Home Show


Oct 9, 2006
Were doing one today thru Sunday at the local mall, send us some good vibes and i'll take pics and post results.

Were promoting all sevices with focus on Tile Grout and Stone, we made some color sealed T&G boards for demo's.
Also trying selling our spot remover and doing spotting demo's.

Time to go. 8)

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
I hope it goes well for you, Al. Home shows were a valuable, but exhausting, marketing tool for us. The biggest reason people have a hard time choosing your service over another company's is they cannot visualize what you offer. Ta-da! Having them in your booth in a trade show format is a heaven sent opportunity- IF you do it right. (sounds like you are.)

Here are a few ideas from a Special Report I did years ago on how to benefit from a home show opportunity:

1. Don’t do it on the cheap. Remember, this is your big chance to make a big impression on possibly thousands of prospects. How do you want to be remembered? (Assuming they remember you at all!) As a discouraged carpet cleaner slumped over in his chair staring off into space? Or a vigorous and successful company that loves making Cheerleaders out of it’s customers? (By the way, I banned chairs in our booth. People want to see action. So be sure to staff your space with enough employees. Bring in extra people and give each booth worker a 20 minute break every two hours. This is grueling work.)

2. Use a “hook”. Home show attendees are overwhelmed with sensory impressions and moving fast through the exhibits. You need to “hook them” long enough to at least think about focusing on your information. Hooks can include employees handing out discount coupons in the aisle, free give-aways (candy is always a favorite) or a drawing for merchandise or free carpet cleaning.

3. Put on a “show”. Once you have the attention of your prospect, you must now show them what you do. Help your customer develop a “picture” of what you will be doing in their home. (The biggest problem in marketing any service is the prospect usually can’t see it before hand.) You have a wonderful opportunity during a home show to demonstrate your services.

For example, we always rented outside spaces at home shows, set up a truck mount and advertised free rug and entrance mat cleaning. (One year we cleaned over 800 area rugs in a two day period.) This free rug cleaning not only endeared us to people but more importantly there were always 50 to 100 people clustered around our space watching us “resurrect” some of the filthiest examples of fiber textiles known to man!

If your home show doesn’t offer outside spaces set up a portable extractor and let kids spill an assortment of nasty substances on different upholstered cushions and then you clean them off. “Go on, son, dump that ketchup on there. Now spill the coffee cup! Mix it up good! Haven’t you always wanted to do that? Whoops, is this your mom? Sorry, ma’am. Son, don’t try this at home!” Lots of laughs all around … but a powerful show is being put on at the same time.

Don’t forget to have framed photos of your people, plant, equipment and before and after shots of cleaned areas. Keep a three-ring binder “brag book” available in the booth with copies of your certifications, complimentary customer letters and comment cards and of course more photos.

4. Give them something. The most common (and probably best) way to be remembered by the attendees is a coupon with some sort of savings attached. We handed out $10.00 off coupons that were sometimes redeemed five or ten years later. Did I care? Of course not. After all, that measly little $10.00 off coupon had kept me in the back of the homeowner’s mind for years!

5. Get their name and FOLLOW UP. Keep a clipboard for all the folks who want work done right away. Do NOT put off calling them. If you use the points above you will easily cover your initial trade show investment with these “immediate jobs”. To encourage longer range work offer a drawing for free carpet cleaning and include a box to check if they would like a “free home carpet cleaning inspection.” Many of these people will not follow through, but you must. Pay someone to call them at home in the evenings to schedule the cleaning inspection.

Anyway, let us know how it goes, Al. BTW, I'd appreciate any other trade show pointers from anyone on how to maximize your investment while you are there. Please share them on this thread.


PS If anyone wants the entire Special Report on Home shows just e-mail me at stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com Include your mailing address if you want the free 30 minute companion DVD. No charge for eithr one but I would appreciate feedback/ suggestions for improvements.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Good for you, Al. There are few things worse than to see a couple of slack-jawed salespeople sitting in their booth staring vacantly into space as hundreds of potential clients walk briskly by their booth. (The absolute worst is if it is your booth and your employees!)


PS There were no chairs in the Jon-Don booth two weeks ago at Connections. Wow, did my feet hurt by the end of the show.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Have a drawing!

I have a drawing for free cleaning. It can be 1 room or a whole house.

On the entry slip, have questions to determine the prospective client's interest. How long has it been since your last cleaning 6mo. 12mo 24 mo to long. I'M most interested in carpet cleaning, furniture cleaning, tile.etc...

State that the entry slip must be filled in completely to be qualified to win.

Also, get their E-mail address and permission to send your monthly E-news letter.

Send a mailing to all the qualified entrants saying that they won the second place prize. Such as: Free cleaning when they have a couple of rooms cleaned.

Save names in your data base and mail these prospective clients on a regular basis along with your client database since these prospective clients are far better than a cold mailing.

I get many clients every month by consistently doing this.


Greg Loe

Oct 7, 2006
State that the entry slip must be filled in completely to be qualified to win.

A lot of people will refuse to fill the whole thing out. Don't leave them out

Ask qualifying questions, and if you only have their name and number, it's better than nothing.

In my water business, we have a bowl of calcium rocks that came out of a water heater. People ask what is it?, that's our opening to give them a quick infomercial.

We ask easy yes or no questions about home AND WORK. We go after the office too.


Oct 9, 2006
Update: Friday was a total flop :cry: This home show was not promoted and only a few vendors showed, the traffic slow and the crowd was not the home owner type. I stood up the whole time and tried my best to attract attention. People looked the other way, I tried to give away a free spotter a couple of times and they said "No Thanks". I sold one bottle and 2 people signed the drawing. I saw 2 couples that I clean for and they stopped and said hello.

I had 2 girls show up to pass out coupons and run the booth and they attracted guy's with saggy pant's and sideway's hats. My booth is sweet I ended up getting 3 spots for the price of 1 (420.)

I have everything Steve mentioned above and today is another day so things WILL be better.

They have called me to do this show once or twice a year and I always said NO, but I just assumed it was promoted....
when I arrived to set up and asked a security guard where? He said what home show?

Oh yeah!!! A worker in the Olyimpia sports store spilt a gallon of white paint on black carpet, we got it out with our heated
portable brought for demo's and made 120. bucks. LOL I'll post pics when I can.

Thanks AL 8)


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
Better luck today Al. Are you running the video from hydroforce. The music is cool and may wake some of them up.



Apr 6, 2007
If a lady requests a free shirt, never say, "I'm sorry we don't have maternity sizes, here's a large for ya!"

It was a beer gut and her husband was pissed. That was the last home show we did. (Not for that reason, but that we are always swamped during the home-show.)

You could pay somebody to spill things on passer-bys who look like potential clients. As soon as you see it happen you can run up to them with the porty and an upholstery tool and extract the stain while they are wearing the clothes. I don't see how that could go wrong.

I'm sorry, I'll go back to the rubber room where I belong. :oops:

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