Dual wand question


Aug 1, 2007
Today was our first day dual wanding all day long with our genesis DXT. When we single wand clean, I raise the rpm until the kunckle valve starts to cycle (1600rpm) at 15hg. So, today we dual wand on two jobs. I raised the rpm to 2300, the kunckle isn't popping at (14.5hg) , but there is actually noticeably more vacuum on both wands. Doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't there have been a drop in performance? weird.


May 19, 2007
The reason you have more vacuum is because you're running more cfm and you're letting the blower breathe with two wands.

If the relief valve pops then you're letting vac go out the relief valve and not out your wand. So you loose some vac.

Anyways when dual wanding CFM's are your friend and don't worry about lift so much as long as you can keep the cfm's up for both wands then you're doing fine. If you get 12-13 hg dual wanding you're pulling pretty darn hard and efficient.

I'd like to know how the heat does when single and dual wanding with that Diesel Genesis. And how you're doing with fuel both ways. And how loud you'd say it is. I'm really interested in it as my next machine!! Anyone want a 2 yr old CDS????


Aug 1, 2007
This was my second day dual wanding all day.

It holds 220-230 on two ti wands, with .12 flow each - solid. It never dropped below 220 from what I can tell. No fooling around. That's running at 2600 rpm - it goes to 3k rpm. It would probably go hotter if you ran it higher.

I imagine it might go higher soon, because the water box is dumping into the waste tank at 95 degrees instead of 180. There is a faulty safety valve. Because of that we have been going through 250-350 gallons on a regular job. So, it's bypassing very quickly. I expect to get 230 when it's fixed. PowerClean FED-X'd the part but it's not here yet.

Fuel- It's hard to say, but I did an eight hour day of cleaning on the machine and drove - 80 - 90 miles and it used 14 gallons of diesel. Ran the air conditioning and drove fast.

Noise - the DXT in my machine is quiet, partly because the engine it is quieter than a gas engine (I don't get that). And because of the install that PowerClean did. Lot's of sound deadening and carpet. They also have really good silencers.

So far, I am very pleased.


May 19, 2007
Sounds pretty good especially coming from a vortex to be happy. Glad to hear it keeps around 230 with 2 .12 flow wands, keep us posted if it does better with the diverter fixed. Can't wait till I can get out of my cds.....there is about 1.5-2 months a year i'd love to have a dual wand machine. This weekend being one of those times...I've got a full 8 hr day of cgd folowed by Sunday having around 2-3k ft (can't remember exactly how much) to do HWE. But my machine pretty well sucks about 1.8 gph of fuel and can only do single wanding.

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