Full Circle Users Only


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Few questions for people currently with full circle (keep in mind I use FC as well).

Do you have them send an email template (how to prepare for us) out once they book a job on SM for you?

Do you have different prices depending on different areas that you covered, and they know about these areas and prices of your company as well?

How do you keep track of the minutes they use up on your plan? I only get a monthly report for my follow ups that they do, but how do I know if they used 100 minutes or 500 minutes other than they telling me they did so? I never payed much attention to this, as I know they do a good job (I'm not saying otherwise), just trying to keep track of things, and wondered if there is any way to track this from both on my end and their (do they send u a report of all tracked calls and minutes used basically).

I'm having to play the "manager role" and log onto my SM account to see if certain tasks were done which I've asked them, than having to call or email them back regarding "work order #" etc, and mentioned on several occasions but see that this is still happening. The main things are: emails not getting inputted all the time (all work orders get sent prior to cleaning w/ email template attached), email templates not getting sent out once jobs are booked, and wrong prices given out to clients depending on which area(s) they reside in, which in turn FC or I have to call the client back and get the missing info or update them on the mistake, this can be difficult trying to get a hold of clients, or in one instance canceling the job due to price being more (due to distance, etc). As mentioned, I've already brought this up to them, and some of the girls do a great job, and others seem to miss it here and there.

This is not a post to bash any company, as I am happy with FC, just need to see if other businesses are experiencing these things as well. I just don't have a lot of time to go into my SM account everyday or night to check on these things, as they take a lot of my time. Have a full booked week and had to sit here tonight and send 4-5 emails to clients to prepare for us, one of which is last minute tomorrow afternoon. Just so you know, I talk to the FC girls almost daily by email and phone, the observations above have been brought up a few times now.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Your best bet is to keep it as simple for them as possible. Only because it gets the attention of more than just one girl.

You really need to make sure it's systematized and easily understandable.

I can see the different price for different areas being a real PITA when they are trying to read notes etc on the fly speaking with a customer.

Make sure you take advantage of the core values of the company. Answering the phone, Being friendly and knowledgeable and putting up with customers for 8 hours a day.

Sometimes the more detailed points are going to be lost in the system.....If the jobs are booked and you are heading out and doing the job that's 95% of what you pay them for.

Yes, I know. You pay them for all the rest as well. I get that.

But have them do what's best for your company....too much info may muddy up the system...and that's not good for either of the 3 parties involved.

Not too mention all the other companies they take care of.

OH, and what Mikey said.


Mar 24, 2011
TOTALLY AGREE with this !!!

I used FC for some time before they began to expand and grow. All the ladies out there were so sweet and nice to my customers it was sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. (Several customers even complimented them on their phone experience more than my cleaning!)

BUT, once they added emplyees my problems started and I began to get billed for called no one could explain. (One month I had 23 incoming billed calls with no job booked, no inquiry info., and no record whatsoever who the caller was. I checked my ENTIRE database and NONE of these nubmers was anywhere.) FC refused to credit me or explain. I used FC to ONLY book up to 2 day jobs 6 days a week - period! They began booking night appointments which I of course had to call and change or get cancelled. (NOTE: I clean restaurants 7 nights a week on a rotating basis and this is why FC was asked to NEVER book nights.) Again, they refused to credit me for these mistaken calls/appointments on their part.

Finally I was tired of loosing money ( I am a 1 truck operator who needed this service but can't afford to not monitor my dollars). When I cancelled the service, only then, did the rep offer to provide me with a months basic service ($50) to keep me. HELLOOOOOOO- a little too late. I'm not looking for freebies, just give me what I pay for. Yes, I am now paying a higher price for a less detailed service, BUT, at least I don't feel I am being taken advantage of as a small disposable business as I felt with them.

Just a side note- I even made a special trip to visit their offices in Sacramento to say thanks and meet them at one point when they were doing such a great initial job for me. Needless to say, I wish I had saved my money on that trip. Tennessee to California is a loooooooooooooooooong trip :)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
The biggest problem with any answering service is the more popular you get, the more advertising calls etc you get.

If they can find a way around that, it would improve the overal outlook of their company by carpet cleaners.

Let's face it, we're not easy to please.

I never had problem with full circle that wasn't paramounted by what an employee would have done.
The incoming calls from from "other" than customers was hard...because you get billed for it. ugh.

If and when I get serious about the Dallas area, I will sign up again. Now that I know some of the issues, I will be able to be a bit more restrictive on some things.

Still one of the greatest things I had ever done for my company because the stress relief alone of not answering phones was more than worth the money I paid for it every month.

A few extra dollars...even a couple hundred dollars more....was more than worth it to me.

I think if you look at it as an "over all" payment of service rather than a "per call" service...it will ease the mind.

Of course you have to watch your money...no doubt about that....but I don't nickel and dime services like my customers do.

If the customer service is there....I don't mind paying more.

I went into the highest bracket they had for answering and every month it was probably twice that amount because of all the calls. But I am sure the money would have been lost easily because I would have missed enough calls to lose that amount of money.

Make sense?

Voicemail is death to a new customer.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
I now have a way to track all my marketing campaigns that are routed to FC, I can pin point all calls, the actual number, minutes FC used on that call, and which campaign it came from, unfortunately FC still is not capable of doing this. I'm doing this to test different campaigns and lead sources but I need to keep track of what's working and what's not. The "call log" does not contain enough info, actual numbers dialed in/out (most important), just mins used and number of calls received/dialed.

I've noticed lately as the weather is nice and more people are calling, I'm being put on hold anywhere from 1-5 minutes, I just hope my prospects/clients are not hanging up and calling someone else if they don't like to be put on hold, since FC has no way of tracking numbers, calls, minutes used per call, etc, I have no clue what's going on. This is why tracking is crucial.

I'm not an answering service operator, so I expect the best on every call taken period if I'm paying a company to take my calls, no excuses, this is my way of thinking not bashing anyone. Now I have dedicated #'s for FC fwd only, while keeping main line coming to me. I'll keep using FC, however I do see a full time in house receptionist in the future if I want to have complete control/tracking.


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
I have been dealing with the same issues mentioned here. I have to ask for a call log every month even after i have told them i need a log with every bill. I am still waiting after a week for this months call log. when i do get the log i see lots of rings before some of my calls are answered. ,lots of local numbers and little talk time meaning the custy gave up on hold. They better get up to speed and keep an eye on what people are complaining about or be ready to lose some cleaners. If another answering service like FC comes along they would be in trouble i think.


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
PCCM, you actually made special trip to visit FC offices from TN to Sacramento to say thanks and meet them? I am sorry but that sounds a bit too much. Did they get a restraining order on you lol?


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
I called another cleaner two days ago... They answered hello please hold 4 minutes and40 seconds later they came back never ever put customers on hold

Sent from my g2 using tapatalk. Whofat

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