GreenGlides Changes

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
First I want to thank everyone for their support and loyalty. Without you GreenGlides would never have come to fruition.

As many of you know Jeff and I have separated and he has relocated to the San Francisco Bay area, this necessitated a split of the business as one buying the other out was not feasible. is how it has been divided:

I am taking the GreenGlides name, website, and toll free numbers and the glides and glide related products.

Jeff is opening under Greenie's Truckmount Direct and taking the high performance accessories and all non-glide related products including Judson chemicals and equipment, Parflex hose, etc.. His phone number is 951-218-9177 and he is working on setting up a toll free number once he gets established at his new location.

Jeff will be able to distribute GreenGlides products and eventually I will be able to distribute TM Direct products as well. I will also be working as an outside sales agent for Central California Cleaning Supply and will be able to supply all items that they carry.

As far as GreenGlides goes, I will continue to offer the same service, support, guarantee, pricing and quality I always have and look forward to continuing to develop new glide products as the industry evolves. I love this industry and the great people in it and plan on being around for a long time to come.

I'm sure the same applies to Jeff's new endeavor. There are few in this industry with as much passion for progress as Jeff and I'm sure we'll be seeing some great developments in products and upgrades in the next few years. He has a great future ahead of him and I wish him the best.

Thanks and take care,

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
I am saddened at the situation, but I truly hope things work out well for the two of you.

We will be in touch.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Good luck to both Lisa and Greenie. I see cross selling each others products as a nice solution when you want to package a group of products for someone.

Lisa repping CCCS has a nice a synergy as does Greenie hooked up with Judson.

Lisa I will miss giving you a hug this year at Mytee Fest...


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Well good luck to yall guys. I still think yall are crazy for splitting. but will still be here supporting yall folks. I cant wait to see what yall do indivualy with each of your companies.
And now that its your website Lisa Update It!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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