There is merit to Carbonation, but the question at hand is there merit to carbonation after it's been mixed for 2 hours, runs through a series of HX, down 150' of solution line and sprayed on a carpet?
The old Velda style portys had two solution tanks and lines that mixed the juice at the wand, todays Truckmounted CD units use a one part it the same chemical reaction?
The truck looks the same, the tech looks the same, the equip. looks the same, how is the customer supposed to know the difference?
One lil' tid bit of info that is helpful for the HWE guy is the CD fellow is probably paying 3X what you are for the same juice on a day to day scale, and 25% more for his equipment, those profits have to come from somewhere? And if he don't purchase $xxx each month he'll be on the bad boy list.
How many 5 year CD fellows are gonna stay with that program and renew the contract, at some point they are done witht eh newbie training and the "system" and just make a break for it, and walk away since they don't actually own anything, it's not easy to walk and start anew, but it least they are free.