How to price an 8,850 sq ft church??? Help Please


Oct 31, 2015
Willie smith
So Im giving a quote to this church that is pretty big. Its 8,850 sq. feet. He wants a quote for getting it done annually and a quote for getting the upholstery cleaned. There are 104 brown chairs 55 long blue pue, 4 mini 4 foot, 4 small 7 foot, 4 medium 11 foot, 26 large 14 foot 14 extra large 16 foot, and 49 steps.

Im not trying to make a killing out one job. I want to price it right to make a profit and get repeat business. The Church is also an school, therefore, if I win the bid, I will have an opportunity to clean auditorium and classrooms. Not to mention children parents that send there children to this private christian school.

Im using an Everest truck mount to get the job done.

How much would you charge for this job? Would you try to sell a maintenance program?

Thanks for you help!! :biggrin:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
First make sure that there isn't a member in the congregation who is a carpet cleaner. You can assume that he will get the job.

When quoting churches I ask right away so as not to waste time measuring. If so they may not be happy with his service so make sure you find out what they didn't like. Slow drying, wick backs, stinky chems, goofy employees..

Willy how much carpet have you cleaned so far? Commercial Glue Down can be real tricky. You don't want just put down a bunch of prespray and over wand it.

Give me a call so I can walk you through it. I nned to know what equipment you have, chems, TM set up and so forth..

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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Willie you didn't win the Everest in a contest did you? :winky:

Seriously if you are going to go after commercial I'd get a Zipper. It will make the work faster and easier to process.

How much to charge is a difficult answer and will vary by area of the country and by cleaner.

Lets start with what do you expect as a reasonable return on your investment. For ease of calculations lets say you want $150.00 an hour and you can process 1,000 sq/ft an hour. This may be possible with a scrub wand but easily doable for extended periods of time with a Zipper. .15 sq/ft x 1,000 an hour =$150.00

Its easy charge .15 a sq/ft......whoa wait one minute there pardner, .15 isn't going to be very competitive. You'll get some but most likely get passed over by most.
So what can we do to make this work. You can clean faster or you can target less if you are aggressively seeking the work.

1300sq/ft an hour is will allow you to still hit your target of $150.00 and be competitive at .12
1300 x.12 =$156.00

If your target is only $100.00 then you can charge less. I'd caution you on the high side just because of Murphy. Murphy can be slow tech's, setup & tear down, odd ball hours.

Upholster the same way. Look at each piece and determine how long will it take a technician to process that item. How much do I target hourly, how many can I process in the hour. Divide the number processed into your hourly target number.

Get two upholstery tools, a (3) man crew running on the Everest should make fast work of upholstery. Two tech's cleaning one tech preconditioning and bringing the chairs to the tech's cleaning. He can also trade off with the cleaners to give them a break if they are cleaning for extended periods.

Go get them! :cool:

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
I also try to figure out how much its going to take for my time so like Richard mentioned I try to figure out average square foot an hour. My normal rate is $0.38 a square foot but for churches I take an automatic 20% off and then look if I can still do it cheaper or if I am in the right ballpark.

I find I am doing churches for for about $0.25 a square foot sometimes also, but I do get a bit higher rate for some reason where I am located. And even if someone comes in lower on their price I have been fortunate to receive the account.

On church pews I tend to get $1 per linear foot for the bottom section of the pews and on the backs of the pews around $1 to a dollar fifty per linear foot. We use a glided stair tool with water pressure down to about 350 psi and can get by with cleaning most of the pew that way. Then we follow up with an upholstery tool for any other detail work needed.

For those upholstered chairs I see in the picture we get anywhere from $5 to $10 per chair. For us it depends a little bit on the soil level so we can figure how much time we will have into those and then try to price accordingly.

I have some pictures somewhere of us cleaning the church just recently including the pews and the carpets. There might be a thread from May or June this year that I posted about it.

And as been mentioned the zipper is fantastic for this kind of work. Wishing you the best for this project :-)


Oct 31, 2015
Willie smith
So Im putting in bid now at a 52,000 Sq ft church that is still in the building process. They expect it to be finished by Dec. 6th Im looking to get the janitorial job and the carpet cleaning cleaning gig. 90% of the church is carpeted. So Im looking at about 46,800 sq ft of carpet cleaning. I want to put together a good carpet maintenance program for them. What to you guys suggest? One advantage I have over my competition is the pastor is a huge football fan!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Illegal procedure call on #69!!!

Willy can Rick at Excellent Supply in FL. He sells several systems that would fit the bill for maintenance. He also has some great video's on his site you should take a few minutes to watch.

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