I bought the "options" commercial program from bridgepoint


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
I couldn't find anyone who had bought it for review so I took a chance on it, thinking bridgepoint would not put their name on something crappy. I was wrong. Actually not so much that it's crappy as that there is just not much to it. You couldn't tell what it would come with and the guy at interlink hadn't seen it before.

Anyway what you get is 10 copies of 1, four page brochure. This brochure is pretty nice but would only be good for large to very large buildings. It is the only marketing piece that comes in the package. No postcards, flyers, sales letters, etc. It also promotes in the flyer bridgepoint products. Which I don't care for because I don't use bridgepoint products exclusivly and I wouldn't want people questioning why I'm not using what is in my brochure. Not to mention I want to build MY brand with logos, company name, etc. NOT bridgepoints.

You get a powerpoint presentation. Like the brochure it's nicely done but I don't like it for the same exact reasons (branding bridgepoint, geared only for very large buildings, etc)I don't like the brochure. I don't feel that I would ever use the powerpoint even if I loved everything about it.

You get three excel spreadsheets for calculating quotes. These are basically the only thing in the program that I feel would have any value for my business and they are nothing special. In fact they look very similar to the quote sheets I'm curently using with the only advatage being that my current ones are not in excel so I have to manually do the math.

It comes with a folder with all the pictures that they used in the powerpoint and brochures so you can use them to make up your own materials. Some of these would be useful to someone who wants to design their own stuff. Some of them but not all feature bridgepoint products.

That is pretty much it. NO contracts of any kind. No postcards, NO sales letters, NO flyers other than a four page brochure.

Based on the thumbnails of Rick's program that he has on his site I would say it's a much better program, not to mention it's cheaper.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
The problem with a lot of programs like that is they lose sight of who they are trying to help. you or them. You or at least I, do not want to promote their products (Bridgepoint's, Releasit, or any other brand) when promoting myself, this is not Co-op time.

I use their products and like them but what good does it do me to tell my prospective client I use them. The prospective client has no knowledge of them and if they do research on the products it might just lead them further from me.

Now I appreciate the help....well even though I'm paying for it. But since I'm paying for it then it's appreciated more if it can used as my own, cleansed of their own marketing to my potential clients.

If you help me grow it means me buying more product, that will have more value that you trying to build your brand through me.
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Oct 27, 2009
I actually bought ricks program last week and it is great. It has everything you need to start marketing to large businesses. You can use his program with any product line. He doesn't promote his products anywhere in the package.
Here is a list of the things you get:
-Carpet Inspection Form
-Job Voucher Form
-Overview of the Sales Process
-Powerpoint Presentation
-Proposals and Contracts
-Sales letter and Flyer
-Excel Worksheet to develop whole strategy

The only thing is that the marketing stuff like the flyers and postcards look a little dated. This is not a problem because you can chance anything you want on them.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
I purchased the Options program a couple years ago and sent it back. It seemed incomplete and I didn't like how it showcased Bridgepoint products throughtout the brochures, powerpoint and felt like it was pigeonholing me to using thier products. Call me paranoid but it seemed like it marketed their cleaning products first and foremost and the sale of a commercial cleaning/maintenance program a distant second.

The spin given was Bridgepoint's name recognition and brand awareness would help give me a big competitive advantage when submitting a bid and would help me get commercial business as opposed to NOT using manufacture or product names. I've never been told.. "we only accept bids from cleaners using Bridgepoint products".

Clearly a difference in perspectives between what an owner op wants to how a corporate marketing person thinks "they know" what the owner op wants. It's obvious they have an agenda and it's to sell more of their product.

Rick G has the right idea. He focuses more on the importance of regular routine maintenance and how that benefits the client. He also explains the technology of the chemistry rather than mentioning cleaning products by name. This leaves the door open for you to use whatever you choose to whether it's Bridgepoint, Vacaway, Releasit, etc.. That way if you suck ass as a cleaner its more on you and not on the cleaning products or method used, although it could be that too. :stir:
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Oct 27, 2009
They just revamped the options program so I don't think it fair to bridgepoint to base all views on the old version.

Has anyone seen the new version?

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Why dont we just put one together ourselves that any member can use for free?

Have to be enough experienced contractors here to contribute.

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