HouseCall Pro users...I need your help!


Jan 9, 2014
Bay Area, CA
Joe Quiocho
We've been using HCP for about a year now and for the most part, its been great. My biggest issue is with how the reporting function works for tracking SERVICES and MATERIALS that are created with the PRICE BOOK you create. We were told to use the TAGS function, which remedies some of the issues for tracking but doesn't provide an accurate account of a JOB with multiple tags.

Example - If we are doing a residential job in which we are using our TAGS - RESIDENTIAL UPHOLSTERY - RESIDENTIAL AREA RUG - RESIDENTIAL CARPET and the job totals $1800.00, the tagging function doesn't differentiate or divide the the dollars to the specific tag. The function will report $1800.00 to every tag used.

Is there a better way to use this program in order to get more precise reporting?

How are you using HCP when pulling reports for SERVICES and MATERIAL tracking?
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