Educational Piece this week/Public Speaking


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Points of Public speaking
A couple quick snafus that had happened to some executives prior to there speaking in front of a group:
A woman was nervous before going before the Chairman of the Board and was chewing on a pen beforehand and had not realized the pen burst and her teeth were black through the whole presentation, another one was a gentleman at a banking meeting was getting out of his chair to speak and the chair collapsed and broke apart trapping him between the pieces of chair and the wall. The point is anything and everything can happen. Here are 6 things that may help

Knowing your message and your audience
The first consideration when speaking before a group is identifying what you want to achieve. Are you trying to persuade a prospect to try your service or motivate your sales team? Once you’ve determined your target audience, craft your presentation to offer them tangible benefits, such as how a your process or product can save them time or money.
Bring cue cards.
It’s wise to have notes containing key points whenever you have the chance to present. Even if you know what to say, your notes will serve as a backup and boost your confidence.
Unless you’re an improv whiz, you don’t want to wing it. Practice before a mirror or in front of someone who will give you constructive feedback I use my wifes friends. Pay attention to any distracting habits you may have, such as and ummm or and then and and and. You can avoid these behaviorsif you’re aware of them.
Slow down and relax.
When presenting, try to maintain a moderate pace -- get cues from your audience. Start in a calm, measured way and articulate your words clearly so they are easily understood. Take natural pauses when appropriate and breathe. You’ll also appear more personable and relaxed if you avoid reading verbatim from a script and smile from time to time. Do not be too technical try to educate but do not be a preaching know it all.
Recover when necessary.
If you suffer a presentation snafu, don’t panic. Relax take a deep breath and focus on keeping your composure. Do your best to get back on track as soon as possible.

Ask for feedback.
After you’ve presented, ask for feedback from some people after the meeting that may be helpful. Encourage them to provide constructive criticism and try to learn from their comments(unless it is a prospect). And then ask if they have any questions.

Having little hesitation about public speaking can boost your confidence, enhanced confidents in you from your prospects and, ultimately, help you advance your business. Remember public speaking is a skill that improves with practice — the more experience you acquire, the better and more comfortable you will be at it.



Sep 29, 2007
i am good at all that except slowing down and relaxing. i am a bit of a spaz at times, so i need to keep that in mind


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I joined toastmasters last year near my town. It is great fun also


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I got nothing else to do today... Bring it on... I am about to have a Markers Mark while I straighten the shop, wife and kids won't be home until Friday and I just finished the beach house a day early(planned that way).

I will say people have it all wrong I own 3 beach properties
1 osterville mass snooty town great beaches but the upkeep is crazy
1 Marston Mills this is a behemoth 3500 sq ft beautiful home in a gated development, my prized posession $650,000(at a discount) of beautiful property. Still just a home
1 cottage marshfield mass probably valued under $250,000 been in the family for 40 yrs(I own it now suckers) it is soo comfortable, you never have to worry about anything it is beach living at its best. I own a huge house up the road for year round living and it has no character. I would sell my house and move to the cottage in a minute

success isn't big money it is living. A friend of mine owns a huge company and will be a billionaire in a few years and lives in a cottage(of course hie bathroom was $50,000 and deck was another $75,000) like mine. It is all about life

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