Greg Cole's Mr Steamclean.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So Greg...

Lets say in in your next life you come back as an ass retentive, somewhat under achieving social retard who has a fixation for running a upright vacuum cleaner over clean carpet.

Yes YOU are going to be a Owner Operator Carpet Cleaning in the next go around.

Where would you set up choice if you were not cursed with inheriting your parents mediocre, barley profitable but oh so loved in the community cleaning service in Sheetsfoot Iowa? For the fun of this dramatization lets pretend you are starting out fresh. Are there any demographics that you think or are perhaps positive that you think would be better suited to make it easy picking for a Owner Op?

Would you convince your loyal flock that a Portable really is the best method or would you take a 2nd mortgage and buy that Vortex of your dreams?

With today's technology in hand how would you promote your new biz?

Assuming you are married would you let you wife get involved?

Now remember, you are a somewhat social retard so you have no plans to grow, so would you get into water damage work?

Has it been you life long dream to won your own Rug Care Studio?

Would you leave after the first day of SFS?

Would you talk smack about low life coupon companies who under bid you?

Would you charge enough so coupon hunters would never even here of you?

Would you learn how to properly clean Berber?

Do you see your self having a life out side of cleaning carpet? (meaning you would live a real thrifty life style so you could get off by 3PM each day to take Gregy JR fishing or to ball practice and not bust your balls working till 11pm trying to make a mortgage and truck mount payment)

or would you just eat a bullet?

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
If you cut past the verbiage Mike has some good questions there. I'll be interested to see what Greg says. (He may be too busy making up deposit slips for his Tampa loot to get back to us right away.)

Island Boy

PS I kinda like your post above, Mike. Sort of a stream-of-consciousness, gonzo Hunter S. Thompson journalism. (of course, Hunter really did "eat a bullet" a while back. .44 mag I believe.) Maybe you should submit an article to Ev.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Yes YOU are going to be a Owner Operator Carpet Cleaning in the next go around. WoooHooo! - I'm In!

Where would you set up choice if you were not cursed with inheriting your parents mediocre, barley profitable but oh so loved in the community cleaning service in Sheetsfoot Iowa? For the fun of this dramatization lets pretend you are starting out fresh. Are there any demographics that you think or are perhaps positive that you think would be better suited to make it easy picking for a Owner Op? I would set up in an area where the demographics supported a high-end market. It would need to be an area that showed a population growth of at leat 4-6% annually (no more than a 2% loss in the last 2 years of the recession) Demographics would be average household income is $125k +.

Would you convince your loyal flock that a Portable really is the best method or would you take a 2nd mortgage and buy that Vortex of your dreams? The equipment would depnd on the cash in hand. i have never believed in buying equipment just for bragging rights. I would likely get a $20k-$25k truckmount in a van. The operational costs would be too high for the Vortex starting out. Although I wouldn't rule it out for truck number 2.

With today's technology in hand how would you promote your new biz? Mass social networking. (mainly in person but some facebook, etc. My favorite: Hire hot girls in skimpy outfits to go to every social outing possible with Chotski. Spend 1-2 days a week driving from commercial location to another handing out high quality brochures. The brochures would be top notch pocket folders made by a printer.

Assuming you are married would you let you wife get involved? NO WAY! I brought my wife into my business in my 12th year – when I have someone I trusted in the accounting side. It worked out for me. But usually it is the kiss of death for a marriage and/or a business!

Now remember, you are a somewhat social retard so you have no plans to grow, so would you get into water damage work? No plans to grow? Why the heck would I be in the carpet cleaning business if I had no plans to grow? Yes I would do water damage work! It’s the icing on the cake.
Has it been you life long dream to won your own Rug Care Studio? No
Would you leave after the first day of SFS? NO
Would you talk smack about low life coupon companies who under bid you? NEVER! That is like Mercedes talking smack about Kia, Hyundai, etc. It would only make me look petty if I did. My grandfather taught me long ago that if I lay down in the mud I’d get dirty. I would NEVER EVER under any circumstances allow the low cost people to be a blip on my radar. If a customer asked me why they should use my high end O&O over the low price guy my response would often be “ Why wouldn’t you? Obviously if you are asking me about it you have already decided you want to use me!” Truth be told – my prices would be so high that I wouldn’t want the customers figuring out that there was a cheaper option (regardless of the quality the low cost peeps were providing)
Would you charge enough so coupon hunters would never even here of you? If I were O&O, it is likely they would never hear of me to begin with. My prices would be relative to the Net revenue I want to earn. I have expensive taste so my prices would be high.

Would you learn how to properly clean Berber? I know how to properly clean Berber. The fact that most cleaners don’t is the reason Pro Carpet only dry cleans it. Dry Cleaning cleans well and most importantly – IT IS SAFE!
Do you see yourself having a life outside of cleaning carpet? (meaning you would live a real thrifty life style so you could get off by 3PM each day to take Gregy JR fishing or to ball practice and not bust your balls working till 11pm trying to make a mortgage and truck mount payment) being an O&O is rough. It is unlikely that most o&O’s will achieve the goals you listed unless they have a drive to grow. Fortunately – I am a workaholic!

or would you just eat a bullet? NEVER! - But after being an O&O for a couple of years – I would likely learn the error of my ways, learn from the others out there and grow my business.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Mass social networking. (mainly in person but some facebook, etc. My favorite: Hire hot girls in skimpy outfits to go to every social outing possible with Chotski. Spend 1-2 days a week driving from commercial location to another handing out high quality brochures. The brochures would be top notch pocket folders made by a printer.

Santa Cruz would be a great are for you if you desire to work for wealthy lesbians.

Why all the energy into commercial?
You want to work nights and week ends too?

Yes I would do water damage work! It’s the icing on the cake.

So how are you going to handle those got to get over here right now and extract calls when you have your next two weeks booked solid with demanding lesbians?

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Mikey P said:
Why all the energy into commercial?
You want to work nights and week ends too?... So how are you going to handle those got to get over here right now and extract calls when you have your next two weeks booked solid with demanding lesbians?

I believe he already told you he is a "workaholic". (And he is.)

Island Boy

PS Come on, admit it, Mikey. You would have walked out of Chuck's "working your numbers" session on Day One of SFS if Paula had not chained you to the table.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Mikey P said:
Mass social networking. (mainly in person but some facebook, etc. My favorite: Hire hot girls in skimpy outfits to go to every social outing possible with Chotski. Spend 1-2 days a week driving from commercial location to another handing out high quality brochures. The brochures would be top notch pocket folders made by a printer.

Santa Cruz would be a great are for you if you desire to work for wealthy lesbians.

Why all the energy into commercial?
You want to work nights and week ends too?

[quote:7ja8wi6m]Yes I would do water damage work! It’s the icing on the cake.

So how are you going to handle those got to get over here right now and extract calls when you have your next two weeks booked solid with demanding lesbians?[/quote:7ja8wi6m] You don't like lesbians Mikey? Threatened? I thought you were married?! I thought every red blodded American male likes a hot lipstick lesbian?

Seriously though- too many earthquakes for me in CA - Besides isn't the government there broke?

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
I would also like to know why focus on commercial? If you are a high end O/O you want to focus on resi. Commercial is crappy hours and usually crappy pay.

I'd drive the neighborhoods I wanted to work in and contact the main listing agents in the area and use them to get a foot in. GOOD real estate agents are goldmines. No timewasting with social network marketing or expensive brochures, just good, solid referrals.

Be honest and reliable, do a great job, solve their problems, don't sell them more than they need...don't be creepy with their teen-aged daughters or stare at their pics on the walls (or best scenario, let the wife run the wand while you move the furniture, vac and spot). Resi clients LOVE a woman or man/woman team.

I never wanted to grow. I was happy with "enough". I enjoyed doing two or three jobs a day and being home for my family nights and weekends.

Greg (like Robison) doesn't have the personality to be a satisfied O/O. Just like I could never live his life, he could have never lived mine. Fish out of water.

Luckily, it takes all kinds.

Take care,

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
truckmount girl said:
Greg (like Robison) doesn't have the personality to be a satisfied O/O. Just like I could never live his life, he could have never lived mine. Fish out of water.

Luckily, it takes all kinds.

Take care,
Lisa always pours oil on troubled waters.

Island Boy

PS That is what is so great about this industry. Everybody gets to define their own level of success. When the waters get rough is when we start dictating what their "success" should be to someone else.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
truckmount girl said:
I would also like to know why focus on commercial? If you are a high end O/O you want to focus on resi. Commercial is crappy hours and usually crappy pay.

Greg (like Robison) doesn't have the personality to be a satisfied O/O. Just like I could never live his life, he could have never lived mine. Fish out of water.

Luckily, it takes all kinds.

Take care,
he asked if I were starting one what would I do. I would put the 2 day a week focus on commercial because it ultimately leads to meeting people who have jobs and likely are in my demographic. Commercial buildings have lots of managers, etc. Plus it would give me a revenue base while I worked on networking.
TRUE- i don't have the personality to be an O&O . I started my company with myself, 2 contractors and a woman that answered the phones in her house for a percentage of the job. After 3 months in the field, I took over the office part, and just worked 1/2 day Saturdays until 1999. At that point, I had to hang up my passion (I miss the field dearly) and focus on building a healthy business.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
gregcole said:
Mikey P said:
I think Greg would make a fascinating guest speaker at next year's MF.

Not sure if that was an offer or a jab ? :?
Knowing Mikey, it was both.


PS Heck, if Yeadon doesn't have me teaching a SFS I'd be tempted to come see a "Daniel in the Lion's Den" bout like Greg Cole facing down the MB bunch.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Man, I miss being out in the field as well...but I don't miss it that much to go back. I was considering getting van going here just to go out and do a few here and there. Hire a helper and teach him/her the ropes.
My mind changes...or should I say advances.. every day so who knows.

I wont be missing another Mfest...that's for sure.

Now that I gots me schoolin out da way.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Brian Robison said:
I wont be missing another Mfest...that's for sure.

Now that I gots me schoolin out da way.
I'm going to shoot Yeadon if he schedules another SFS to conflict with MF. Or maybe I should go after Mikey for putting MF up against a Strategies seminar.

Island Boy

PS Or I could just have another gin and tonic, lay back in the hammock and not worry about it. (It is a balmy 80 degrees here today with a slight breeze.)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Yeah, that kinda sucked just a wee bit. I was already ready to go see Mikey and all the other degenerates.
I had to go with edumacation instead of working vacation.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Steve Toburen said:
[quote="Brian Robison":1gd0nids]I wont be missing another Mfest...that's for sure.

Now that I gots me schoolin out da way.
I'm going to shoot Yeadon if he schedules another SFS to conflict with MF. Or maybe I should go after Mikey for putting MF up against a Strategies seminar.[/quote:1gd0nids]

Dri Eaz picked the Date Steve, not me.

and I was completely serious Greg.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Mikey P said:
[quote="Steve Toburen":2mmjgiwu][quote="Brian Robison":2mmjgiwu]I wont be missing another Mfest...that's for sure.

Now that I gots me schoolin out da way.
I'm going to shoot Yeadon if he schedules another SFS to conflict with MF. Or maybe I should go after Mikey for putting MF up against a Strategies seminar.[/quote:2mmjgiwu]

Dri Eaz picked the Date Steve, not me.

and I was completely serious Greg.[/quote:2mmjgiwu]

I'll give it some thought

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I have another question or two for you Greg.

When you hire a new Subcontractor do they have to go out with one of your senior guys for a certain amount of days?

Do they take any skill or personality tests?

Do you have a senior guy in Tampa? If not how are you going about knowing your subs are qualified?
Sep 7, 2008
There is a guy here with a business similar to Greg's. He told me the IRS would allow him to operate with only 6 subcontractors. Everybody else is an employee. He provides the machines and the cleaners provide the truck and fuel. It is also a fact that they are the biggest hacks this side of the Mississippi. They actually clean five rooms a sofa and loveseat for 99 dollars with no real intention of upselling. They usually hack out 6 or 7 of those in a day.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
danielc said:
There is a guy here with a business similar to Greg's. He told me the IRS would allow him to operate with only 6 subcontractors. Everybody else is an employee. He provides the machines and the cleaners provide the truck and fuel. It is also a fact that they are the biggest hacks this side of the Mississippi. They actually clean five rooms a sofa and loveseat for 99 dollars with no real intention of upselling. They usually hack out 6 or 7 of those in a day.

That same business is in every big town across America

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Mikey P said:
I have another question or two for you Greg.

When you hire a new Subcontractor do they have to go out with one of your senior guys for a certain amount of days?

Do they take any skill or personality tests?

Do you have a senior guy in Tampa? If not how are you going about knowing your subs are qualified?

Just about everything you said would get you in trouble with the Govt.
You can't make a sub do can, however use the subs that just happen to do things the way you like them done.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Mikey P said:
I have another question or two for you Greg.

When you hire a new Subcontractor do they have to go out with one of your senior guys for a certain amount of days?

Do they take any skill or personality tests?

Do you have a senior guy in Tampa? If not how are you going about knowing your subs are qualified?

Seriously??!!!- just because the guy is over 40 - Don't call him Senior! shiteatinggrin

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Can I assume that answer means that if your new employee has enough talent to fill and dump a bucket he is hired and put on the road unsupervised?


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
Can I assume that answer means that if your new employee has enough talent to fill and dump a bucket he is hired and put on the road unsupervised?

That, and if a mirror, when thrust under the potential subs nose fogs up, well giddy up!

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