HELP -- Curious Foot Traffic problem -- Fake Crocs


Apr 6, 2007
My favorite and best customer called me to clean his exercise room. Apparently he has been having his old frat room-mate down on his luck living in there on a futon for the last five months. For the first 4 months he was wearing these cheap knock off crocs only imprinted with "made in china" and no other brand name. Very light, float on water kind of shoes. Black foam rubber perhaps. Anyway, he was wearing them both inside and outside. It left a black traffic pattern around the futon where he paced back and forth. I cleaned as normal, and it looked better but still noticeable. Because he's my best customer, I told him don't even worry about it I will be out first thing tomorrow with the floor machine, bonnets, brushes, the whole nine.

Came out and cleaned it, and it looks much better but the traffic lane grey is still there. I think it's permanent damage because it looks different from different angles, but it is only in a pattern around a bed that has been there for five months so it's hard to believe that it's permanent damage. Carpet is a flat level loop high quality berber... I know he paid a bit for it. I think it's olefin, but it's still very nice and has a lot more pile weight and a very smooth surface than other olefins I've cleaned.

Is it just damaged, or are we dealing with some sort of rubber bonding to the carpet? Any way to break that bond? I know I'll be out in another few months to do a dog spot or something and figure I can try something else while I'm there unless you guys think it's a lost cause.

Every bone in my body says it's permanent damage but five months doesn't seem like long enough to gray out a traffic area that was untouched before.


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
I'd probably test with some straight delimone sprayed in a small spot. Check for transfer with a towel. If it's rubber you should at least get something on the towel. If it works do same in the whole area but use a bonnet or op, then hwe.



Oct 7, 2006
I saw similar damage on an off white Berber carpet - black in all of the traffic lanes.
Hubby had bought some Arnold Palmer or Gary Player black slippers from Sears.
Seems that all these golfers leave a trail wherever they go.
We were unable to completely remove the dark color.

Tested the bottom of the slippers with -
Dry white cotton towel.
Tap water on a white cotton towel
Iso Propyl alcohol on a white cotton towel.
Acid spotter on a white cotton towel.
Alkaline spotter on a white cotton towel.

Towel turned black each time.
Sears bought them a new carpet.

Had another claim black or navy socks on a staple yarn off white carpet.
Looked like soiling and did not respond to cleaning or vacuuming.
Got down for a very close look and found bits of dark fiber stuck in the fibers.
Took it off with a 3M sticky roller thingy.

Good luck, Gary.

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