Dry mopping directions for Martys

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
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Microfiber flat mops

Somewhat recent advancements in Microfiber mops and bonnets/pads have changed the way we maintain or clean resilient floors. Microfiber has over 40 times more cleaning surface than cotton fiber and can absorb 8 times more liquid than its weight.

The technician should/shall fill a bucket or sink with enough RTU cleaning solution to effectively submerge the needed amount of mop heads. On average one wet mop head should be used to wet clean every 100 square feet. Soiled mop heads should be collected and laundered at the end of the work day.

Both wet and dry use options are available, with specialty mops for more aggressive scrubbing action,disposable options, along with designs for applying topical finishes. Multiple options for attaching the mop head to the pole are available as well.

Dust that feature a 360 degree fringe have a naturally occuring static charge that draws dust and loose particles, achieving excellent results for daily maintenance cleaning on floor surfaces.

In both wet and dry use applications, the mop should be used in a figure 8 motion with special attention needed to keep the leading edge out(in) front at all times. If randomly rotated, the collected debris can fall off the trailing edge of the mop head, creating a mess behind. The removable dust mop head should be cleaned or replaced often, depending on dry soil load.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Somewhat recent advancements in Microfiber mops and bonnets/pads have changed the way we maintain or clean resilient floors. Microfiber has over 40 times more cleaning surface than cotton fiber and can absorb 8 times more liquid than its weight.

The technician should/shall fill a bucket or sink with enough RTU cleaning solution to effectively submerge the needed amount of mop heads. On average one wet mop head should be used to wet clean every 100 square feet. Soiled mop heads should be collected and laundered at the end of the work day.

Both wet and dry use options are available, with specialty mops for more aggressive scrubbing action,disposable options, along with designs for applying topical finishes. Multiple options for attaching the mop head to the pole are available as well.

Dust/dry mops that feature a 360 degree fringe have a naturally occuring static charge that draws dust and loose particles, achieving excellent results for daily maintenance cleaning on floor surfaces.


In both wet and dry use applications, the mop should be used in a figure 8 motion with special attention paid to keeping the leading edge out(in) front at all times. If randomly rotated, the collected debris can fall off the trailing edge of the mop head, creating a mess behind. The removable dust mop head should be cleaned or replaced often, depending on dry soil load.

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