Last month here in Santiago, Dominican Repubublic our water bill was 596 pesos, sewer was 148 pesos and a hit or miss weekly pickup of trash was 125 pesos for a grand total of 869 pesos which at 34 pesos per dollar brings it to a grand total of 25.55 US. That's the good news.
The bad news? Let me count the ways:
1. You can never, ever drink the water we receive and it even isn't real safe to shower with so we run it through a serious filter system for everything that comes into the home. Cost about 500 bucks US and ...
2. We never know when we'll go without water for a week (or two) so we have a 5,000 gallon cistern with a pump even though we live in the middle of the city. The cistern cost about 2,000 bucks to build with the pump another 200 plus ...
3. Since we never know when we'll have a 12 hour blackout with no power to run the pump we have a 2.5 kilowatt invertor along with 8 golf cart batteries. Cost about 2,000.00 US for the invertor plus around 800 dollars for the batteries which wear out about every two years due to constant use. And ...
4. The golf cart batteries fail after about 12- 16 hours so we also have a 10 kilo diesel generator to run the house on the 24 hour blackouts which are increasingly common. Cost? Around 7,000.00 plus diesel at almost 7.00 US per gallon!
Overall, Mike, I'd say that 200 bucks per month looks pretty good!
Island Boy
PS Our water bill for our house in the states runs around 40.00 per month.