Concret Floor in Homelss shelter Kitchen


Sep 12, 2008
Jordan Stucky
Only 3 years old.

Poured concrete with Red Stain.

Concrete company is high class company in town but told Homeless Shelter they would NEVER have to clean..will last forever. Will clean up great!

They mop daily. Kitchen only used for 2-3 hours a night with 5-8 volunteers walking on it serving roughly 35-50 people. They gutted the Kitchen three years ago and did EVERYTHING. Don't believe they do in frying just ovens and big gas stove top with 10-12 burners. Has VCT tile in food closet that connects with back of kitchen and VCT on other adjacent floors and that is all mopped daily.

I used heavy degreaser and citrus/40 vol combo with 175 and Black pad. Re treated and rinsed with 500 psi Porty with no heat but bucket heaters. Cleaned up enough not too be pure black and sticky but still black.

Do I need to wait till I get my new truck mount in next week or two and use higher heat with spinner or need to use stripper?? With sanding screens? Will floor actually need sanded to take top layer off??

Anybody used Jeremy's diamond scrubbing pad (just the normal buffing pad)?? Any stronger than the black or green pads??

Is colored concrete mixed in before its poured or is it applied after poured or after cured??

Also I do believe some sort of sealer was applied after poured but not sure.

Thanks for help!!!


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Ok dude Iam trying to wrap my head around this. So its a a stained concrete and sealed floor.. First off put the portable away as far as rinsing it aint gonna get ya too far. I do a ton of hard floor so I will tell you how I would do it. I would say start with a mop bucket and mop and flood mop the entire are with hot water and a strong dilution of a butyl based degreaser. Black pad could be a bit rough since I dont know what kind of sealer is down and you dont want to dull it out. I would think a green pad would be fine. Give your heavily applied mop bucket degreaser solution plenty of time to dwell and soften the grease. Now you may need some extra weight on your 175 to scrub. I stack up to 50 extra pounds on mine and it does great. You will have to do a nice even slow scrub . Using the porty to rinse at 500psi will be useless but you might be able to suck the slop up with it. Then use a clean mophead and rinse the floor . I would go heavy on the detergent. Forget the 40 vol ort any other designer chems I would be going for purple power diluted heavy. Since you dont have the heat of a truckmount you will have to rely on chemical, agitation , and dwell time to get to home plate on this job
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
agree to all that with this added.....

reflood the floor with hot water CLEAN WATER...nooooo chems in it....

this will help finish breaking the grease down, AND dilute the left over chems....leaving you with a clean floor....

Now to your other questions....

Yes concrete can be stained all the way through as they pour can be tough to tell unless the floor has a nice even color to it...if it is blotchy...IE dark here, lighter over there...then it is most likely stained...

Here is the thing with the sealer....and on some level against what Jon just said.....IF you are going this aggressive with the chems to get it clean....(and it sounds like you need to) There is a chance you can start to break down the sealer...Depending if it is a topical.....or some sort of penetrating....or something that was applied as it cured...(cant remember the name for that)

if it is #2 or 3....then using the black pad can actually HELP with the look of it after....because it is slightly polishing it, due to the course nature and heat generated from the pad (oh use a high-pro pad)

#1 could start to break down and flake depending on how they prepped the floor before applying....

Now if #2...these wear out after a while and require reapplication....BUTTTTT..... with the way its being used....ehhhh not going to happen, with out HUGE issue....

if #3, its part of the concrete and isnt going anywhere.... newer COSTCO, HOME DEPOT, SAMS, LOWES.....have this #3 type sealer done just to give you an idea.....

Anything else??


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Concrete is porous.
You need to find out ir ot was sealed or not. Even if it was sealed, being in a kitchen, it's probably worn.
Kitchen grease that has been absorbed into concrete will be almost impossible to remove in an indoor environment. If it's soaked in, it will only be be possible to improve it unless your going to grind it down. If it was outdoors, a hot water pressure washer would give you the best improvement, but most likely still show staining
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