I am impressed

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
I am helping a few O&O's with their business plans and i stumbled into a company that on the surface impressed me. As I log onto Mikey's to talk about it- I notice they are advertising here. Let's be clear- the purpose of this is NOT to promote this company as I am obviously not affiliated with Mikey's. (reading previous posts will clear up any confusion in that area - lol) :D I know very little about this company other than what I am reading on the site.

http://www.fullcirclemember.com/ appears to be exactly what every single o&o needs. Obviously any owner operator realizes that answering their own phones is the kiss of death. Having the wrong person answering it for you is also the kiss of death. Are these people credible? Do their followup plans, email blasts, postcards, etc go out on time?

The pricing seems fairly reasonable.. Your thoughts, experiences?

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
gregcole said:
I am helping a few O&O's with their business plans and i stumbled into a company that on the surface impressed me....... Obviously any owner operator realizes that answering their own phones is the kiss of death. .... Your thoughts, experiences?

WTF does that mean; the kiss of death. Jesus. I had a full time receptionist for 20 years booking my jobs. It was nice and convienient for me. I replaced her with a cell phone that I answer. How hard is it to talk to customers? I don't mean in a business where you are mailing out 500 thousand coupons a week and are getting 50 complaint calls per hour. Just an O/O getting 1 or 2 calls per hour and booking them as they call. It's not the kiss of death. Just very efficient.

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
What hours do you have people answering your phone Greg? Is it 6 am to 9pm or 24 hours.

The question that would scare most o/o s is will they be able to explain things to the customer and can they get the booking?

I am sure Greg that you have your own call center but did you every use an outside service?

Being able to book a job and post it on a calender that shows up on the carpet cleaners Smart phone should be a pretty cool thing.


Bowling Green Carpet Cleaning

Tracfone Wireless


Nov 14, 2006
Greg they also are great if you run more than one truck not just the O/O. They do this this for me and I can't say enough good things about them. They rank up there with Jon Don when it comes to customer service.

I have to dissagree with Art. Your first goal should be to get the phones turned over to someone else when you are starting out. I believe this is what held me back for so many years. You can't clean, drive or do estimates when the phone is ringing. (not effectivly anyway) I don't work on the truck but I still choose not to answer the phone. I believe you need someone available to always get the call, have a schedule book in front of them, and be prepared to spend quality time with new callers and be able to educate them. You can't do this in a customers home or while driving.

They are so willing to help and are open to do whatever they can for your business. I asked them to do some customer follow up calls for me and I laid out a basic plan and out line and in a short time they had it up and running. I can't say enough about them. They are awsome.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Theresa closes a higher percentage of calls than I do, and for a higher dollar amount than I do.

I screwed up about a year ago and inherited the phone job. Will be a happy day when she gets it back....soon?

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
dgargan said:
You can't do this in a customers home or while driving.

They .

You can't? That's the only two places I'm at during the day. There are times when I have been driving and I get into a road rage incident with some ahole who's driving my ass and we're just about to get into it when the phone rings... it's Mrs. Piff and her dog or husband just made on the carpet. Suddenly the ahole I was about to punch out just disappears from my radar. I find it very relaxing to talk to customers and welcome their calls. Of course the bloody ahole is still screaming at my blank face but it's his problem alone.


Oct 7, 2006
if it's a repeat customer or a referral any idiot can take an order why would an O/O pay someone good money to take an order?

closing and selling to a new customer or price shopper is another story

hands off operating of cell phone just tell them your in your truck and you will call them back right away
most customers understand this. and if they don't do you want them as a customer?


Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
I agree with Art on this one. I have no problem answering the Cell phone and scheduling jobs most of the time, Unless I'm having some kind of problem and I'm pissed. In that case I let it go to voice mail but thats not very often.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
rick imby said:
What hours do you have people answering your phone Greg? Is it 6 am to 9pm or 24 hours.

The question that would scare most o/o s is will they be able to explain things to the customer and can they get the booking?

I am sure Greg that you have your own call center but did you every use an outside service?

Being able to book a job and post it on a calender that shows up on the carpet cleaners Smart phone should be a pretty cool thing.


Bowling Green Carpet Cleaning

Tracfone Wireless

Never used an outside service but would have if this had existed back in the day.
Our phone hours are only 8-6. Doesnt make much sense for before or after that

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Art Kelley said:
gregcole said:
I am helping a few O&O's with their business plans and i stumbled into a company that on the surface impressed me....... Obviously any owner operator realizes that answering their own phones is the kiss of death. .... Your thoughts, experiences?

WTF does that mean; the kiss of death. Jesus. I had a full time receptionist for 20 years booking my jobs. It was nice and convienient for me. I replaced her with a cell phone that I answer. How hard is it to talk to customers? I don't mean in a business where you are mailing out 500 thousand coupons a week and are getting 50 complaint calls per hour. Just an O/O getting 1 or 2 calls per hour and booking them as they call. It's not the kiss of death. Just very efficient.
You are at the end of your career! You don't give a damn about professionalism. I understand. And if you really think that your grabbing the phone in a customers hosue is professional- you certainly need a wakeup call. The poor lady doesn;'t want you gabbing on the phone- she wants you working. Not to mention: The whine of a truckmount doesnt sound great to a customer on the phone....

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
[quote="gregcole" You are at the end of your career! You don't give a damn about professionalism. I understand. And if you really think that your grabbing the phone in a customers hosue is professional- you certainly need a wakeup call. The poor lady doesn;'t want you gabbing on the phone- she wants you working. Not to mention: The whine of a truckmount doesnt sound great to a customer on the phone....[/quote]

Thank's Greg. We'll see whose career lasts longer from this point on. One company that reveres quality and great service at a fair price done by a highly experienced technician or one that advertises low price and sends out subs that do God knows what in a customer's house. I've seen em all come and go over the years. You can quickly build a large business with heavy advertising but without quality you won't last. Who would you rather have in your house?

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I have done it, it sucks. I can't imagine having $7-900 in business AND trying to book appointments on top of that. I usually get the phone about 1 day every two weeks and it's rare that I answer it on those days.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
I couldn't imagine trying to book jobs or answer to many questions while out working. I thought I would in the beginning but that lasted less than 3 months. All the reasons mentioned above.
#1 TM noise (Especially if you have a Vortex)
#2 Access to schedule book (alot of times with my wife and I both booking during the day we would overbook appts)
#3 Very rude to the client your taking care of (Kinda like talking on the phone while your checking out at the store, might as well chew gum when you do the walkthrough as well)
#4 Harder to upsell or make a "real" connection with a new client
#5 You will leave missed opportunities behind
#6 Cuts down on your hourly income
#7 You won't always answer the phone, depends on where your at or what your into. The phone should be answerd by a person whenever possible.

I am blessed to have a wife as my partner that handles the office mailings, answers the phones, does the daily follow up, sends out 10 Church and 10 Business packets per week. Prints labels for all postcards (I have to stick em! actually we make it a family thing and I reward my daughter and son for helping) She also sets up all new clients in SOC the same day and we send thank you cards. She calls me with any concerns that a custy might have and doesn't bother me with the norms. She will fill me in on all the exceptional comments when I get home. She prepares the packages that we give to each client when we service, which include:
-Spotter card and reasons why they should consider using protector
-Our referall program
-Two free trial cards for them to give away along with 3 of our most resent flyers
-A comment card and self addressed stamped envelope
-Her magnetic business card for the fridge
-And soon our price sheet.
I don't think I left out anything, thank goodness it's routine for her!

I also take her out with me on Resy jobs about 1-2 times per month so she can stay in the know on cleaning procedures.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
yup, that's about what Steph (my wife) does as well, except she also does the books (not quite on her own yet, but close). There's no way we could do the amount of business we do without her help.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Stephanie is a remarkable woman Chris. The protective "Uncle Jim" in me was pleased to see what a great life's partner you chose in her.

The fact she's also quite the business and marketing maven is just a bonus.

You've probably had more than one older, perhaps wiser, friend tell you how lucky you are.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Art Kelley said:
[quote="gregcole" You are at the end of your career! You don't give a damn about professionalism. I understand. And if you really think that your grabbing the phone in a customers hosue is professional- you certainly need a wakeup call. The poor lady doesn;'t want you gabbing on the phone- she wants you working. Not to mention: The whine of a truckmount doesnt sound great to a customer on the phone....

Thank's Greg. We'll see whose career lasts longer from this point on. One company that reveres quality and great service at a fair price done by a highly experienced technician or one that advertises low price and sends out subs that do God knows what in a customer's house. I've seen em all come and go over the years. You can quickly build a large business with heavy advertising but without quality you won't last. Who would you rather have in your house?[/quote]

I guess what I wrote is harsh. What I mean is- the average owner operator who is doing the cleaning himself and answering his phone usually retires after 20 years. His body just can't take the abuse. There are the exceptions but most migrate into a different field in the industry. Whether it be education, mentoring, chemical sales, etc. With that in mid- it is unlikely you will still be on a truck in 5 years - so why would you bother trying to grow your business like most newbies are? You obviously have your mind convinced you are doing it right and have little itnerest in growing your business outside of being an owner operator. Please keep in mind- the people I am helping want desperately to get off the truck. Therefore I am looking for tools to help them do just that.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
gregcole said:
[- the average owner operator who is doing the cleaning himself and answering his phone usually retires after 20 years. His body just can't take the abuse. With that in mind- it is unlikely you will still be on a truck in 5 years -

Actually I plan on doing this another 15-20 years. I don't know where you get your statistics from but I would imagine you're pulling them from your rump. We'll see if your company can survive another 5 years with a 22% customer retention rate.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I've done both...I'm better at answering phones and dealing with customers than cleaning...and I like it more.

It depends on how you want to structure your business.
Do you want to do "quality" work yourself and not grow over a certain point or do you want to let go a little and grow up and beyond what you can do by yourself?
You still have control over quality...most think that no body else can do the work they can...wrong.

I felt that way as well when I jumped off the van....I still get the quality work done and my company is growing by leaps and bounds...sure we get a few more complaints but that's not bad work...that's the law of averages.

If you are an O/O who wants to grow...get someone to answer the phones...or get someone to clean...

If you want to keep growing...you will have to get plenty of people to do more things for you

Let go Luke....let go!

Even Bill Gates let go to the the next guy in line....I know I know, no one here is at that level...Well, maybe Mikey...but wouldn't it be nice to get to that level??

The more you know.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Art Kelley said:
gregcole said:
[- the average owner operator who is doing the cleaning himself and answering his phone usually retires after 20 years. His body just can't take the abuse. With that in mind- it is unlikely you will still be on a truck in 5 years -

Actually I plan on doing this another 15-20 years. I don't know where you get your statistics from but I would imagine you're pulling them from your rump. We'll see if your company can survive another 5 years with a 22% customer retention rate.

Not sure where you get your 22% - but I wish you well. My statistics come from 19 years in the industry and knowing hundreds of cleaners. Few make it past 45 and are still on the truck daily....
FYI: We turn 17 on December 23rd. I am confident we will be around in 5 years. Likely much larger than we are now- and you will still be riding around in your truck as you have no desire to grow... Be sure to take care of your knees my friend, you will need them

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
gregcole said:
Art Kelley said:
gregcole said:
[- the average owner operator who is doing the cleaning himself and answering his phone usually retires after 20 years. His body just can't take the abuse. With that in mind- it is unlikely you will still be on a truck in 5 years -

Actually I plan on doing this another 15-20 years. I don't know where you get your statistics from but I would imagine you're pulling them from your rump. We'll see if your company can survive another 5 years with a 22% customer retention rate.

Not sure where you get your 22% - but I wish you well. My statistics come from 19 years in the industry and knowing hundreds of cleaners. Few make it past 45 and are still on the truck daily....

HeY..GUBER.... :x

I have Laid off of you COLE...basically because ..YOU BORE ME...!
It is BEST that I continue to do That.. :idea:

Sooo...Do ME a LiTTLE FAvOR... :roll:


Just Watch your MANNER'S ...a TAD...."OK"......GOOD. :!:
FYI: We turn 17 on December 23rd. I am confident we will be around in 5 years. Likely much larger than we are now- and you will still be riding around in your truck as you have no desire to grow... Be sure to take care of your knees my friend, you will need them

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
gregcole said:
[ I am confident we will be around in 5 years. Likely much larger than we are now- and you will still be riding around in your truck as you have no desire to grow... Be sure to take care of your knees my friend, you will need them

It is the crap work companies that have created the stigma that all good cleaners have to overcome in their work areas. Do any of your subs carry and use a vacuum and a 175 on their trucks or is it just run the portables with emulsfier and get to the next nine jobs? I doubt things are going to pan out as you think they will over the next five years. I really don't pay attention to the competition but it annoys me that there lousy companies that can so easily enter this business and strink things up for all of us.


Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
gregcole wrote:
I am confident we will be around in 5 years. Likely much larger than we are now

I know a guy that has a Ford Pinto hatchback, And a portable. Could he be included in you're future expansion plans Greg? If so, Do you supply the magnetic door signs? Or would he have to pay for those himself :?:


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
everfresh1 said:
I agree with Art on this one. I have no problem answering the Cell phone and scheduling jobs most of the time, Unless I'm having some kind of problem and I'm pissed. In that case I let it go to voice mail but thats not very often.

Well then, don't think about President Obama before you answer.


Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
royalkid said:
everfresh1 said:
I agree with Art on this one. I have no problem answering the Cell phone and scheduling jobs most of the time, Unless I'm having some kind of problem and I'm pissed. In that case I let it go to voice mail but thats not very often.

Well then, don't think about President Obama before you answer.

:eek: Something can we actually agree on Petie :mrgreen:

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Art Kelley said:
gregcole said:
[ I am confident we will be around in 5 years. Likely much larger than we are now- and you will still be riding around in your truck as you have no desire to grow... Be sure to take care of your knees my friend, you will need them

It is the crap work companies that have created the stigma that all good cleaners have to overcome in their work areas. Do any of your subs carry and use a vacuum and a 175 on their trucks or is it just run the portables with emulsfier and get to the next nine jobs? I doubt things are going to pan out as you think they will over the next five years. I really don't pay attention to the competition but it annoys me that there lousy companies that can so easily enter this business and strink things up for all of us.

I have been asked to show you respect so i will attempt to do so even in the face your obvious disrespect towards me.
It is almost impossible for an independent o&o to grow outside of being an o&o without a support system. That is why I showcased the company mentioned in the beginning of this thread.
For the record: It is not my place to judge how you run your business. I have tremendous respect for those that have survived 30 years on the truck. It is quite the accomplishment. Obviously you have a system that works for you. Perhaps it is a dynamic personality that allows you to wear so many hats. Perhaps it is incredible work ethic. Either way- it works for you. If you are happy - that is all that matters.
The only problem I have with posts saying “Hey , I do everything myself – you should too” is that they discourage growth. I am a proponent of growth. I personally believe that if you are not working on growing your business it is slowly dying. Many of the newbies that come on here are looking for encouragement and ways to build viable businesses. I feel that we should encourage their development rather than try to stunt it.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Greg, I get so tired of hot shots who feel that the pinnacle of success in this business is getting off the truck and managing employees. I'm not going to try to explain to you what it's like to take pride in your work as a carpet cleaner. You are a marketing whiz and this kind of of work is beneath you. Your condenscending comments about "riding around in your truck" and that I "don't give a damn about about professionalism" etc, belie your "tremendous respect" you have for O/Os. But it's OK, I've gotten that attitude from ignorant people all my carreer. You could learn a lot from guys here who don't spend a dime on marketing and have all the jobs they can handle. It's a novel concept. It's called doing quality work.


Nov 14, 2006
Art I'm off the truck and my guys do quality work. It's backed up by lots of training, systems and follow up. Why would you think Gregs is not? Just because the owner is not doing the work doesn't mean a high startard of cleaning is not being done.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Art Kelley said:
Greg, I get so tired of hot shots who feel that the pinnacle of success in this business is getting off the truck and managing employees. I'm not going to try to explain to you what it's like to take pride in your work as a carpet cleaner. You are a marketing whiz and this kind of of work is beneath you. Your condenscending comments about "riding around in your truck" and that I "don't give a damn about about professionalism" etc, belie your "tremendous respect" you have for O/Os. But it's OK, I've gotten that attitude from ignorant people all my carreer. You could learn a lot from guys here who don't spend a dime on marketing and have all the jobs they can handle. It's a novel concept. It's called doing quality work.

I have all the respect in the world for those that don't spend a dime on advertising and have all the work they can handle. Although, quality work in itself is marketing! :D The extra time you spend on training , education, and even the physical work has a dollar amount associated to it. This would count towards marketing!

I must say that I miss the cleaning aspect quite alot! It is far from being beneath me but it is far from being a valuable use of my time at this point in my career. Know that I take tremendous pride out of my work. The fact that my doing my job properly results in over 50 families having food on their table this Christmas during the worst economy in the last 70 years gives me great pride! I have also allowed tens of thousands of customers to get their carpets cleaned here in Altanta for a price that they can afford.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
it's so funny to read all the posts from an obvious Carpet Cleaner and an obvious Business Man. Both of which can earn respect or not. Two different people trying to convince the other that what they are doing is better when really they should team up and help each other out...maybe not you two specifically but you get the idea.

I myself am a business man...maybe good...maybe not so good. I work with Carpet Cleaners all day long and have respect for the ones who work with me...notice I didn't say work "for" me. We understand that we both don't want to do each other's jobs and stick with that to make the company run that much more smooth.
This has been a moment with Brian. :wink:

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