Meter Maid
The Undetective
To Kentucky to pick up my Odyssey.
In case you never hear from me again, it’s been a pleasure.
In case you never hear from me again, it’s been a pleasure.
Much like Alabama, those folks have no branches on their family tree.Lots of good people in Kentucky
Almost as many as in Alabama
fuThank you for your continued $upport !
wrongAt the time they were much less expensive as you know. It also looked as though the Orbot might be more compact and easier to put in a van or trailer. Not sure that’s correct since I haven’t had the other. But hell, if it was good nough for Damon, it’s good nough for me
The difference between the two units are hard cold facts.Opinions are like assholes and elbows, everybody’s got one
Opinions are like assholes and elbows, everybody’s got one
I'm virtually never wrong when it comes to the carpet cleaning toolsY’all know I take no pleasure in agreeing with Michael, but I’ve been using this new odyssey all day, and it’s extremely impressive. I’ve owned couple robot machines, and neither one did what this thing does.