Does it drive you nutzzzzz

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
I got bored, so i looked into another CC site I no longer frequent. But this issue is not just with them I see it here and other sites too.

Ok, the issue. People who post videos of them doing things that are improper ,turns out better then it was but far from how it should have be. 50 follow up post saying how great the guy did ,(he did it wrong people)or the end result looks like crap with visible spots and soil in traffic lanes etc. You can hide things from the camera, but the camera wont lie.

In this case, it happened to be a re-stretch and clean. Finished job looked much better then before he started no doubt, but if you are going to post such a video. It should be as close to perfect as possible, and done correctly.

1. Power stretching half a room and improperly using a knee kicker for the other half is not correct.

2. A knee kicker is to be used only to maneuver carpet, NOT STRETCH IT.

3. A knee kicker is to be bumped with your knee not hit with a mallet. By using the mallet you wont get the drive required and it is difficult to get the enough weight on the head to keep it from ripping the carpet

4. you are not done stretching the carpet if there are still wrinkles at the corners.

5. Fiber distortion from long standing wrinkles can be made less noticeable with steam and agitation.

6. when post spotting on video, show that you rinsed the spot especially when using things like rust remover. ( by the way rust removers work best pre spotting rather then post spotting) Harsh acids need to be neutralized and flushed.

All in all the job done was not terrible. But he is a moderator on a board whose main function seems to be to teach noobs the ins and outs of this business. Not videoing or stating that post spotting was properly rinsed out can be very damaging to a new cleaner who saw the video as a learning exercise. improper use of knee kicker and power stretcher should be kept off video, if you cant do it right. And to charge a customer to re-stretch a carpet then show remaining wrinkles in the post video. HMMMM

I am not even touching the topic of what he charged to do this. but Know your cost of business, and dont under charge.

This is just the newest fiasco of a video I have seen there are many others out there that amaze me. I love the one where the guy is cleaning the transition from the dining room to the kitchen and floods the kitchen, and is so proud of his work. A little advise, go to the nearest supply house and buy a clue. And if you are going to post a learning or bragging video, Do it right as many noobs receive a substantial amount of their education from these boards. right or wrong thats a fact.

Not every job will be perfect and done by the book, but if you choose to post a video that one should be.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
What does that have to do with it? My post was not to knock his work, but to knock the video. You do as your conscience says, but dont teach others to do crap work too. If you make money doing a half ass job. Fine, dont post a video of it teaching others to do crap work too.

Maybe you dont care what kind of crap ass work you subs do Brian, But I would rather teach people to do it right or not at all

And stupid post like that Brian are why people go to the Cermaks, Pembertons and the like for advise and not a half assed x-cleaner like yourself.


Oct 7, 2006
where can we see this gem?

got a youtube link?

don't post something like this and not have a link

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I didn't see the video so I can't argue with you. The vid WAS of his work right? So really isn't that what you were knockin? It's seems he was pretty proud of it or he wouldn't have posted it.
And you haven't seen my subs work either so talk crap to me all you want but I only use Pros.

You're right, I am a "half assed x-Cleaner"....hense the ex part. I was never as good as I wanted to be but my customers loved my work because I cared...not because I was anal upity knowitall asshole cleaner who thinks that his cleaning is the only way anything can be done.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
Again Brian, I will say it slowly so you can understand.

1. I am not knocking his work. I am knocking his teaching others to do the job improperly !!

2.I am not claiming to be perfect, I dont post videos of me doing half assed work either.

3. I have seen your subs work! But this is besides the point.

4. The finished product shown on the video was possibly acceptable for a rental depending on the budget alloted for the job. But again, Dont post a teaching video on a self proclaimed teaching site run by a self proclaimed Industry leader, if you arent doing it by the book!!!!

5. Off topic, but leaders are appointed by actions not declared by wannabes.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Scott Rogers said:
Again Brian, I will say it slowly so you can understand.

1. I am not knocking his work. I am knocking his teaching others to do the job improperly !!


"Improperly" by who's standards? Do you think the guy who posted the video thinking "well this is a crap job but I'm going to post it anyway"? Serious questions because maybe he did.

And brutha, you're not posting slow enough.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
From what I've gathered when Rob was cleaning his beach apartment move out he was a dry foamer.
Spent many years doing that BS. Based on many comments, I believe he has spent very little time behind a wand.

The fact the he and the even more clueless brat of his endorse the Crazy George Grijalva video set we can safely assume the Allens don't know shit about Premium Carpet Cleaning.

Good catch Scott.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
considering what he started with, he did pretty good, for the average cleaner in a rental.
I saw the big wrinkle in the corner and his vacuuming left a lot to be desired; however, it probably raised the bar compared with how 80% of cleaners would have handled that.
Could he have done better? For sure.
Would the landlord pay for that extra effort? Unknown.

I cleaned a place the other day, I took before/afters and will make a short vid of it, but there are still spots in the carpet that wouldn't come off, even with a Vanish-type afterspray. But compared with what I started with to the finished product, surprised even me. They are selling the house and I suggested replacing but the realtor told me to clean it.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I agree with the vacuuming being done poorly, but the overall negative tone taken regarding his work is a bit over the top. The job looked pretty good to me, and I never thought about hammering in the knee kicker. Think I will try that. My knees are always sore.

I guess the reason Scott jumped on him so bad is because he views the dude as setting himself up as some kind of industry leader, and it's true that the job was not done properly. So, in that regard I can see Scott's point. However, I would have been happy with getting paid for it in my world.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
hogjowl said:
I guess the reason Scott jumped on him so bad is because he views the dude as setting himself up as some kind of industry leader, and it's true that the job was not done properly. So, in that regard I can see Scott's point. However, I would have been happy with getting paid for it in my world.

Yes as I have stated over and over again in this thread. He is a moderator on ***. *** Claims to be the place to go to learn this business. If you are going to teach someone how to do something, teach them the right way, let them learn there own bad habits.

As I stated before, we all have bad habits, no one is perfect. But if you are going to set yourself up as a teacher/mentor do the right thing.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
There was a pretty cheesy repair video by Allen on *** where he covers up a burn by fraying off some fibers with a razor the super gluing them over the spot and trimming it down. I have not seen the restretch video but it’s my experience that you’re better off stretching just enough to make the customer happy and not trying for the recommended 1-1.5% stretch. Doing a proper stretch often reveals other installation flaws and you end up replacing tackless and often seams.

Joel D

May 23, 2007
Oakfield, NY
Joel Darker
i watched it.

using a hammer to club a kicker -super hack and is worthless. all he had to do is move the stretcher head to that area, shorten the tubes length and stretch like he did the other walls

if an installer has a small area to kick in, you lock the carpet on the pins immediatly as you kick before the carpet stretch bounces back

point taken though the customer wouldnt care


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I looked at that and thought "hey, that's a good idea." You see, I view the knee kicker as nothing more than an assist tool. It should never be counted on for the actual stretch of the carpet. There have been many times when I was installing carpets when I found myself in a situation where the power stretcher head, me and the knee kicker couldn't all fit in a tiny space and still allow me room to swing my knee without knocking off skin and hitting bone. Having a good, heavy rubber mallet would have been nice.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Nice job on crappy carpet.

Scott is right though, to train a newby to do that is risky.

If they don't keep enough pressure on the kicker and swing like that they will rip that carpet up.

This dude has mastered the technique, but it's certainly not something he should teach others to attempt.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
FCC said:
:? I really dgas but I am a bit curious why the fook he is pounding on the stair tool like that..

pretty crappy technique and job imo....certainly not someone who should be teaching others

you do mean kicker right... stair tool is supossed to used for that purpose.. just not at the baseboard.. at the crotch of a step hense the name stair tool.

Scott, nice eye on the tension wrinkle at the corner.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
no not along the baseboard.. and not like that... we use along quarter rounds with a rubber mallet.. and a few taps its in. I get lazy after a whole house and I have a blisters from tucking with my hawk bill and will tuck with a mallet/stair tool for a while,, but no reason to get that aggresive with it. there are other tools better suited for setting carpet on the strip.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
Yep, thats my picture of a cleaning in progress. It was for a rental move out so they could and did get their whole deposit back. Why you want me to teach you how to clean that good. 8)

The customer wasnt interested in a restretch as it wasnt their house. But if they would have paid for it you wouldnt find any wrinkles when I was done.

But the fact that you keep trying to take this thread off subject simply amazes me. I guess its the only attention you can get, since no one reads your threads.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Naaah, you were just talkin about doing things right and all that. Didn't figure you would post a pic of a job not done correctly. Doesn't it drive you nutzzzzz?

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