Do you want to reduce your aches and pains? (naturally)


Sep 23, 2007
Dear fellow members .. I AM NOT A DOCTOR ..

We have all heard, "Man, I used to be able to do this back in the day." or " Oh boy, Im just getting too old to do that." and "I wish I had the strength to do that."

You ever wonder why the older you get the more pain you have? We say," Aw, youre just getting old." most of us are creating our own pain.

When we were young, our bodies were full of mineral reserves,( sodium,potassium,calcium and magnesium) (acid buffers) which were there to help fight off acids from the acid forming foods we ate .. most of what we eat today is acid forming which has depleted our mineral reserve from our bones muscles etc., since we have depleted our natural resource, we have no way to fight off the acids allowing it to be stored in our joints,mucles and bones causing pain .. an acidic body is prone to sickness and disease .. (is it arthritius or is it acid storage?)

We need to eat more alkaline forming foods .. such as FRESH vegetables ( frozen vegetables are acid forming)-(due to the processing), fruits and some nuts .. try to stay away from wheat products (all bread), dairy products and CORN .. corn is modified into so many things that we eat and corn is acidic .. organic if you can .. cause pesticides are acidic .. stay away from most frozen foods. use organic sugar if you must have sugar ..

Doctors used to say an apple a day will keep the dr away .. well, there is truth in that statement because apples are very high in alkaline and would fight off acid build up .. which would make you feel better . ever look at the food pyramid chart .. I used to say, who eats that much fruit and veg a day? Now I understand .. we all should!

Now adays, it seems like more and more people are getting sick and in pain .. (starting in their early thirties) alot of it has to do with what your eating .. and of course not excercising .. some of you may not be able to count on your traditional doctor to help you .. some of these doctors want to push their drugs on you .. 2 months ago I had a chloesterol test done .. doctor calls me up and says come in, we gotta get you on some meds .. I said NO! , cant I just change the way I eat and do a little more excercise? She says well , yes that would bring levels to normal .. guess what .. I changed the food intake and a little exercise and wollah .. im at a normal rate ..

In my opinion, I say check out a homeopatic/hollistic/alternative doctor and eat as much organic if possible .. fresh veggies a must .. dont boil, youll boil the nutrients right out of them .. steaming is the best .. dont over steam .. just till they get a little softer ..

stay away from bread, dairy and corn products .. and of course all sugary products ..theyre are many foods out there that taste good without all the poisons .. stay away from fast foods and all processed foods ( anything boxed) brown rice products would be good for you.. dont eat pork .. eat turkey and chicken products if you have to have meat .. its very low acid forming but with your 2 sides of veggies it should even out. .

Sorry to go on and on but if you want to try to live a pain free life, clean out your joints .. flush that acid and start replenishing your mineral deposits .. your minerals are acid buffers .. you may also benefit from mineral supplements ..

I hope this helps you .. eat good and good luck!

P.S. drinking water helps flush out the acids .. and as much as we carpet cleaners sweat, we need to be drinking alot of water ..

P.S.S. Did I mention Im not a doctor.

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I am currently trying to get back on my healthy eating way of life. It's a real pain to try to do that when I have a really busy schedule. It's the only way to go though.

I feel like I'm detoxing with the drastic diet changes. It's crazy how I have a headache and feel achy all over just from cutting my junk diet.


Jun 29, 2009
And STOP drinking sodas.

The acid thing is just one reason not to drink that poison.


Oct 17, 2006
Very good points. I am going to post a link to FreeLife International web site. They put out some really good dietary supplements. Look at the GoChi juice and the Jewel of the Orient.

I am 61 years old and over the years I have developed the usual assortment of aliments this biz has to offer. In April of this year, I started on the GoChi juice and the Reverse vitamins. After about a week to 10 days, the clicking in my knee was gone, I slept much better, muscles were less tired after a busy day. I have more energy and do not feel as tired after a busy day on the wand. I use to come home sit at the computer to do the book work and when I stood up again it would take a few steps to get going again. My back and left leg would kind of lock up on me. That has not happened in a few months. Also I found that my belly fat has slimmed out quite a bit. Over all I feel much better than before and I thought I was doing pretty well for a guy my age.

I would recommend anyone to at least take a look at the products and read the ingredients and compare to what you are now taking. these products are pretty concentrated.

Yes, I do sell the products as a sideline. I mainly use them. I still clean 5 to 6 days a week. You can find a person in your own area should you decide to try any of the products. Just wanted to let you guys know that there are many benefits to these and similar products on the market that you have over looked or have never heard of.

Here is the link ... sa/index.c


Sep 23, 2007
Jeremy N said:
I am currently trying to get back on my healthy eating way of life. It's a real pain to try to do that when I have a really busy schedule. It's the only way to go though.

I feel like I'm detoxing with the drastic diet changes. It's crazy how I have a headache and feel achy all over just from cutting my junk diet.

a busy schedule requires you to carry a cooler in the truck filled with carrots celery apples grapes and water .. stop at a store and buy some cucumber , peel it and eat it like you would a candy bar

detoxing is right .. like quitting smoking .. its very hard .. I crave sugary items all the time .. but tell my self pain will be the side effect .. headaches are prolly from the need for caffine ..

HANG IN THERE .. it will pay off in the long run.


Sep 23, 2007
meAt said:
thanks Paul

I'm curious how old you are and if arthritis effects you


Im 42 years old and im not sure its arthritis pain I feel .. I think its an overload of acid .. for years I was a junk food junkie .. fast foods everyday for lunch in between jobs and sometimes Mc D for breakfast too .. of course addicted to Pepsi .. atleast 6 cans a day everyday for years .. and Ive been aching since my early 30's .. always blamed the carpet cleaning ..

I started this new diet to curve my acid intake sometime last year .. it was very hard to stick too .. because I love boston creme donuts .. what got me too beleive I was poisoning myself is when I would do good for a month, Id cheat with some bad foods and a few days later I would feel achy for days .. even if I didnt work so hard ..

you have to look at the food and say, Im gonna eat you and know it will cause me pain ..this might help you to get something good ..


Sep 23, 2007
Ryan said:
And STOP drinking sodas.

The acid thing is just one reason not to drink that poison.

I think it takes 20 glasses of water to flush out the amount of acid storage 1 can of soda would produce .. I may be wrong on the exact amount, but you get the idea ..

alot of the foods (garbage) you eat are highly acidic .. get educated .. I promise you will feel beter!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Since I stopped drinking soda, I don't crave sweets at all. It's been a couple of years since I've had one.


Sep 23, 2007
John Watson, how old are you? Sorry to hear about Helen .. I really feel for your situation .. it may not be too late .. before giving up, which it sounds like you feel you have to do, try hiring a helper first .. you could be the on the job supervisor .. maybe prespray and point the finger here and there .. you could raise your price by $5 a room to help pay for the new helper .. Im sure your repeats wont mind that .. if that dosent work, then you went down fighting ..

while youre doing that, you could start your new diet and maybe before its too late, become healthy enough to continue on . I think you can do it ..

Give your body the good gas and your body will run alot better and drive a lot farther .

Good Luck!


Oct 17, 2006
I have very bad eating habits. I do not eat in the morning. Maybe a pack of crackers around 11 am. I do drink plenty of water with a little gator aid for flavor. Maybe a slice of bread and a little peanut butter late afternoon. I do not ever eat dinner before all my work in done in the evening. I love coke. (the drink) But have cut back on that. Do not drink it during the day. I still do like my dark chocolate dove bars frozen, of coarse that morning coffee is still on my menu. I do eat a lot of chicken, not much red meat. My wife is the eat healthy person. She has kind of worn off on me after 40 years. I do drink 4 oz of juice every morning along with my supplements and have more energy that lasts all day. My wife the nurse took one look at the reverse supplements and the ingredients and saw that they were far above what she was giving me from a well known company. So I guess there is something to all this stuff. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. Lots of good info above. If you plan on doing this type of work for the next 20 years or so. Change a few eating habits and pay attention to correct posture when lifting and pushing that wand and you can last for years.



Sep 23, 2007
Once you have balanced out your body and replenished your minerals .. you would be able to (and be required to) eat acid forming foods (to keep the balance) as long as your alkaline intake is much greater .. not sure where the line is drawn .. it would take a while to flush out the stored acids and toxins .. supplements will speed up the process .. there are books out there to guide you as to what to eat ..

P.S. nice to see there is no negative feedback .. I thought this diet/cleansing process was a joke in the beginning .. it has become a way of life .. and I feel much better ..

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Aside from eating "right"...I've started not eating "too much".
You would be surprised at how much fat comes off when you just don't go back for seconds.

I think the biggest thing that causes weight gain (bad weight gain) is the fact that your body doesn't know when it's full until about 10 minutes after it's full...maybe longer.

I sit with my empty plate in front of me thinking "God, I would love to have a little more".
So my deal that I make with myself is I have to wait 15 minutes after my first plate. If I am still hungry I will go back for more.
I haven't gone back for more in over 2 months. that first 5 minutes is hard but then it's like it never happened and I don't feel like I'm going to explode.

I know I am hardly the vision of health after passing out and going to the hospital a few days ago lol. But I do feel better than I have in years.
AND the Doctors gave me a clean bill of health.
Go figure.

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