Heres my bad day....


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Had 2 cleaning girls call out... sent one with the carpet tech, he had 7 residential and 4 apartments. they worked 7:30- 7:30.. Fine I couldnt clean carpet....... I took a cleanign girl with me to clean apartments... First one............ The bathtub was covered in the thickest soap scum i have ever seen. Nothing worked on it. I used a scraper on it for 2 hours. Got sick of it. So I went and got the 2400 PSI Pressure washer. Nope didnt work. Tried a hand steamer nope, tried everything. grabbed some GOJo hand cleaner it worked withalot of scrubbing. So 5 hours I spent on one freaking bathtub. I was pissed. Left the cleaning girl at the complex to work by her self. Was driving down the road and my 2008 Mercury mariner came to a complete stop. I hit my head on the steering wheel. Got it going. Its either the trans or the brakes locked up. Got to my office switched cars. 2006 ford explorer. Drove to an estimate, the truck wouldnt shift out of first gear, had it towed to the trans place. so now one is definitely the trans. The mercury mariner I am taking in tommorrow. came back to my office, And my desk is soaked with water, A/c unit leaking in the ceiling. ok great what else can happen. Stopped at subway on way home, locked my keys in the car. Had to call a tow company. Thats my great day. We will see what breaks down tommorrow

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
sorry for the bummer's ville day.
but I can help you with the tub.

The Works or Kaboom for the me

if they won't get it, buy a couple bottles of Comet..NOT Ajax, Bonami,, or any other scouring powder ..
Must be "Comet" only

wet the tub, sprinkle a HEAVY layer of MUST "completely" cover the tub surface.
Comet is cheap, so don't skimp ..g'head and lay it on thick

cover it with SOAKING wet towels.
Hose it down so the whole thing is SOAKED .
I use a sprayer, cause I don't want the the Comet under the towel to wash out, but you NEED the Comet to be soaked all the way thru
Once SOAKED (the towels and the Comet paste).....walk away til the next day .
Best to do it when you first there, claen the rest of joint, the SOAK it again before you leave.
The goal is to keep the SOAKED as long as possible

The next day, pull the towels, turn on the shower and watch what's revealed as the Comet (and the scum dinginess) goes down the drain

that also works on stained counter tops, sinks, etc


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Mikey P said:
What about oil drenched Granite slab counters?

they don't put those is sec 8 joints, so i don't know....

it works on porcelain tile though
and will bleach out the oil drips and grease blobs your POS V leaves on Mrs Phiff's concrete drive...



Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Thanks guys. I wish i would have taken a pic of this tub... I tried kaboom and you name it. cleaning is not new to me. This was bad. it was thicker than a quarter. What is funny the black lady that use to live there moved upstairs.. And i was telling one of my employees outside that " whoever lived here should be shot" Well the old resident was outside and sent her Boyfriend to me... I said I'm sorry maam I didnt know you lived here before. So I then told her, Well My PM will be giving you a written tonight. I'm expecting your new apartment. I own these maam. She said you cant do that. I said watch me. If its a mess its goign down! Why did my PM move her? good question


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
No sir, If I was I wouldnt be doing walk throughs... My PM of a 98 unit complex that was built in 1989 is suppose to be doing walk threws every 2 months has not been doing her job.. I am very particular about my units. the painters hate me. I dont like junk cars in the lot, sofas on the porch. this property was in bad shape 3 years ago when i bought it. It is coming along nicelym but slowly. The last PM company didnt do many background checks. MY PM takes the older residents to the dr pharmacy and errands and so do i when i have time. They all have my cell number and others stapled tot he inside of their kitchen cabinets. its for sale $50,000 a unit times 98. Mikey wanna buy it?

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