How many apointments can you do in one day? heres mine.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Here is one of my vans carpet schedule for Monday presidents day.. Should I be putting in more or is it to much for the one tech doing it? I only send one tech out, I drive the other van and clean by myself. Of course i mainly do empty apartments
These are residential appointments

7:30 am 3 rooms and a hall
9:00 am 4 rooms a hall and stairs
11:00 am 5 rooms and a hall and stairs
1:45 pm 4 rooms
4:00 pm 3 rooms and a hall

I also have 2 empty 2 bedroom apartments that have to be fit in this schedule some where.
Everything here is pretty close together. So drive times are not far.
Sep 7, 2008
Joey it's not about how many appointments you can do in a day. It is about how much money you can make. For me money is nice but nowhere near as nice as knowing I won a customer over, did a great job, and still made some good bank. What are you charging for three and a hall for a standard clean. Just curious and be honest. I am not judging you because some overpriced guys have a great ego but small bank account.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
We do a great job, Im just running out of spots. the rest of this week is full. Its like this here. Umm if you cant get me in tommorrow, I'll call someone else.

This is our slow time. So in the summer i put much more in.. My prices are like this........
3 rooms and a hall for 99 bucks. I have coupons out for 3 and a hall for 79 bucks. 200 sq 600 sq foot limit. 5 rooms and a hall for $119.00 regular price is $179.00 Depends where they saw the advertising. sometimes 3 rooms and a hall can be $250, it just really depends


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
That sounds to me like too much for 1 man crew, if you are moving and tabbing furniture, plus drive time in between? Doesn't sound too thorough of cleaning, and your tech is headed for a "burn out". But, we all clean at different paces......


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
It gives him about 2 hours, drive time is any where from 5 to ten minutes here. The tech is half owner of the bowling green location, so I expect him to work. I work from 6 am till 9 pm cleaning apartments with the girls and errands and different things. I havnt had a day off for months. So I should get him a helper? I may this summer. Theres really not much a second person can do. They can vacuum and move hoses bt most the time they just stand there and watch and help move some furniture..

So what are your schedules like?

My prices are cheap keep that in mind, but we do a great job honestly


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
We do 1-3 jobs a day per truck. Average cleaning time is 2-4 hours, all depends on soil conditions, size, etc. That includes pre vaccing.

More than that and the body will be calling time out.

Joey -

How many locations do you have?
Sep 7, 2008
I have implemented a 20 dollar service charge and none of my customers have made a fuss. Referrals are still rolling in. Anyone not doing service monster cards are missing out big time as well. Three and a hall is 140 plus 20 dollar service charge so 160 and they will not get better service anywhere. They can get a cheaper price but not a better job. I will usually do the closets and baths at no extra charge as long as they are not too big.

Joey I look forward to meeting you.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Hes getting tired. Goes to the chiropracter twice a week in between appointments. The competition here is so crazy. Even if I charged 160 for 3n a hall and did an excellent job. I couldnt book it. So we do it for cheaper, and do the best job here. I have talked to competitors here and they wont raise there prices.

I have 3 locations
Bowling Green, KY I live here
Nashville, TN started last week
columbus, Oh this spring

Did I mention. The same truck does nashville, and bowling green for now. Nashville we are doing 3 days a week and bowling green 4 days prices are much higher there.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
joeynbgky said:
Hes getting tired. Goes to the chiropracter twice a week in between appointments. The competition here is so crazy. Even if I charged 160 for 3n a hall and did an excellent job. I couldnt book it. So we do it for cheaper, and do the best job here. I have talked to competitors here and they wont raise there prices.

I have 3 locations
Bowling Green, KY I live here
Nashville, TN started last week
columbus, Oh this spring

Did I mention. The same truck does nashville, and bowling green for now. Nashville we are doing 3 days a week and bowling green 4 days prices are much higher there.

What I've noticed is that prices more or less are the same regardless of location, it's all in the business that sets it's prices not the location, but sure some areas you might not make more than others so you have to adjust accordingly.

It's good to have a lead tech and helper, but you also said the tech is a part owner. He probably would like a helper, that's alot of work to be doing everything yourself, plus 5 jobs a day on a schedule. No room for upsells. The helper can do 5 rounds, flyers, etc.
Sep 7, 2008
You can get 160 for three and a hall. Give the customer options. Like if you normally prespray and extract for 79 charge 10-15 extra for a rotary scrub and offer edge cleaning. Your customers will likely not mind paying for a better job. Also my advice to you is to quit advertising free hallways. I could say three and a hallway for 105, but I say three areas for 105. I get 35 more dollars to clean a hallway. So try saying three areas for 79. If it doesn't work for you then go back to the way you are doing it now. In time as you learn more and get more customers your price will go up. I am not a psychic, but I predict higher energy prices this summer much higher than last summer so prepare. I was lucky to invest 10k in an oil etf back when oil was trading around 35 dollars a barrel. I did it because at the time I figured about how many gallons of fuel I was burning every year and figured if oil prices fell further I would just save at the pump and offset loses. I cashed it out too soon but I doubled my money so I can't complain. If gas prices go to 4 dollars will you charge a service charge/gas surchare? I believe you will so why not start now.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Thanks, I guess its just different here. they want prices on the phone. I have tried different steps, like I woul dliek to come out and show you what makes us different and give you an estimate. I did stop including deodorizer. It is now $21.00 an area. I hoping my new laser measuring thingy will make more money. I hate turning customers down over price. I'm so soft. But I can do about 6 or 7 empty apartments a day by myself. (when im not scrubbing toilets)
Sep 7, 2008
joeynbgky said:
Thanks, I guess its just different here. they want prices on the phone. I have tried different steps, like I woul dliek to come out and show you what makes us different and give you an estimate. I did stop including deodorizer. It is now $21.00 an area. I hoping my new laser measuring thingy will make more money. I hate turning customers down over price. I'm so soft. But I can do about 6 or 7 empty apartments a day by myself. (when im not scrubbing toilets)

You must have a yp ad. Well atleast you are doing what is neccessary to make it work and I give you props on that. There are much better ways to advertise to get quality customers. Just do what I said and give the customer options that will give them a better job and increase your invoice. Will they pay extra for a better job? Maybe not over the phone but they will when you show up to do the cleaning. I am not talking high pressure bait and switch. Just this is what we offer and this is the price.


Sep 28, 2009
Brisbane Australia
work wearing only a g-string

it's what Shorty does in the summer months to combat the oppressive Cairns heat and humidity. :mrgreen: :wink:


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
I offer nude cleaning, but when im cleaning the, you know what swings and hits the solution hose on the wand. And man is that thing hot.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
joeynbgky said:
I offer nude cleaning, but when im cleaning the, you know what swings and hits the solution hose on the wand. And man is that thing hot.

TMI :mrgreen: !dork!


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
7:30 am 3 rooms and a hall For Me: 1.5 hrs 7:30-9 add drive time
9:00 am 4 rooms a hall and stairs 1.75 hrs 9:15-11:00 add drive time
11:00 am 5 rooms and a hall and stairs 2.25 hrs 11:15-1:30pm add drive time/fill h2o
1:45 pm 4 rooms 1.5 hrs 2:00-3.30pm add drive time
4:00 pm 3 rooms and a hall 1.5 hrs 3:45-5:15pm

Well heck I'm surprised, when I first looked at your schedule I thought "there's no way" so I decided to put my times in while not looking over at your schedule and I am dead on what you have give or take 15 minutes! Shocked me. Also, I want to point out these times are without tech vacuumning, this would be package deals and they vacuumn before we arrive, otherwise you would have to add at least 30 minutes per job for normal vacuumning if you pulled a Werner these jobs would take 3 days!

I only wish I had this type of residential business at this time of the year. (Good Job) And honestly I thought I was to cheap but I produce a little more than this and get a $25 truck/equip/set-up fee. My gross for these jobs would be $873.

Hey Joey have you ever eaten at Earl P. Dumplings in Scottsville? A good friend of my owns the place with some partners. I have to go see him soon and would like to meet up with you while there.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Your times are alot like mine. SEE im not crazy haha You can do an excellent job in those time frames. Hey let me know I can meet you there its not to far from me. No I have never been there. My air duct tech lives there ill ask him tommorrow!
Sep 7, 2008
FCC said:
I say I'm slow but I do very few 3-4 room jobs. Most are 7-10 rooms + stairs and halls. Most of the areas I've targeted are relatively recent construction and are on the large side though not necessarily expensive.

There are a lot of nicer new homes here. I really prefer to work in older more expensive areas. In my experience most of the people in some of these newer subdivisions are in debt with house and car notes. I am not saying they can't afford a good cleaning, but there is a difference working in a 250k home v's a 800k home that is 40-50 years old. Those people have trust funds for their kids and for the most part are successful business owners or professionals. Money has been handed down for one generation to the next and they are usually not flashy with their money. They are not nuevo riche.

But I have also found that people with new homes are much more likely to pay for professional cleaning. If you bought a new home or car, wouldn't you be overprotective at first. When I advertised I got a lot of calls from newer subdivions. All of my nicer jobs now come through referrals. It is kind of funny. I used to drive by all the money to get to my jobs. I said fook driving 30-40 minutes in different directions when I can drive 5-10 and work in one area.
Sep 7, 2008
Real estate here is wierd. Most areas you can get a 1500 sq/ft three bedroom home for 100-140 grand. There are some areas though that the same size home or even smaller will cost 275-300. It all has to do with school districts and other things. When housing prices started falling certain areas did not get hit as hard. These are where you want to invest in if you ever get the oportunity. My friend buys cheap houses to rent but he is always evicting people and I try to tell him to buy in better areas. I would rather pay a hundred grand for a nice home that will actually appreciate in price and get good tennants.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
joeynbgky said:
Here is one of my vans carpet schedule for Monday presidents day.. Should I be putting in more or is it to much for the one tech doing it? I only send one tech out, I drive the other van and clean by myself. Of course i mainly do empty apartments
These are residential appointments

7:30 am 3 rooms and a hall
9:00 am 4 rooms a hall and stairs
11:00 am 5 rooms and a hall and stairs
1:45 pm 4 rooms
4:00 pm 3 rooms and a hall

I also have 2 empty 2 bedroom apartments that have to be fit in this schedule some where.
Everything here is pretty close together. So drive times are not far.
LOL. That's a pretty dang grueling schedule. That's how I book myself from March to December, Mon to Fri. On Saturday I don't book the 4 PM job. For one person working that's all you can do, especially answering your own phone and trying to fit in those other blasted apt jobs. The only thing left to do is book jobs after dinner, and if you do too many of those you WILL get burned out. Man, I love February. Sleep in till 7 AM, take a week off if you want (I'm driving to Nashville tomorrow), relax, have fun. Once the work season starts full blast, free time is gone. I have to be very disiplined to take off days and spend time with my wife.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
I had one cancel because of the snow today, and my tech said if someone calsl today put them in that spot. LOL I was like take a break

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