Dynachem powermax on Olefin


Supportive Member
Oct 2, 2008
My uncle was gonna replace the carpet in this rental. I guarantee this place did not see a vacuum the entire time they were in there. Pets, kids, plenty of spills. The halls were toast as the pile had melded itself together. This is an olefin.
Heavily pre-vacuumed , presprayed add scrubbed with a carpet brush and 175. fresh water rinse, and finally grandi-groomed. I have decided that on the nasties I prefer the brush, it brings out more crap from the carpet than does the red pad scrub.
I didn't get a pic of the tile, but it came out very nicely- all with the same juice.
After my report of clobster, I felt like I needed to post this, just to even things out.



These are cell phone pics, prior to grooming.
Done with the porty on 100' of 2" hose 400psi. 1.5" wand-cause I am broke. bucket heaters.


Supportive Member
Oct 2, 2008
The bottom of the second pic is not a good representation. In all fairness the natural light was almost gone by the time I left.
I should say that he was an extremely happy camper also.

Preach- yes it can prolly get you to the moon, just not back. :p
That requires a black hole inducing V.

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