.
That is a lot of work and I do not have the time or skills to help to make that happen.

ps, I have long since sold my file on you to Jimmy and besides my memory is now shot so no need to worry any more.

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