Devastator glide (new style)


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
I purchased a replacement glide for my 12" Devastator slots. I popped the old one off, heated the new one and put it on. Get to my first job the next day, 5,000 sq ft house with high end (cut/loop) carpet. Felt like there was no glide on the wand, in fact, it was grabbing the carpet. I had no idea what was going on...kept checking the the glide, then it hit me, there's a groove cut into the glide where the slots are. I never noticed the difference while putting in on. The website still shows the older style. I call the company, leave a message, get a call back and he knew exactly what the problem was and said, "give it time, it'll break in" and "it won't damage the carpet". So I used this wand all last week and it still grabs and truly sucks donkey d*$k to use. I am kinda pissed that the seller did not let me know of the change when I bought it. When I asked why the change, he said because cleaners were bitching about lines in the carpet and this would prevent/lessen them. We do dry passes, and I only noticed some lines as the glide was wearing down, but again, dry passes solve the problem.

I have 2 questions: For those using the devastator, were lines really that big of an issue with the older style and #2. how ******* long does this new glide take to break in? I'm at the point where it's making my jobs harder, and I thought the point of a glide was to be easier for the user. Thx!

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