Groupon Carpet Cleaner is here

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I figured I would just let you guys aks questions.

No video sorry.
4 rooms was around $40.00 (paid groupon). He is doing the stairs extra and sofa, love seat for a total cash experience of $150.00. So total with Groupon is $190.00

Prochem Legend



Nice guy, seemed professional. Not sure what chems he is using but I am figuring it's "Baby Safe".

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Did you leave a card with him? He's gonna be selling that unit soon unless he works 18 hour days.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
He just finished.
No pre-vac...which is fine with me.
Pre sprayed, cleaned and groomed. :shock:
I didn't expect him to groom.

Carpet looks really good...not too wet. Smells nice.
Our total price at the end was a check for $120.00...which was less than the quote when he got here. Go figure.

I think we got what we paid for and judging from a non carpet cleaner homeowner point of view I think they would have made the homeowner very happy for the price.

I have to leave. I'll post more later.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Marc Imbesi said:
[quote="Brian R":1pjir5qx]Hour or so.
Not competition, they are going to sub fo :mrgreen: r me.

So the results are skewed by the hopes of more work dangling in front of him....[/quote:1pjir5qx]

No. Jen made the appointment. I talked to them separately. So they didn't know.
Sep 7, 2008
Marc Imbesi said:
Lemme get this straight....4 rooms, steps, sofa and loveseat was quoted @ $190 and he preformed all the work as you described in an hour or so and final adjusted bill was $120?

That's nothing. Mr. Kleen does 5 rooms a sofa and loveseat for 99 dollars with no attempt to upsell. I think a standard room is 10x12 though. That is still insanely low. Brian pay attention. The guy provides portables and dry slurry and pays the techs as subs. They get 45 percent and use their own vehicle. He told me the IRS will only allow him to have 6 subs.

Actually I would love to hear how that is even possible.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Brian R said:
Hour or so.
Not competition, they are going to sub fo :mrgreen: r me.
You realize you are not going to be the most popular man on this forum, don't you? :)


PS Actually it could be said the lower middle class with little disposable income (like the Robinson family :lol: ) deserve to have clean carpets too. The high end "prestige cleaners" really shouldn't feel threatened by these carpet cleaners.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Yeah, most wouldn't even want to have a beer with me. shiteatinggrin

I feel like we charge a good price for a good job. These guys were a little low on the price but still did a decent job.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
There is a certain demo that wants decent and doesn't want to pay for better.
You can take your car to a detailer or car wash and from a distance it will look the same. Both will remove the majority of the dirt it's just one has more bells and whistles and probably gets the dirt that no one sees.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
how many stairs? I'm trying to figure out how the guy did 4 rooms stairs sofa and love seat all in 1 hour from start to finish. Considering walk through, upsell, fiber testing/inspection, set up/break down, prespray etc etc etc etc 1 hour is FAST! and I mean extremely FAST. I am going to venture a guess and say you have Micro Fiber furniture? 10 or less stairs? Lots of furniture that he went around and didn't move? If all that and was done in 1 hour then $160 wasn't bad.

I wouldn't trust the cleaning if they came into my home and cleaned our 4 bedroom home in 1 hour though.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
4 rooms, no moving furniture...we moved most.
sofas are microfiber and not dirty. (was $125.00 for that at first quote)
Living room 150 sqft Dining room little smaller, bedrooms about half because of the bed from steps to rooms would be considered a small hall
16 stairs

Carpet was not dirty...some spots. apt carpet, no fiber testing.
I will post after pics in a few....I dropped the ball on the before pics. Didn't happen.

Carpets were dry in under 4 hours. we left and came back. I would say about 3 hours to dry from what I felt and how dry they were when we got back.

It wasn't a high end deal and for an hours worth of work $160.00 isn't bad for either parties and it was pretty good job in my opinion.
Carpet is not crunchy and I will wait to see if there is any wicking...It's dry so it shouldn't happen.

No pre vac but he did groom. We keep the carpet pretty well vacuumed anyway.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
At the end of the day I can see this company having very satisfied customers and making a good amount of money.
$1,000.00 per day should be no problem with one truck at the rate they were cleaning.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
I did a similar job today. 5 rooms ,hall, sofa, love, steps. Two man crew and it took 3 hours.

One hour seems very fast to me.

Of course it charged $550 not $160


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
In my opinion.... there is NO FREAKIN way you can CLEAN all that in 1 is possible to run over everything quickly but to really clean? I don't think so...


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
I know this isn't a popular topic, but the 9.95 guys can really make alot of money "and stay in business for years".
I recently met a guy who is running 4 portables, advertising 9.95 per rm and bringing in almost $100,000.00 PER MONTH!! He showed me his bank statements to prove it because I told him I didn't believe him.
His techs use their own vehicles, are outstanding salesmen, upsell a ton and get 30%. If you don't believe me, I don't blame you. I didn't believe it either until I saw his deposits. Like it or not we have to coexist with guys like this - they aren't going away and they aren't going anywhere unless it's to expand to another city. They're here to stay. Some of them are making more money than some of the more successful guys on this bb. :shock: And there are owners of companies who are making MILLIONS owning several companies like this across the nation.

And then there's the other side - the independent. Take Bryan's guy for example. He looks like a one man owner/operator. If this guy punches out 4 jobs a day @ 120.00 for 5 days a week he grosses $2,400.00. He works out of his house, has very little overhead, pays a few hundred bucks in advertisements and clears a cool $1,500+ a week. In Texas, that's a pretty darn good livin'. A cowboy can buy alot of Chicken Fried Steaks with dough like that.

With that said, I certainly don't advocate doing business that way. It's just a reality that I've come to learn over the years - most of these guys "don't go out of business" like we sometimes believe they will/do. Instead, many of them prosper and do very well......and we have to figure out how to compete with them. Lord help us if the higher end custy's ever figure this out. :shock:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
4 rooms=$200 minimum
13 steps=$85
(Brian's White Trash Microshit)sofa=$150
(matching pos)Loveseat -$120

Minus $20 cleaning bucks card.
=$525 made out to Connoisseur...

just another loser who needs a guy like Brian or a Groupon scam to get out of his house for 2 hours.


Nov 14, 2006
Mikey P said:
4 rooms=$200 minimum
13 steps=$85
(Brian's White Trash Microshit)sofa=$150
(matching pos)Loveseat -$120

Minus $20 cleaning bucks card.
=$525 made out to Connoisseur...

just another loser who needs a guy like Brian or a Groupon scam to get out of his house for 2 hours.

I would not say he's a loser.........just another guy like Crowley who hasn't seen the light yet.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Jamesh921 said:
I know this isn't a popular topic, but the 9.95 guys can really make alot of money "and stay in business for years".
I recently met a guy who is running 4 portables, advertising 9.95 per rm and bringing in almost $100,000.00 PER MONTH!! He showed me his bank statements to prove it because I told him I didn't believe him.
His techs use their own vehicles, are outstanding salesmen, upsell a ton and get 30%. If you don't believe me, I don't blame you. I didn't believe it either until I saw his deposits. Like it or not we have to coexist with guys like this - they aren't going away and they aren't going anywhere unless it's to expand to another city. They're here to stay. Some of them are making more money than some of the more successful guys on this bb. :shock: And there are owners of companies who are making MILLIONS owning several companies like this across the nation.

And then there's the other side - the independent. Take Bryan's guy for example. He looks like a one man owner/operator. If this guy punches out 4 jobs a day @ 120.00 for 5 days a week he grosses $2,400.00. He works out of his house, has very little overhead, pays a few hundred bucks in advertisements and clears a cool $1,500+ a week. In Texas, that's a pretty darn good livin'. A cowboy can buy alot of Chicken Fried Steaks with dough like that.

With that said, I certainly don't advocate doing business that way. It's just a reality that I've come to learn over the years - most of these guys "don't go out of business" like we sometimes believe they will/do. Instead, many of them prosper and do very well......and we have to figure out how to compete with them. Lord help us if the higher end custy's ever figure this out. :shock:

I know these guys aren't going away and it seems the guy that cleaned for Brian was trying to do a decent job, but for the $160, if he was making 50% or less, thats only $80 or less GROSS for that hour. He's just out trying to make a living. For some clients that keep their house fairly neat, this guy may have repeat work for years.
A custy that sees prices like this and hires them will be satisfied for so long, till they really need a good clean.

However, these cleaners are more often a problem than a help to the industry. While they are just trying to make a living, as was stated, you cannot clean that much fabric in only one hour. So it looks clean, but with all the health issues going around, the client is being deceived about the cleanliness of their home.

AS for the 9.95/rm guys that are making $100k/mth, those are the bait and switch cleaners which this industry can do without. The fact that they make the amounts they do angers me more makes me envious. When I first started this one cleaner in town (who is still in busn btw) would impress me with his numbers, telling me he would turn a $200 job into $1200. As I was just starting out and only making $132/house, I was envious, UNTIL I learned just how badly they were scamming people.

I wonder how long Brian's cleaner has been at it? I wonder if he's had any marketing classes, or someone to come alongside and teach him about cleaning and busn, or if he's like I was 16yrs ago.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
OK my prices would have been
4 rooms no furniture moving etc $150.00
Sofa $95.00
LV seat $75.00
Stairs $3 each ($48.00)

The guy who cleaned seemed to know what he was doing but I wouldn't consider him Mikey status on cleaning and not my status on customer service or the salesman status.
Just a regular guy who really didn't talk much and just wanted to work.
Didn't even try a little bit of up selling. That took me by surprise.
When I asked him the total before he started he said $150.00 (that's after the groupon so $190.00 would have been the final)
When he finished he said $120.00 (with groupon was $160.00)
I didn't know "down selling" was even an option. :shock:

Nice guy, hard worker...probably made $1000.00 for the day...I don't think he was the owner.
I told him that I was a carpet cleaner and I talked to the owner (after he was done) and gave him some cards. He said "OK". Like "OK, I'll give them to the owner"....The guy just didn't say much.

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