At this point HD has not entered into this battle, HRI is using their own funding. When you look at sales, you realize that of all the companies involved in this battle, US Products, owned by Nilfisk-Advance is the powerhouse. Considering all of their holdings and subsidiaries they far out weigh even Home Depot.
Dri-eaz and Mytee both have the funds to see this through as well. There is great evidence on "our" side, much excellent prior art and the likelihood of success is extremely high. Look for a conclusion in the Spring/Summer of next year.
This is going to be one hell of a year for our much change, so many grabs for power, money and control, most have no idea what a pivotal time it is for all of us.
All of you need to get involved to do your part to direct this industry's control away from the money grabbers. Don't sit back and expect that the Jim Pemberton's, Dan Mabesoone's, Joe Arrigo's and the rest who have worked so hard and been so vocal will take care of everything for you. This industry is teetering on the brink. Our founding fathers fought hard to keep control in the hands of the independent...don't be apathetic and allow all their hard work to be for naught. Don't just assume that if you run a good business and your customers love you that you will be unaffected. These changes will effect every one of you eventually.
Mark my words, 2007 and 2008 will prove to be the pivotal years in our industry. So much 'shit' is hitting the fan at the same time, from so many different angles right now that a lot of people and companies are going to have a tough time keeping the splatter off of them. Many thought they were immune to reproach...many have worked to keep 'the masses' like a crop of mushrooms; in the dark and fed bullshit. It's time to turn on the lights. A few brave souls are flipping the it's time for all of you to open your eyes and see what's been revealed.
Apathy is the great destroyer of society. It is safe and easy...but safe and easy doesn't make history.
Take care,