Funny you should ask Scott..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I just finished writing my Spring Cleaning card..

The Contact Excuse Rule
Dear Mike,

From the 8" of snow we received here in lower Michigan 2 days ago, we wouldn't know that Spring is here. But the good news is the phone is ringing and residential customers are starting to think of Spring Cleaning again.

My question of the month is, do you use a special mailing or campaign to remind your customers that it's time for Spring Cleaning or do you rely on passive, consistant marketing and let your customers decide when it's best for them? In my experience I've found using BOTH tactics to work the best.

Customers call when 3 things are aligned:

1) The right person is contacted (Qualified)
2)The right offer is presented to the right person (Value)
3) The right time is presented to the right person with the right offer. (Time)

When we contact customers we should have a reason to contact them. The reason could be a monthly, quarterly, or bi-yearly updates (checking-in), an interval since we've last worked for them (reminder), or a special event (event). For a special event we could just say "Blowout Sale Pricing", but if we tie it all together with a seasonal or actual event we'll get even better results. Having said this, giving a HUGE perceived value will outpull any other marketing campaign you will run. Keep that in mind in when you're slow.

I call this "The Contact Excuse Rule". If we have an excuse to contact them, we don't sound desperate or pushy. When our motives are or at least seem genuine, we get more calls..and work.

I've heard from some colleagues who state that they feel that they're intruding on their customer by contacting them too much. As I stated above, timing is one of the 3 concerns. So is there really a "bad" time to contact clients? More importantly is there such a thing as "too often"?

In my experience, once a month is not too often to contact them, as long as there is a reason. (excuse) Your excuse this time of year could be any of the following:

1) Pre-busy season
2) Spring Cleaning
3) Value booking

Pre-busy season is aimed at those targets who traditionally clean at or right before the time of year they usually have you clean for them. Spring Cleaning is an event so it can be used any time during the Spring. (or Summer, if a Summer Cleaning value, Fall for Fall Cleaning, etc.) and Value booking can be used year-round for those who call you when your perceived value exceeds that of your price.

It's Spring Cleaning season, guys and gals, it's time to let your prospects and customers know it's time. Combine this with your traditional marketing routine for a 1-2 punch and you'll be rewarded handsomely.


Scott F. Rendall - CEO and Top Banana - BRC Systems Solutions
Your Banana ApPeel


Sep 29, 2007
Good stuff. Especially the "qualified" people.

If I am trying too hard to sell a new customer they arent the ones to waste time on.
It is better to target more prospects or highly taregetted prospects rather than limited contacts
and trying to push a sale. That gets too old and frustrating.

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