google +


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Its google's version of the like button on facebook. And if it the +1 fad catches on as the facebook "Like" has; it'll become just as insignificant to search engines.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Facebook at one time was very significant for search engine ranking. Part of the search engine algorithm was based on "likes" of a page or profile, and then amount of "likes" on the actual page to base traffic and popularity off of(traffic value). But recently with the abuse of the 'Like' button the algorithm has changed a bit and facebook doesn't have as much of an impact as some of the other social media outlets.

The only thing social media really does now is give another outlet to drive traffic to your site.

So what I mean is, its only a matter of time that when the +1 button fad hits the internet, and SEO companies offer x amount of +1 clicks for your site. Which will then be considered the same thing as spamming a bunch of websites for a back link. The amount of impact the +1 has is based on IP address of the users clicking it. Not ALL SEO companies have individual IP addresses when they perform their services. Many of them offer 1-6 unique IP address with their SEO packages. 1000 +1 clicks with the same 6 IP address(even with 1000 different google accounts) has less impact than 250 clicks with individual IP addresses.

The problem is the normal user who purchases these services do no understand this. They simply see that they're going to get 1000 clicks, or 1000 blog comments, whatever the company is offering.

The moral of it all is do not pay a company for +1 clicks or blog posts unless you really research what you're getting out of it. If they do offer a lot of unique IPs, you're going to pay A LOT for the service, when you would be better off getting the clicks the old fashioned way - advertising and asking clients to click it.

Hope that makes sense for everyone.

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