Have you had success w/ Joe Polish?

Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
He's my favorite guru to criticize!

Perhaps I haven't given him a fair shake. In all honesty, I've only paid him hundreds of dollars instead of thousands.

I've tried his "answering machine from hell" techique, the "one free room" technique, and the 3 step letter that no self respecting carpet cleaning would plaster all over the neighborhood.

Maybe i let pride get in the way of solid business practices.

No doubt he's got some good ideas. So would anybody who's full time job is marketing to carpet cleaners. But, in my case putting these good ideas to practicle use is more difficult than it seems.

Have you had success with Joe Polish marketing?

If so, what worked for you?
Mar 18, 2008
I love Joe but after years of going to his boot camp realize you have to take him with a grain of salt.

first off, let me say Joe polish has put more money in my pocket than any of the other seminars I've ever attended.

let me also say it's joe's goal to get as much money out of you as inhumanly possible

I was at one of his camps when he worked the crowd up to fever pitch and then dropped the price on us.

It's ten grand ( it's more now) if you want to play with the big boys, if you're man enough, (or woman enough) if you want to belly up to the bar. blah blah bucks!

I had to get out of the way cuz there was a stampede, a literal stampede of people with $10,000 checks gripped in their sweaty hands
running down the aisle at poor Eunice begging could they not be excluded and would Joe please make an exception and let them play.

Brilliant Marketing.

do his ideas work?


they do.

if you apply them

I met a guy in chicago who said he's been to three of Joe's seminar's and has yet to apply one thing.

this guy should be flipping burgers somewhere.

listening to Joe is like drinking from a fire hose. you gotta pace yourself.

I stopped going cuz it was the same stuff I heard on day one. just the car give aways and the price to join the platinum plus just got bigger.

if you do the stuff Joe says you will make money.

Just like if you do the stuff Howard Partridge and STeve toburen and a dozen other gurus say you will make money.

but it's just so much fun to sit here and whine on mikey's board instead of actually doing all that good stuff.

best wed ever!

frankie chocolate

visit my blog, "the carpet cleaner's crocodile."


Supportive Member
Feb 9, 2009
West Jordan Utah
Ken Raddon
The best thing I ever got from JP was the info on who's way better than him i.e. Dan kennedy and joe sugarman etc etc.

In fact I have boxes of his tapes and shit I'd sell for a hundred bucks. It's so old it is vhs and cassett form.

Ken Raddon.
Mar 18, 2008
i found joe sugarman to be a one trick pony. blueblockers anyone? dan kennedy even ripped joe as having only one idea, blueblockers and coasting for years on the fumes of that one idea.

dan kennedy is pompous and arrogant.

people tell me I have to look past his rough shell cuz he's a genius.

they are prob. right but I guess I can choose who to give my money to.

I buy from people I like and I don't like these two men.

sorry for the rant.

read my blog, "the carpet cleaner's crocodile."

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