Creating more air flow & better dry times

Jun 14, 2009
Pasadena ca
So even though I have been doing this a long time now I still use a whip line, smaller inline filter and a 1 1/2 inch shafted wand. I have been talking to a extremely knowledgeable guy in our industry that said if I toss the whip line, get a 2 inch shafted wand and a Teflon holed glide I will be amazed with the dry times and as an added bonus an easier wand to manage/ push. I just can't see how an easier to push wand can equal better dry times?

What do you guys think?
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Some things are trade-offs. This is not.

I use 2" all the way to a 14" wide glided wand. MUCH better than the whip / AW29 combo.

Jim Williams

Oct 8, 2006
Bynum N.C.
Jim Williams
The science behind the better dry times have been discussed on these boards quite a bit over the years. The air velocity is sped up because of the small holes, kind of like when you put your hand over half the vacuum hose end, thus pulling water out of the carpet harder and from deeper down. Try it, I promise you won't clean glideless again and your back and elbows will thank you in 10 years.

If you are currently using an inch and a half wand, a glide will still make a huge improvement. You can also shorten your whip line as short as possible and pick up a lot more suction so you don't have to rush out and buy a 2" wand to get good dry times.

Hope this helps!

sam miller

I will usually throw a cuff on my 1 1/2 inch wand and skip the whip. I do use the whip on my stair tool. holed glide wands dry faster IMHO. An open faced wand if Your not grooming will leave a better look.

With that said I carry 3 wands on the truck and it depends on the job and the carpet to what I use.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
hole glides are much easier to push
They don't clean cut piles as deep/well though

as far as dry times, the only other person I know besides me that has done side by side, same day, same room, same carpet, same wand evaluations to complete dry is Larry Cobb.
His findings were the much the same as mine ....not really a dimes worth of difference .
Though it "seems/feels" like a big difference immediately after running a hole vs slot glide, 20 minutes latter you can't feel a difference in the two

on some carpets, like raised pattern stiff berbers, a glide can actually INCREASE dry times , cause it won't smash down into the pile like an unglided wand.
That's the exception though, cause in general a glide (whether slot, hole or hybrid) does aid somewhat in dry times because the larger surface area helps prevent wand "lock down" ...which chokes air flow

the greatest virtues of teflon glides are the ease of which they make wanding .
I only recommend original Greenglides too

Dump the whip and get a less restrictive filter..that alone will help


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