Exciting morning


Oct 7, 2006
On the way to the local growers market doing about 40 on a two lane in my pickup. Pass a man on the shoulder walking. I move to the center to give him more room and be polite, right as my front bumper gets to him he makes a sharp left into my truck. My mirror hits him, spins him, rear bumper catches his knee, he does a few spins and falls to the ground. Scared the shit out of me. Call 911, paramedics look at him and he says he is fine and they say Ok see you later. The guy just got ran over and they say OK? The guy gets to his feet and stumbles over to me, gives me a VERY long BIG hug and is saying he is sorry he hit my truck, don't feel bad it's not your fault... So, the guy walks off and after about 30 feet he swerves back into traffic and a car misses him by two feet. The paramedics go get him and take him somewhere. He was REALLY drunk. Now I have a 300 mirror to replace but I will take that over how he is going to feel tomorrow morning. Moral of the story: Don't walk drunk.


Today is your lucky day. TG you didn't run the guy over.

I always do the same thing if I have the room. Move over a few feet.

"Ya never know".

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I remember one year back in the mid 80's.....it was Christmas eve..and I just got off work..it was late in the evening and as I was heading home I passed a place that was selling Christmas trees out in a lot....Mom and Dad did not have a tree that year so I figured I would stop and get them one and drop it off on the way home...
Picked out a real nice tree and put it in the truck of the car....It was my first car that I had bought ...it was a Ford Maverick...so the tree hung out the side of the trunk about 4 feet...I figured that if I just stayed in the curb lane it would be OK ..I only had 5 or 6 mile to go...I am cruising down the road about half way there and out of no where this guy on a bike comes flying out from a side street and turn onto the road going the wrong direction....and there I was.....I missed him with the car....but knocked the living dog shit out of him with the tree.......he went down hard....I pulled over and ran back to him....got over there and bent down and asked him if he was OK....he just looked up at me and said... " WoW".....I just started laughing..the guy was drunk off his ass...we sat there and talked a bit and I helped him pick pine needles out of every orfice he had from the neck up...made sure he was OK and he took off on his bike...I still laugh my ass off every time I think about it........


Supportive Member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
That made me laugh! The Christmas Eve story is a classic I'm telling my kids instead of ( the night before Christmas )

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