Deal or No Deal?


Nov 8, 2009
I have had two of my current PM groups call and ask for a discount on services that apply to other properties they manage as a benefit of doing business with me. The request is in part to help the charity owners that can't afford a professional cleaning. I know there are no other companies in town that can even come close to the quality of we produce. Our prices are a bit higher but reflect the results and service provided.

One part of me feels offended! Why is it they feel we should discount the current discount!

The other is I am not in competition with any of the companies in town. If they want cheap call the cheap cleaner with cheap results!

Is it not true that they choose to do business with our company because of the service and quality provided?

Any of you getting this?

They pitch it as benefit for the quantity of done with our company.

I don't get it!

Do you have a program such as the above?

I didn't get a discount of real estate fees when I bought one of their homes on the market!

Ok I feel Better! :mrgreen:

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I feel the same way as you. I would explain to them you are already giving them a discount, and the only way to discount more is to start cutting corners like the other guys and you refuse to do business like that.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Mike Draper said:
I feel the same way as you. I would explain to them you are already giving them a discount, and the only way to discount more is to start cutting corners like the other guys and you refuse to do business like that.

Instead of mentioning the other companies. I would take an opportunity to go about this professionally. What can the PM group do before you arrive, that will make less work for you, but still ensure you can provide a quality job. Can the furniture be moved, can the carpet be thoroughly vacuumed, can you coordinate the cleanings better to make it worth your while - if the properties are close together, can you clean them at the same time instead of making multiple trips.

They have a problem(their budget) and you have a solution that helps them, but also makes it easier for you. If none of these things can be done, then simply explain why.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
If they insist on a discount then find some "Short cuts" to make things go faster on the job.

Time is money they say.


Nov 8, 2009
Mike Draper said:
Instead of mentioning the other companies

They mentioned it not me! Also I have explained it
Mike Draper said:

Mike Draper said:
What can the PM group do before you arrive, that will make less work for you, but still ensure you can provide a quality job. Can the furniture be moved, can the carpet be thoroughly vacuumed, can you coordinate the cleanings better to make it worth your while

These are Rental properties and are vacant. Our company services Three different counties that are twice the size of NYC together. No way to group homes together for there is no way to determine when they will be vacant.

Mike Draper said:
They have a problem(their budget) and you have a solution that helps them, but also makes it easier for you. If none of these things can be done, then simply explain why.

Yes, and their problem is that the low cost cleaner provide a poor unreliable service and the quality is par at best.

And besides the work they send is referral, they don't even pay for it, most of the time :!:


May 23, 2010
If you can't figure out a way to help them, they will finds someone who will. You only think you're the only one in the area who can clean a rug.


Nov 8, 2009
f you can't figure out a way to help them, they will finds someone who will. You only think you're the only one in the area who can clean a rug.

so how cheap you willing to clean for .08 a sq ft. Some times the easy way to say no is giving them the option.

We believe in our cleaning system and it's effectiveness. Just as you should yours.

Funny how you mock your own cleaning system and then promote the very same system as your basic clean. :?:

To each his own I guess?

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I say no deal(for me at least)... I serve the hell out of my pm's and if they think they will get what I do elsewhere they can try them out, and call me back(I hope). I have a good relationship with all the on site managers and don't see them changing to another company, could happen though and it's kind of scary being that 25% of my income came from them.

I can't tell you how many times I got my balls busted last year about charging the same for an occupied unit(they pay when a lease is renewed) as an empty.

"It's the same price when you are just doing the traffic areas" I said "yes, and here's why":

1. Liability is higher with things in the unit..

2. I have to have them on my schedule because some want to be there when I clean instead of cleaning it whenever I want or have time to clean it.

3. I can't just go in and not pre-treat the carpet(as they suggested) it will give my company a bad name to people with a lot of money.

4. Dealing with a tenant that isn't paying for the cleaning will often reschedule or won't be ready for the cleaning. If you go into an occupied unit, and they are home, you will also lose time talking to them.


May 23, 2010
You obviously are only looking for answers that validate your own view, otherwise you would not have felt the need to find something for which to attack me. No problem ... most folks want to hear only views that support their own.

I'm just saying that if a property manager who gives me a good amount of work at my regular price were to ask me if I could help them meet a certain budget on a few properties that were not part of my normal route with them, I would try to make it work. You would rather feel offended that someone would dare ask you to consider lowering your price even one cent. If you are so easily offended, why ask for the opinion of others in a public forum?

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
IF you ARE getting lots of work from them, you could consider a discount. But you mentioned you had already given them a discount and they want and even lower price.

I know some PM's will say, give me a good price as I've many properties. I"ve given a good price and never hear from them again!!

You know your costs, you've set your price to make a profit. If you discount past that point you forfeit profit. They want you to lose YOUR profit so they don't lose THEIRS.
I remember Steve Marsh saying that if you lower your price you are in fact telling them you've been over charging them.
Its better to say that I'm giving you the best price I can based on the service I'm providing.
I can lower the price but that would necessitate decreasing the level of service. I can give you BEST Quality, BEST Service, and BEST Price, but I can't give you all 3 at the same time. Which would you like me to lower?


May 23, 2010
Ron Werner said:
...Its better to say that I'm giving you the best price I can based on the service I'm providing. I can lower the price but that would necessitate decreasing the level of service. I can give you BEST Quality, BEST Service, and BEST Price, but I can't give you all 3 at the same time. Which would you like me to lower?

You can too give them all three at the same time, as you imply in the first part of your statement: "I'm giving you the best price based on the service I am providing." You can also give them the best price and best quality for a lower service level. The best price for a lower service level and lower overall quality job would be lower. The best price for a high level of service and higher quality job would be higher. In each case, the "best price" is indeed best for each respective service level.

I offer three levels of service - one which is basic HWE, a second which is pre-scrub followed by HWE, and a third which is pre-vac, pre-scrub, HWE. Each is offered at my best price for level of service. Each is delivered with the highest quality that I can deliver at that level of service.

For what its worth, I had exactly 1 customer all year opt for the Basic HWE (pre-spray and rinse only). The OP says that I "mock" my own cleaning system. I presume he is referring to HWE. I do not mock it - I simply believe that HWE is much more effective and priduces a much better result if preceded by a pre-scrub. I really believe that, and I market that belief accordingly.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
I would not give them any additional discount. You are however in a bad position with one single account being 25% of your business. If they do leave what are you going to do?

Communication is the key. Explain the difference in your service and the discounts they are already getting. Most the time when I am confronted with a company that charges less I go into financial benefits for them using me.

The carpets look better and smell better, This attracts a higher quality tenent that will rent the unit faster. The $15 a carpet I charge more is still less than one days rent that you might lose if the unit sits.

I give you priority scheduling, In many cases we have cleaned same day and next day for you. One days rent is $25 or ? Using us saves you money in the long run and really doesn't cost you anything.

I realize that I cost more, but that is because I have better, more reliable equipment that outcleans most other companies.

Finallly, another reason you charge the same to clean an occupied unit. When you are cleaning the traffic areas you are cleaning the carpets where the dirt is. In an empty it takes you very little additional time to clean the areas where the furniture was. And actually working around furniture is more work than cleaning an empty unit.


Nov 8, 2009
rstrick said:
I have had two of my current PM groups call and ask for a discount on services that apply to other properties they manage as a benefit of doing business with me. The request is in part to help the charity owners that can't afford a professional cleaning. I know there are no other companies in town that can even come close to the quality of we produce. Our prices are a bit higher but reflect the results and service provided.

One part of me feels offended! Why is it they feel we should discount the current discount!

The other is I am not in competition with any of the companies in town. If they want cheap call the cheap cleaner with cheap results!

Is it not true that they choose to do business with our company because of the service and quality provided?

Any of you getting this?

They pitch it as benefit for the quantity of done with our company.

I don't get it!

Do you have a program such as the above?

I didn't get a discount of real estate fees when I bought one of their homes on the market!

Ok I feel Better! :mrgreen:

I read my thread again just to make sure, and yep no where did I ask for opinion. Not trying to validate anything. Just simply expressing how our industry is targeted on a regular bases on one common principal $$$. Amazing to me how easy one forgets about quality and service when looking to cut corners on those they do business with. I do however have no problem working with them when servicing their own facility! Just not not on properties they will make profit on. Is that not why we are in business to make profit. Once again they are already getting a discount as stated in the thread.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
As..I read this thread.."I am reminded..!"

That there are NO CHEAPER...sob's...on this EARTH than carpet cleaners.. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Since being on this board .."I HAVE NEVER"..heard so much bItChinG & WhinInG.."
About every item,distributor,juice, or widget ect...ect...IN MY LIFE....!

Has anyone on this BOARD........"EVER paid retail..?".... :?:
Most here that are 1st. to BITCH about a product or service on this forum..... :idea:
ARE THE CHEAPEST BasTurD'S HERE...... :roll:

Ever think that ....the Supplier's on this board...DESERVE A PROFIT ALSO...... :?:

ps..just a general statement..."Not targeting the author of this original thread..."

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Re: Re: Deal or No Deal?

HARPER said:
As..I read this thread.."I am reminded..!"

That there are NO CHEAPER...sob's...on this EARTH than carpet cleaners.. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Since being on this board .."I HAVE NEVER"..heard so much bItChinG & WhinInG.."
About every item,distributor,juice, or widget ect...ect...IN MY LIFE....!

Has anyone on this BOARD........"EVER paid retail..?".... :?:
Most here that are 1st. to BITCH about a product or service on this forum..... :idea:
ARE THE CHEAPEST BasTurD'S HERE...... :roll:

Ever think that ....the Supplier's on this board...DESERVE A PROFIT ALSO...... :?:

ps..just a general statement..."Not targeting the author of this original thread..."
Ditto Harpman

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


May 23, 2010
rstrick said:
rstrick said:
...Is it not true that they choose to do business with our company because of the service and quality provided?

Any of you getting this?

I read my thread again just to make sure, and yep no where did I ask for opinion...

Also, you chose to entitle the thread "Deal or No Deal?" with a question mark. I think most took that to imply you were inviting others to render an opinion on the matter. Perhaps that is not what you intended, but in that case, it would be good to remember that the imprecise use of language often elicits unintended consequences.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
David, the "BEST" price for whatever service is the typically referring to the LOWEST price at which you are willing to go, which may not be the best price for the customer's budget. Thats a very simple statement I've made and twice someone has tried to manipulate it.

Richard has a good approach, remind them of all the EXTRAs you are providing as well as the quality of work that they are enjoying.
Another point would be your consistency, your accountability, that they know when they call you they can trust that the job will be "done", no concerns on their part.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
How quickly do they pay? Maybe offer a discount if they pay faster? Give them an additional 3% if they pay in 10-days.

I'm just saying that if a property manager who gives me a good amount of work at my regular price were to ask me if I could help them meet a certain budget on a few properties that were not part of my normal route with them, I would try to make it work.
I agree with David, in a tight economy I'm going to do what I can to keep that account.

We're talking rentals, do they really need a 10-12 step process? Inform them that you want to help but to do so you'll them to work with you also.
Maybe for the discount to be valid they need to schedule you 4-6 units at a time or no discount.

What if they vacuumed for you?
What if you gave them a rake to keep and they groomed after you leave?

Something that would allow you to keep a level of quality while still working with them.
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