HP post on ICS



$1,200.00 per month additional income
Posted By Howard Partridge on 10/11/2010 at 11:48 AM
I just found this on my Facebook page... (from the ICS Making a Difference Tour)

"Howard........ you and Dave have already made a difference in our business ! Within just 4 weeks of meeting you two in Chicago on Tour, my wife and I have implemented just one item YOU suggested and we made an extra $1,200 this month. This is just the beggining. Persistance and Repetition will continue that success as well as the enrichment we are receiving from the Small Group we are in with Mr. DAVE DEBLANDER ! Thanks for hittin' the road ;)"

Jack Castella Jr.

well, its been 24 hours and no response... big surprise :roll:

How many youtube videos can you make and say nothing but " come to my seminar, it will change your life"

How many testimonials that say

" Hi my name is Earl, and I would recommend this seminar to everyone that wants to learn to grow their business to the next level... just imPuleNt thee sTraTogeEs and eWe wilL bee a SuCkseSS..."

Step right up Ladies and Gents... come see the one armed bearded lady and be sure and sign up for the real McCoy, our Inner Sanctum Program ...or the Knights where we teach the reel (them in) strategies.

Good grief :shock: :mrgreen:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
That's awesome if it's true! 8)

But if you're really trying to help cleaners that are in need of some help, why not divulge the one strategy that worked for this dude? Come on it's just one strategy.

If it worked for all those willing to try it, would they not have enough money to come back and pay for more HP's training?

Wouldn't that be making a real difference in peoples lives?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
$1200 bfd..

Want to make an extra 1500 a month?
-Charge for closets
-Clean the garage floor for $75 (explain how carpet will stay cleaner)
-Offer three types of grout sealer, 1 to 3 year(Cobbs) 10 to 15 year (Aussie Dry Treat) and Color Seal, many will oick the higher priced, longer lasting option
-clean more furniture
-measure, don't eyeball
-raise your prices, every other indutry has

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Mikey P said:
$1200 bfd..

Want to make an extra 1500 a month?
-Charge for closets
-Clean the garage floor for $75 (explain how carpet will stay cleaner)
-Offer three types of grout sealer, 1 to 3 year(Cobbs) 10 to 15 year (Aussie Dry Treat) and Color Seal, many will oick the higher priced, longer lasting option
-clean more furniture
-measure, don't eyeball
-raise your prices, every other indutry has
With all due respect to Mikey (who obviously is an aspiring industry guru) he is dead wrong on the "make an extra 1500 month" figure. Any carpet cleaner who even half-heartedly does all of what Mikey suggests above will add 1500 A WEEK(not month) to their gross- easy!

Island Boy

PS Not to pick at ya, Mikey (like you never have picked on anyone!) but you are way low on the 75.00 for garage floor cleaning too. People are charging and getting 75.00 to 150.00 just for the open areas in a two car garage which is easy money since you are already there AND your hoses are already run. Garage floor cleaning is probably the fastest/simplest/easiest add-on sale out there and Big Billy Yeadon tells exactly how to do it here:

http://sfs.jondon.com/?s=garage&x=33&y=5&=Go (Be sure and click on the video to see Bill's up-till-now hidden comedic talents.)


Dec 29, 2006
I attended "To Make a Different Tour" in Atlanta.

Some of us that attended to find out, how we can improved the bottom line.

What didn't make sense to me is, at the end of the class. Their pitching to us to join the inner circle for a price over five hundred dollars a month. To Carpet Cleaner Owners who are financial strap to pay their business bills.

What it came down to in my opinion, are bullets points on marketing and other subjects. At the end pitch, sell the product.

Bob Rock

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Just sizzle to sell more sizzzle in hopes of getting a bite of steak.

THis post is not about his system or to knock his system.

His system like most marketing systems will pay for itself many times over if you implement it.

It's about the workshop.

I think it is disingenuous to have cleaners pay money to sit through a presentation that is simply a commercial.

They are designed to let you hear a little sizzle in hopes of you buying the steak.

You are told how you need to do this and that in vague terms. But, in order to really pull it off you need to buy the system.

Howard is by no means the only one that does this. It is very common.

They pump you up in hopes that you will hear the real meat that you keep waiting and waiting for. But, you just hear common marketing criteria.

I'm actually amazed how they can talk for so long without really disclosing their system.

Some of these guy are real pros at talking with enthusiasm and zeal without really saying anything.

I expect this with a webinar. We all know that webinar is just a new name for an informercial.

But, You don't have to pay to hear most webinars.

Often the real learning at these workshops (or whatever they want to call them) is between the sessions when you mingle with other businessmen.

I'm not saying not to go.

If you want to hear about the system, learn how to do a presentation, learn about public speaking, get a little motivation and talk to other cleaners in between it my be well worth $149 to you.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Dave Yoakum said:
Just sizzle to sell more sizzzle in hopes of getting a bite of steak.

THis post is not about his system or to knock his system.

His system like most marketing systems will pay for itself many times over if you implement it.

It's about the workshop.

I think it is disingenuous to have cleaners pay money to sit through a presentation that is simply a commercial.

They are designed to let you hear a little sizzle in hopes of you buying the steak.

You are told how you need to do this and that in vague terms. But, in order to really pull it off you need to buy the system.

Howard is by no means the only one that does this. It is very common.

They pump you up in hopes that you will hear the real meat that you keep waiting and waiting for. But, you just hear common marketing criteria.

I'm actually amazed how they can talk for so long without really disclosing their system.

Some of these guy are real pros at talking with enthusiasm and zeal without really saying anything.

I expect this with a webinar. We all know that webinar is just a new name for an informercial.

But, You don't have to pay to hear most webinars.

Often the real learning at these workshops (or whatever they want to call them) is between the sessions when you mingle with other businessmen.

I'm not saying not to go.

If you want to hear about the system, learn how to do a presentation, learn about public speaking, get a little motivation and talk to other cleaners in between it my be well worth $149 to you.

That is where the real meat is. It's the interaction with others from the same field to hear and apply what works for them.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
$149.00 isn't too big a gamble and I would guess it would be easy to recoup that, if indeed there were a few nuggets tossed in there, which it appears.

It's easy to get upset that you paid to hear a sales pitch, but that does seem to be the popular trend now days.

Did anyone really expect to go to a seminar and not get the pitch?

Heck I've been to a couple of seminars at the university sponsored by the sales and marketing professionals here and each time we got pitched for marketing materials.

It just goes with the lower introductory price of attendance. :cry:


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
measure, don't eyeball

This one thing has added about $660 per WEEK. I am a by the room guy with 200 sq ft per room and since I started with my Bosch laser measure it has been great.

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
Spartacus said:
$149.00 isn't too big a gamble and I would guess it would be easy to recoup that, if indeed there were a few nuggets tossed in there, which it appears.
It's easy to get upset that you paid to hear a sales pitch, but that does seem to be the popular trend now days.
Did anyone really expect to go to a seminar and not get the pitch?
Heck I've been to a couple of seminars at the university sponsored by the sales and marketing professionals here and each time we got pitched for marketing materials.
It just goes with the lower introductory price of attendance. :cry:

I fully went to Houston a couple of years ago to hear a seminar. Michael Gerber was a big windbag and was extremely disappointed when he spent the afternoon trying to sell carpet cleaners his "Dream Room for 5k"!! HP was selling his inner circle in Houston a few years ago. Only thing worth that trip was listening to Steve Touburon and finding out that SFS was better to go to instead of HP's roundtable. Also listening to BillY doing a demonstration on "my easy marketing"!

Have to agree, the monthly payment to be in the inner circle is way to much! I was thinking of going to this deal of Howard's and then I remember the Houston trip that I spent a ton of money to go to. (airfare, taxi, hotel and meals) though Chavez restoration bought the beer!! Dan and I crashed Howard's party the first night!! (that alone WAS worth the trip!!) shiteatinggrin :mrgreen:

Howard does have some good stuff, but it always ends up in an infomercial.

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