Green people.


Jun 29, 2009
Lets hear more about your savage.

Ever get comments about it from custys (good or bad)?

How are your dry times?

At what length of hose do you take the modular part out of the van and use the APO?

What temp are you usually running?

Do you use a 1.5" whip or 2" all the way to the wand?

Do you carry you own water to jobs?

Do you ever pump out into a holding tank in the van?

Inquiring minds want to know....

green guy

Nov 18, 2009
Love my Savage.
run at 220
hook up to water bib occasionaly faucet
rarelytakeout of van
apo hose length 100 ft
drytimes about 4 hrs at 200 ft
remove gum w/o any needed solvent usually
take up in hotels frequent
with a real continuous 220 I can run at 250 psi to reduce dry times
currently reduce to a 1.5 evolution wand.
This unit behaves like a real tm not porty
will be adding a 2nd vac module and going 4 to the door soon for amazing dry times
Dude call Bob his cell is on his site. cust love out of the box concepts and shortdown timefor repairs.
Just completely rebuilt pump in under an hour. vac replacement takes 15 min not 3 days at supplier.

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