Equipment Options

Mar 31, 2010
Well, I may be getting back into the business sooner than I expected. I've been out of Carpet cleaning for 8 years, so needless to say, things have changed!

I've always been a huge fan of low moisture cleaning. I used the Ultra Dry system before and I'm considering going in that direction again. But I want to consider all options, especially after reading all about OP cleaning.

So with my budget, I've basically come up with 2 scenarios:

1. Buy a 300 rpm rotary machine and use the Ultra Dry system, or even try the rotary with another chem, such as EncapGreen. This setup is cheaper than an OP machine and would save me some money to buy a used Steamin Demon, which I think would be great to use as a first step in restorative cleaning, followed by padding. I know a rotary machine is nice and fast to use on commercial too, and can even use one of the Scrub3 attachments to do some commercial encap.

2. Buy an orbot and use it for both residential and commercial. I'm still unsure of how quick this machine would be on commercial carpet. I also would not be able to get the Steamin Demon at this point.

Just curious to hear some feedback. Idealy, I'd love an orbot and a steamin demon, but not sure I have the budget for both at this point. Of course I could probably start with the orbot and add a Demon later...

Choices, choices...:)

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
My goodness, Philip Newell from years ago on the ICS board? How have you been?
(See- memory isn't the first thing to go. I'm still sharp as a marble)
Mar 31, 2010
Hey Friends! Good to see you all still around.

Yep, after a few years off, I'm back. I've been in the sign and graphic business for the last few years. But the economy has really taken it's toll on that industry, and frankly, I miss cleaning too. I'm living abroad right now, but we may have to return to the states in the next few months, so I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row just in case.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Not very many here are familiar with Ultra Dry system. We'd used it since the early 90's. No doubt a good system. However, we limit it to commerical work and use the original ultradry as a spotter for almost anything.

I've used the encap products and weren't too thrilled at the results of it. That's just my take on it. OP and encapping, you can move a lot faster and not have "hot hands" if you know what I mean. :lol:

As for the steamin demon, it does have it's place like everything else does. I'd suggest aleast get a glide for it. It improves the recovery so much better and you can push it forward and back instead of just back without a glide.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
CleanImage said:
So Nate, would you say in your experience that you found Ultra Dry to be a better cleaning system than Encap products?

They both have there place. Imho opinion I believe UD is. It is more costly to use then encap and you can't dilute it. Since your on a budget and used to UD system, I'd go that route. I may be a bit baised towards HWE for residential. Anything with kids and people in general, laying on or around flooring gets HWE. As for commerical office building, UD or encap has it's place.

Maybe you can surf youtube for encapping or cimex and see the process. What I define encapping is spraying shampoo and scrubbing it in. OP/bonnetting you aleast remove some soil.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
CleanImage said:
Thanks. I've also considered the Ultra Dry system with an orbot. That might be a killer setup.

I'd be curious on that too. UD needs 300+rpms for the system to work. Xerion is the same too. Greenglides Lisa used Xerion.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Everything has it's place, true.......... You would either need a portable extractor or a Truckmount. You need to be using the water extraction method 90 % of the time anyways. Would you want chem fry coming into your home and using a buffer on your carpet? I don't think so. The industry is ruined with bonnet, encap, and such. Those are ok methods like I said only some of the time..

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
CleanImage said:
1. Buy a 300 rpm rotary machine and use the Ultra Dry system, or even try the rotary with another chem, such as EncapGreen. This setup is cheaper than an OP machine and would save me some money

Op will out clean a rotary and bonnets

buy a used Steamin Demon, which I think would be great to use as a first step in restorative cleaning, followed by padding.

dude, the scrub goes BEFORE the rinse
and if you're a "big fan" of low moisture cleaning, I'm not sure you'll be a big fan of soaking carpets with a Steamon Deamon
Post pad or not...

I know a rotary machine is nice and fast to use on commercial too, and can even use one of the Scrub3 attachments to do some commercial encap.

You know what, I'm going to swim upstream here and say: Who cares how fast you are? Did you do a thorough job? Did you charge enough to cover your expenses and make a nice profit? Was your customer pleased with your balance of price and service?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sorry, couldn't resist...I just read that "somewhere"....

and if you think you're doing a "thorough" job with bonnets, pads, and sCampoo, you're sadly mistaken....."big fan" of low moisture or not.
Do you, or did you have much experience previously with TM hot water extraction done "right" before your hiatus?

2. Buy an orbot and use it for both residential and commercial. I'm still unsure of how quick this machine would be on commercial carpet. I also would not be able to get the Steamin Demon at this point.

what's with the "quick" again?
Buy an OP machine, but skip the Deamon and buy a real porty .
It's more versatile and easier to clean steps and upl with.
and with 50 to 75 ft of hose, you don't have to drag a machine up Mrs Phiff's stairs to clean her bed's just a no brainer to me

Just curious to hear some feedback.

you got some...with meAt sauce on it
and welcome (seriously)

Mar 31, 2010
Well, I guess the ole debate still goes on, after all these years. :)

And I do think padding after HWE is a nice way to finish a carpet.

Everyone has their own techniques and methods.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
CleanImage said:
Well, I guess the ole debate still goes on, after all these years. :).

which debate is that, Phil?

that the scrub goes before the rinse?


That sCampooing or rotary bonnet cleanings is not as thorough as TM?
There's no debate with me, cause we use ALL those methods and often in combination.
We don't sCampoo much (unless it's followed by TM rinse) cause sCampoo alone is the least of the methods.
We do use an OP as a stand alone method though

And I do think padding after HWE is a nice way to finish a carpet. .

that's cool.
We do too, but only when the floor is uneven and the wand doesn't get a flat bite on the carpet.
otherwise, it's a pretty big waste of time for little to no benefit
("IF" you know how to run a wand)
You might be surprised how many don't

Everyone has their own techniques and methods.

yep .
and some are better than others .
Those that use multi methods alone and in combination know that
Those that don't ...don't

But..having said all that.... it's all about catching crawdads.
as long as you and custys are happy with the's all good to me



Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
just remember.................. If you use your method you will be voiding your customers warranty in most cases............ So does that make you feel good knowing your ruining your customers carpet? And just pushing the dirt down into the pad instead of extracting the dirt?


Oct 19, 2006
OP'ing is great.....cleans well and dries fast. A high quality machine with high quality pads does make a difference.

The only weakness of OP is that it does not pick up residue from previous cleaners and spills that are liquid as well as HWE. So you can use SD or porty to preclean the carpet and then OP to get the rest of the dirt out. It will dry faster that way than reversing the order.

Larry Cap is right about could get something as easy as a Host machine to do that. This system takes longer than HWE alone but gives great results.

If you want a TM, look for a good used unit. You only need a 36 or 45 blower with 2.5 inch hose and a two inch wand. With a "modded" TM you can spray, scrub, and clean with two hour dry times. You could also use the OP machine for small commercial jobs, with or without the TM.
Mar 31, 2010
Thanks for the replies.

Just to clear things up, I'm not anti-TM in any way. I just don't feel that it's the only way to clean. I had one at one time, it did have it's place. But I built up a nice customer base using the low moisture method. Yes, there are times when HWE is a better choice. That's why I think a steamin demon would fill my needs in those rare instances. Seems like a great way to flush out the nasties. However, if I did use HWE, I would follow up with pads to make sure the carpet was as dry as possible before I left. That's important to me, and it was important to the customers I had.

The debate I referred to was the TM vs padding debate. I understand that we all have our favorite methods. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I know what I do is a SAFE and effective way to clean carpets. I'm confident in the systems I used before, but always willing to try something new as well.

Again, thanks for a all the input. This industry is still as lively as it was 8 years ago. :)

Todd Anthony

Jan 31, 2009
Ultra Dry is VERY expensive. 14.50 a gallon and you don't dilute it. It says 1 gallon will clean 500 sq. ft. for 14.50?
That doesn't make sense to me. I don't see how it would be much better then any other bonnet cleaning shampoo.

I don't know if a glide would improve the dry time on a Steamin Demon? if not then your looking at 8-10 hour dry times...

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