Economics 101 REQUIRED urgently

Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
What the "H" is wrong with our Senators and Congressmen in Washington DC,.......and especially our less than brilliant President?

They want to increase the minimum wage. I am amazed that the (mostly) part-time workers are in favor of this and will stand up and offer an immediate applause. These people, IMHO, had better go back to school and take an advanced course in Micro/Macro Economics'.

This will only cause more unemployment, increase inflation by increasing others wages (ex: auto workers, etc...) , causing all products and food items to increase in costs therefore, erasing any real increase in purchasing power by increasing the minimum wage. This is a false increase in purchasing power. And, I am surprise at the lack of common sense and rather this truly exposes the fact that these People in Washington DC only want these peoples votes, period.

The way one realistically INCREASES the minimum wage is to provide full employment in our country by standing with the employers rather than against them by forcing companies overseas, or putting them out of business by stupid policies such as these. If we have full employment, the employer would have to bid (offer more money for the employees services) for part time and full time employees. When this happens as a natural growth state, then it does not increase other products and people would have more money left in their pockets.

What a welfare state these representatives have developed in our Country.

I'll bet my old Economics Professor is rolling in her grave right now.

Best to all & especially to Small Business;
Ed Valentine

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Economics is always tricky, can manipulate numbers to prove almost anything.

From what i have seen the benefits are overrated as most are on govt programs anyway or live with mom still. But the pain put on small business is overrated also, basically a wash.

Do think the min wage should be raised slightly, inflation has really put a hurtin on low/middle wage workers over the last 20 years. The problem is the practical benefit is minimal.

Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
The present state of our once great nation isn't even close to sustainable. We are headed for real trouble if we don't turn this thing around. I don't think we can, we're in too deep and the mentality of many Americans is one of entitlement rather than responsibility. Teach your kids well, I think that's our best hope.

The Clean Machine

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
The present state of our once great nation isn't even close to sustainable. We are headed for real trouble if we don't turn this thing around. I don't think we can, we're in too deep and the mentality of many Americans is one of entitlement rather than responsibility. Teach your kids well, I think that's our best hope.

The Clean Machine
The trouble is that examples often from the top. You know the guy that rewards not working, thrives on division and segmentation of America, Only takes care of his voting block instead of all Americans and says that it is OK to be stoned. What happens the new America when Mom dies and they have to move out of the basement?
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Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
My new mantra when it comes to our government is "alter or abolish".

Its time for a "reset". I simply don't think there is any other way out of it. Elections alone will not do it.

I've recently come to this conclusion, as more and more people certainly will. Now its just a matter of when.

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