CRI seal of approval



If CRI wants to regulate this industry they need to make some changes. This whole approved equipment thing is a joke and frankly it reminds me a little of washington dc.

If they seriously want to regulate our industry they need to set a minimum performance specification on the industry and not the brand/model number.

allow trusted vendors/suppliers/ and manufacturers to test/inspect the condition and performance of the three major components of HWE extraction equipment on a annual or bi annual basis for a reasonable fee of say $30.

step 1: determine minimum vaccum pressure required
step 2: determine minimum water pressure required
step 3: determine minimum temperature required

if the machine being inspected meets or exceeds the recommended minimum performance then a certification should be issued and a guy with a 50k truckmount that was bought pre "golden" seal
approval can still be considered a professional carpet cleaner.

Just saying. You shouldnt have to go out and buy a 3,000 porty to replace your 50k truckmount so you dont void Carpet manufacturers warranties.

And as far as chemicle testing... i totally agree... but again with some recommended changes. Test not only performance but the long term health risks in using said chemicles and cleaners..... we are absorbing and inhaling it so why wouldnt you care to regulate that.
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Aug 11, 2012
i saw that mini shaker on a commercial and they are promoting its cri approval. i get a laugh everytime i see some piece of crap being sold in a store with that approval.

the whole thing is a joke in my eyes.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
i saw that mini shaker on a commercial and they are promoting its cri approval. i get a laugh everytime i see some piece of crap being sold in a store with that approval.

the whole thing is a joke in my eyes.

Unfortunately, the cry, sorry, cri prey on the naive and gullible public.

Goes back to the old saying, "If you repeat a lie often enough, most people will believe it".

Why would anyone listen to a carpet cleaner that has working knowledge in this industry, as opposed the the almighty cri that must know what they are talking about, otherwise they would not have "certified" such product?

The millions of dollars that are passed over to pay for such "certification" never enters the gullible person's mind.

Doesn't it give you a nice, warm fuzzy feeling to know that the cri is out there looking after your interests at heart??

It all rings of blackmail by coercion to me, pay me the money or your product is no good.

The above are purely my thoughts, any person naive enough to believe otherwise may purchase said "certified" products at their own peril.

Sometimes I think I may get a tad cynical.


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