Friends, BBS, Trade Assoc Schools Supplier CAD Parties

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
I would like to take a few minutes of your time and speak on the friendships we make through out our carreers and the places where we make them. The past 28 years I have met and made many friends by going to the schools, conventions Trade assoc. meetings and just taking time to go meet an other cleaner in my area.

Some of these friendships are very long lasting. Sometimes some get out of the buisness compleatly, Sometimes they just pass away.

A couple of weeks ago I attended JonDon's CAD party, By some fluke I never recieved a single notice of the date and time to put this on my calander. I love attending and seeing old and meeting new friends sitting and talking, reminessing and eatting!!!

It just so happened that Pat Kelley and I were talking on the phone and he said I will see you tomarrow. What? I said, Arn't you going to JonDon's CAD Party, Sure, you know I always go when is it?? Tomarrow, NO WAY, I called JonDon North and Informed Joe Dynes I was crashing their flippen party which store was it going to be held at???

Me and Patches, my 96 Goldwing went visting. Had a wonderful ride catching wind in the NW sunshine.

While there I was able to meet a few new guys, sat and talked with a bunch of oldtimers like myself, Arlene James, My best friend Roger's widow was there, 5 years gone already wow. Talked with some I met last year and found out how they were doing, offered to help if I could. Ernie Stors and Bill Brudders were there.

Papa Nick was busy cooking and entertaining, People comming and going

Well our indusrty just lost another one of these friendly guys who donated his time and tallents to the betterment of his fellow cleaners.

Wayne Moody of Monarch Cleaning in Seattle is no longer cleaning carpets. Wayne has been involved with the CCINW for quite a few years, He has been on the Board of Directors, Held positions as Member at Large, Sec, Chapter President, and Connections Rep.

He passed away this past weekend.

Wayne was also at JonDon's CAD Party, Thank you JonDon for giving me a last chance to meet and talk with my friend Wayne, We were supposed to be on a confrence call tomarrow for CCINW Buisness, Wayne won't be on the line personaly, but I will bet he is on all our minds during the call. Good luck my Friend.

Hello, I received this from Wayne Champion regarding Wayne Moody’s memorial arrangements and I’m passing it on to you, CCINW members.


Hello All,

Here are some particulars Denise shared with me:

The memorial service will be Sat. 16th at 2:00 PM


Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

9240 6th Ave NW

Seattle WA 98117

Some have expressed interest in sending flowers.

This is a nice expression of your thoughts.

However, it would be real nice if they could be sent to the home. Delivery dates about 13th, 14th, 15th. Then friends and family can transport them to the Kingdom Hall on the 16th. This way they can be enjoyed by all in attendance. And it will make for a nice setting.

Her home address is:

Denise Moody

1703 - No. 160th St.

Shoreline WA 98133

Those who receive this note, who are not Jehovah's Witnesses, are invited to the service. The customary duration of the discourse is about 30 Minutes. A discourse usually starts right on time. If this is your first visit to a Kingdom Hall, you will find the discourse interesting and informative. There will usually be time for visiting, encouragement and association a bit before and a bit after.

A Kingdom Hall usually seats between 200 and 250 people. As you will note they are not real big buildings. Merely comfortable places of peaceful meeting. No ornate decorating. They are modest buildings inside and out. So arrive a few minutes early. Especially if you are unsteady when standing for long times and really need to be seated due to disability etc. Attendants will be able to assist you.

I can find no reason this information cannot be shared with others who knew Wayne.

Hope to see you there if possible.

Our thoughts, prayers and expressions of love go to the Moody family.

We will miss Wayne.

W. Champion


Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
I didn't know Wayne Moody personally, John, but if you chose him as a friend he must have been a good guy. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.


PS You're a hard guy to hide from, John. Here after Papa Nick specifically said, "The recession is hitting Jon-Don hard. We've got to keep the food budget down so let's not invite Watson to our CAD." I mean, you STILL tracked us down. There goes my raise for 2009 ...

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Wayne was a long term CCINW member and was active volunteering his time as a director. He was our immediate past Connections representative, a local competitor (the good kind) and a friend.

I'll miss him.

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