Dual wanding

Sep 7, 2008
I have a large job tomorrow that is a wide open banquett room. My brother agreed to help me and he can run the wand as good as me. So this is the perfect job to test out the dual wand performance. I have never even attempted it.

As far as performance goes, I played with a dual three stage Mytee the other day and the suction was pathetic. I asked the guy how he used that on a daily basis. I mean there was almost no suction and the machine was working fine. Well when I hooked up my 2 inch to it and used my glided wand it was better but not great. I have no doubt my suction will be double that even when dual wanding but is that enough? There will ne nothing fancy. Just two 150' sections and the machine running wide open. I may be suprised. We shall see. I just don't feel like taking two trucks.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Why would you have a dual wand machine if you dont have any employees? If your an owner operator and your the only one running the wand most of the time, why have it. hire some employees or get a single wand machine... hmmm BTW im a hater
Sep 7, 2008
I have three part time helpers which I use for commercial work, restaurants, etc. but I am cutting way back on commercial and need to hire some more permanent full time people as they have full time jobs. Try running an Everest one time with four to the door and you will see why I have one. Joey I have a Legend Xl which is stronger than a TCS and the Everest just cleans better and faster more heat and suck etc. Just because a machine is dual wand doesn't mean it needs to be run in high on every job. I could use a portable but I need just a little more power than that. Plus I bought the machine with 24 hours with apo, freshwater tank, pressure washing tools, hf, 4 jet wand, hose reels, 300 ft of hose, 100 gallon tank, and complete install for 15k cash. Have you ever heard of a deal that good? I think not.

Joey you remind me of a guy here that started his business from the start with a commercial space, several trucks running portables, tons of direct mail advertising, cheap prices, and lots of overhead. He told me his overhead every month was 11k and he was running two portables and rotovacs, had a full time office worker, and three techs. After talking to me and realizing he was working his ass off for not much profit, I convinced him to scale back, raise his prices, focus on referrals, lower his overhead, and he would make the same profit with a lot less headache and work. I told him he could grow through referrals. He said he was building his business and had to get the word out one way or another. I replied it is one thing to look busy and successful but I have been in the same position as you and you are cleaning mostly one time customers. Either bust their head and be done with it or focus on the right customers that will bend over backwards to refer you.

Joey one day you will learn that when you subtract all the money you spend on chems, equipment, insurance, maintenance, rent, advertising, YOUR TIME OR LIFE, payroll etc, from your gross you will see that it is easier AND LESS STRESSFUL to just raise your price, be more efficient, seek referral sources, work less, and put more cash in your pocket. You can still grow but not overnight. I used to be just like you. I had a commercial space for two years and realized the money for me was keeping my overhead low and maximizing my profit. I cleaned a ton of apartments and wanted to stay super busy and I did. I cleaned carpet 7 days a week and worked nights at Fed Ex mainly for health insurance. I got burned out after two years and as I got smarter and learned more I have changed my business. I am at the point where I am ready to expand and really make some money.

Joey you are two years older than me and I really don’t know your finances, but I started my biz with less than a thousand dollars have had zero support from anyone. My MINT CONDITIION HOUSES which I bought cheap at 50 percent, equipment, trucks, boats, and basically everything I own is paid for, zero credit card debt, plenty of cash in retirement, stock account, and the bank. I don’t make a lot. I just don’t blow money, I save, and I make sound investments. The point I am making is you don’t have to have a multi truck company with lots of employees to make more money. I read an article that a guy asked how to make more money. Easy raise your price, lower your overhead and you will automatically make more.

I like knowing I don’t have to make a truck payment or mortgage and I can work when I want to. Plus I have a nice rental income. I am not super motivated which I should be.

Everyone does what they feel is best for them and there is no right answer. I hope you have great success and I will help you or anyone else here in any way I can. I just prefer to not clean nasty apartments or Denny’s Restaurants. I would rather work for professionals in nicer homes.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
danielc said:
I have a large job tomorrow that is a wide open banquett room. My brother agreed to help me and he can run the wand as good as me. So this is the perfect job to test out the dual wand performance. I have never even attempted it.

As far as performance goes, I played with a dual three stage Mytee the other day and the suction was pathetic. I asked the guy how he used that on a daily basis. I mean there was almost no suction and the machine was working fine. Well when I hooked up my 2 inch to it and used my glided wand it was better but not great. I have no doubt my suction will be double that even when dual wanding but is that enough? There will ne nothing fancy. Just two 150' sections and the machine running wide open. I may be suprised. We shall see. I just don't feel like taking two trucks.

Those are pretty strong statements regarding Mytee's products. If it was pathetic, most likely it hasn't been maintained. Everyone who's been to Mytee's facility was impressed with the results of their units. I know for a fact their dual 3stage portable M5 has way more suction then a lot of other portables out there. Of course you can't compare a portable to a TM, but Mytee's does in fact hold there weight against the best of them in portables. From all your posts, your pretty opinionated person. But always flip flop back and forth, losing credibility IMHO. :D


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Daniel, well You machine may be more powerfull than mine. But all my equipment is brand new!!! Everything i bought I paid in cash. My house is paid for as well. Like I said I was a restaurant manager and district manager with a total of 8 restaurants. I have a very good sense on how to run numbers and keep costs low. So I am not new to the managing side of a business. I started out this business with a portable. I only used it for six months. I also own a property management company, many rental homes. I started all of this with the income from carpet cleaning. I dont want the most powerfull TM. I have a 24 hp honda with a #4 blower I probably can out clean you any day! My customer service is excellent! I probably get 3 packages a week of cookies cakes and such from my customers. Do you? OH by the way I opened a second location in another state 2 months ago. And I am starting another location in Ohio in July. Can you say that? I dont sub out my work. I answer all the calls. And manage 12 employees. So before you start judging me, I invite you to come look at my zero debt finances. I'm not rich but its all paid for. 12 vehicles. So when your business goes under give me a call I could use a good carpet cleaning tech... :)


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
well i use a portable for 5 years , owe everyone and there mom money and live life by the rats ass. can i join you guys pissing contest also lol
Sep 7, 2008
As far as dual wanding goes it is not as productive on most jobs as having an extra set of hands to prespray, move and tab furniture, vacuum, pull hose, post spot etc. I am more productive with this method. This is rare in that it is totally open and large enough that dual wanding makes sense. Then again I am thinking my glided rx, machine wide open, apo running, my helper prespraying with a second solution line, and pulling hose will be faster with better results. I think I am going to go with the second option. I will do some tests with dual wand. I did a job earlier and had two 50' sections and the suction was pretty good with one vac hose open. I will post back later.

Joey congrats on your success. Just try not to rub it in all of us bd's faces. :wink:


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
juniorc82 said:
well i use a portable for 5 years , owe everyone and there mom money and live life by the rats ass. can i join you guys pissing contest also lol
Hey me to only dif is I got a broke Dick lookin machine

I wanna join to

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
if he is fine on the wand then just make sure when you dual wand, to kep the wands in contact with the carpet as much as possible

ir you walk away from the wand, I wouldn't leave it turned up sucking air

turn up the pressure a little and just take your time

if he isn't that good on the wand then just have him do some prescrub, tabbing, post bonnet, hose moving,etc


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
With my 6008, I have had both wands out and left the dump valve open and never noticed a thing.

Till I went outside and the parking lot was full of waste water.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
hogjowl said:
With my 6008, I have had both wands out and left the dump valve open and never noticed a thing.

Till I went outside and the parking lot was full of waste water.

You buy the kid books and clothes, send them to school and WTF they do, Eat the crayons!



Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
you can dual no problem,when i do it i cover the bypass with a plastic cup. i noticed air was still bypassing. i guess i just have a really big blower :lol:


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