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Apr 6, 2007

Hi! My name is Avery Nicholas Jacobs and here is my story.

I was a gift from God, born in to the most loving family on April 22, 1999. My big bud, my dad Nick, and my beautiful mom, Jill, loved me more than you will ever know. My other best buds in the whole wide world were my brother Tyson, and my little sisters, Glenna and Kiersa. My nana and papa are the best too and we spent lots of time together. There are lots more in my family - lots of special people!

I want you to know I was having the time of my life when it all happened - I sure wish I could have rode my new dirt bike some more. It was cool!

Let me tell you about some more of the good times I've had. First, school was great. I loved learning and loved my friends and teachers. My parents both went to the same school I did, and was where they met and fell in love.

Church and school were both very important to me. Now, more than ever. I know that God is good, God is big, and I have faith in God's plan for me.

Other stuff I liked was camping, fishing, motorcycle riding, and playing with G.I. Joe's. I had great fun playing football. My dad likes to tell the story of my catching my first running pass. He smiles about that one. My favorite teams were the Oregon Beavers, Dallas Cowboys, and Montana Grizzlies. I was also pretty good with video games. My favorite game was Modern Warfare 2. My favorite memory of my mom is probably how much my mom liked to cuddle with me (and secretly I loved to cuddle with her). It was great having lots of kids in our family -0 I always had someone to play with. I love them all. I terribly miss Tyson, my best friend in the whole world, but I know that someday we will be together again, here, where I am. I miss playing with my dear little sisters too, Glenna and Kiersa, but am thankful to know they will have great times together.

I am especially proud of everything my parents did to help Kiersa with her sickness. I know they did everything possible for me too. May God's love be with you all until we meet again!

With love,
April 19th, 2010

PS - go Cowboys!

The story of Avery Jacob's life and death, written with his perspective in mind by his family.

If you wish to donate to help with the portion of Avery's Medical Bills that were not covered by insurance or donate to help cover the cost of the funeral contact the Bozeman MT (or any) First Interstate Bank and tell them you want to donate to the Benefit Fund for Avery Jacobs. If for any reason you are unable to donate please contact me and I will give you the contact information for the family. I know their financial goal has not been reached but I do not know how long they will keep the benefit account open.

Click the link below for another thread with more information about their little girl and her battle with cancer.

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