Crazy thing scared the sheet out of me last night.

Sep 7, 2008
We cleaned an assited living center last night. This place is big so to cut down on time and manpower we lmc some of it, but steam cleaned 70 percent. I bought a jug of Chemspec Bonnet Cleaner, but ended up using regular shampoo. The CS product had a very stong smell. It didn't bother me, but one of the employees complained about how strong it was. I quit using it right away. An hour later after I have cleaned most of the carpet I hear some franctic yelling and I mean desperate like this lady was fixing to die right on ths spot. She is yelling "HELP ME (so loud you could hear her two blocks away) I got to get out of here. I can't breathe. Take me to the hospital. This stuff is killing me. I'm dying" Then she turned the corner and here comes some 90 year old woman in her gown looking like she was going to drop dead on the spot. She looked right at me and said I can't breathe. Get me out of here.

Ok I just about shit my pants. I was thinking holy shit this shampoo is going to kill this lady. I didn't know what to do. She had the most awful look in her eyes like she was really dying. She grabed my arm and said "YOU ARE KILLING ME." :shock:

I freaked out. Here come the nurses. I just stood there motionless.

Turns out she is a crazy old lady that likes to wander the halls every night that she is going to dye any minute.

I can only imagine what I looked like.

I am never bonnet cleaning anything EVER AGAIN. That is just bad karma. I already felt bad doing it in the first place.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Out of ALLLLL the advice on the boards.. after alllllll the presentations of such great products... you used film formers?


I'd be rolling over with cold sweats all night long if I did that!

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I worked in a resthome for several years as a dishwasher and a cook when I was in high school

some of the residents were goofy as hell with or without thier meds

there was a guy that use to stand on his dresser because he was scared the air around the bottom of the floor would kill him

Harvey Parker use to come into the kitchen and throw his plate of food at us if his pancakes weren't cooked right

Marie Glennen use to come in and start doing the dishes

Stells Davies would talk all day about her dog trixie and wanting to go home to Roseburg

another lady would always say she was pregant with the adminstrators baby :shock:

some of the people that worked there were just as bad

Met a guy named Steve Glass, he would say thats right, glass ,like a window. He was late to work very often, would ask him why, he would look at you with a blank stare and say, buses. We took him bowling on night, the bowling alley had 50 lanes, as soon as he walked in the door he flipped out, ran end to end a few time then disappeared. A few hours later the cops showed up with him. He told the cops we shot arrows through his head so that is why he was a little freaked out when they found him sleeping on the hood of Joe's pickup.

Keri Brock would tell us how she would get wasted with her husband John. He would take her down to the supermarket in hell and the trix bunny rabbit would jump off the cereal box and chase her around hell

those were the days

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
the only real nut ball I ever knew was a guy that lived up the road from me in Oklahoma....Carl...AKA..Crazy Carl..
he would sit on his chair in front of his run down mobile home and just stare off into space waiting for the voices in his head to tell him his next move.....

One day he and his truck just disappeared....4 days later some cop found him sitting along side some dirt road in the cab of his truck 2 counties over....just sitting there........waiting.....come to find out..the voices told him to get in his truck and drive.......but apparently.....none of them told him he needs to stop for gas......

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I agree with Sweeney there are many products from many different manufacturers that are VLM specific?

Before you throw thw baby out with the bath water get some good chems and give it a try.

Have Jeremy hook you up or give Steve Smith a call at Vacaway, John Guerkink at CCS or Drew at Excellent Supply get your solutions from guys that know VLM.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Peroxcellent from Vacaway. Have I mentioned that yet?? shiteatinggrin

My Brother Wally was a "crazy Karl" of sorts.

He would talk to himself all the time. The family now jokes around that he would fit right in with all the blue tooth talkers walking around.
They would just think he was on the phone with a very imporant business deal from Satan or who ever the hell he used to talk to.

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