competitors coupons


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Was at my last appointment today. Walked thru the house, tallied up the final total. 200 bucks, and then I hear, "Do you match competitors coupons, cuz I have one here 7 rooms for 119.00"

Well no ma'am we dont.

"Well then what can you do about getting that price down."

Well what price range is in your budget ma'am? - 150
Okay, what two rooms do you not want cleaned then ?

"No no I still want it all cleaned, but geeze 200 is a little high"

Well ma'am our price is our price, and we are more expensive for a reason, blah blah blah.

We get passed that she agrees on the 200.

As I am well into the cleaning she also asked about her couch(rayon) after I tested I get - "Do you think you could give that couch a quick go over with that machine(I had the V today).

So I explain about rayon and what the price is, and why it is that price and why I cant just "go over it quickly".

So I continue cleaning I hear her talking to her husband on the phone and he is headed home. Now the husband walks in.
I get the same question about the couch but only the skirts this time. Explain it would be better to clean the whole thing so no color difference, chance of a water spot blah blah.

I get done think I am in the clear. NOPE! "Can you run over these small rugs real quick" Poly rugs - SURE.

Love people like these. She used the "I dont clean very often, but looking for a company to stick with"

Bologna shes going to hit the ValPak up again and call the cheapest add she finds and try suckering all the free stuff. She had a VLM'r in previous to us that did what I did for 99 bucks. 6 rooms and a set of stairs.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
You are correct sir!!



Apr 2, 2007
When I first started years ago, I had a customer say can you just hit these rugs real quick the last guy did it for me, next day get a call the rugs "I hit real quick" were folding up on the edges. Go back and find out they were made of Sissa 3 rugs she said worth like 10 grand.(I thought they were Ended up having to take them into the shop re-wet and tack down until they dried. From then on I rarely clean any rugs for free.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Hell yes I honor competitor's coupons, everytime I do, I get a raise!

I charge extra for pre-spray (like they do)
I charge extra for emulsifier (like them)
I charge 2 rooms for anything over 220 SF (like they do)
I charge for another room for every walk-in closet, hall, and doorway I walk thru (just like their price structure)
And if I'm feeling really generous, I apply watered down protector (like them) at their going rate.

I rush thru the job, don't use specialty spotters, airmovers, corner guards, booties, or those teflon things

I end up done in half the time with twice the money.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
We usually don't. However my wife fielded a call last month where rental property lady stated what she had to clean, and without hesitation told my wife that (so and so) cleaned this for 179. last time and would we honor that price? My wife reviewed the areas with her and booked the job. Upon arrival found our price would have been 159. so yeah we honored her previous 179. and now she has referred us two other clients.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Hey Hoodle doodle, wern't you one of them giving me caacaa bout a year or so back when I added to the invoice, the throw rugs the client threw in at the last moment????

There is a reason why MD asks if you want fries with your burger!!!


May 19, 2007
You know I don't see the big deal. The customer had a budget or a figure they wanted to pay. You can always subtract services you do to make both you and your customer happy. I'd tell them I can do it the 7 rooms (as long as they aren't huge rooms) for 150 as long as I move no furniture and the customer vacuums. In other words a spray and suck no scrubbing etc, prespray is never optional in my biz.

Today I cleaned 1 br, walk in closet, large landing, a play room all for 200 moved all furniture I was able to move. 2 end tables, ping pong table, 2 exercise bikes, chair, weight bench, and a table. Also airpath dried with 2 fans. All for $192 and took right around 2 hours drive up to drive off. I would of offered a lower price but I asked what she wanted done gave her the price and she said do it. If I get an objection then it's time to remove services. Never let a customer go unless you get a bad vibe.
Sep 7, 2008
rhino1 said:
Hell yes I honor competitor's coupons, everytime I do, I get a raise!

I charge extra for pre-spray (like they do)
I charge extra for emulsifier (like them)
I charge 2 rooms for anything over 220 SF (like they do)
I charge for another room for every walk-in closet, hall, and doorway I walk thru (just like their price structure)
And if I'm feeling really generous, I apply watered down protector (like them) at their going rate.

I rush thru the job, don't use specialty spotters, airmovers, corner guards, booties, or those teflon things

I end up done in half the time with twice the money.

I like that quote. Brilliant I say.

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