Expensive Marketing Technique

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
I'll soon have my bill coming due for my nice shiny new quarter share in my beloved Canucks season tickets.10 regular season at 139 a pair, one preseason at 120 and 189 a pair for playoffs. Every game for the last 350 or so is a sellout and if I want season tickets on my own, it's a 5 year wait list. This way, I get in the backdoor cheap(er) and if anybody wants out, I can get a crack at that share.

Now the best part is, if I take a customer, I can write it off. And nothing says my nose is brown like a pair of tickets to a sold out game, but those better come with a shitload of work, from my best clients. A promotion with a draw for a gift certificate to a restaurant and tickets. All deducktable. And I'll get a few games in myself. I'm liking it! :wink: :D

(and I got tix to Friday's game today :D )

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