Did the right thing for this new customer..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Excuse the typeAtalk but I had an extremely vicious day in the world of retail..

New customer found me on Google, asked me out to clean three bedrooms..

An older gentleman with a nice taste for classic cars and motorcycles, but unfortunately has cancer and his wife is suffering from Alzheimer's, so they're going to move back to California to be near their kids.

Before I could even inspect the carpet I noticed they had a very large blanket of foam oozing out from under their dishwasher, which I quickly set up my hoses to extract for them.
Apparently it did the same last week but they never called the plumber to figure out why.

The wife confided in me that he's been vomiting in the sink a lot lately and it's probably plugged something up.

Upon inspecting the carpet, I found some loose entry ways and severely worn polyester. He wanted to do the nice thing for the local couple that is moving up from a condo to this $600,000 track home, that probably sold for $65,000 in the '80s.

I gave him my best reasons why they should get all the furniture prior to cleaning. Mostly for the likely chance that the new owners wants to live with the carpet for while.

I gave them a number of a local repair guy that could tighten it up and fix the transitions and heavily suggested that the realtors negotiate on whether or not the carpet is saved.

Luckily they were of sound mind and all of this made sense to them so after some classic car talk and telling him about the new Harley, they asked me what they owed me, and I used the old Costco line of "whatever your conscience allows" .

Which was a $50 bill.

Which I'll spend later this week on an extended brake lever for the HD.

I love my hobby.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
and before YOU say anything..


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
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