Heat sensor wiring question


Jan 4, 2009
I am getting ready to install a terminal block to run my sensor wiring to and from. The thermostatic switches have screw terminals, and I am eager to run them to an insulated terminal block. That way when I change a sensor I don't have to cut and splice wiring. I much prefer solderless connector with a ring terninal on each end.

My question is this. "Should I go find High temp wiring (maybe stove wiring from appliance parts place) or just heat shielding the normal duty wire where it runs along over the HX." If so what heat shielding is best?

I know it gets hot because one time the heat shielding wasn't completely covering one section of the wire and it got so hot the insulation melted and fused two of the wires together. Fortunately it was still under warranty and disty replaced the main bundle.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

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