.48 psf, with 15% off if furniture is moved. Protectant at .18.
Commercial is by estimate of time needed, so price per square foot will vary with every job.
Seattle's an expensive place to live and do business, so these prices may not be valid in another locale.
If they ask for one room, we tell them that our minimum outcall is 74.90
We encourage them to pre-vac "if they like", otherwise we will be more than happy to.
HOWEVER, I have done alot of one-room cash deals on the northside. Always 50 cash.
This is one of my North Omaha Customers after doing his tiny livingroom for 50 cash:
.34 a sq/ft residential, but we will go up a penny or two this month.
Commercial as low as .12, average .18 a few .45 sq/ft if we have a lot of wasted time setting up, long hose runs or above ground level offices or portables jobs!
Mikey do you ever get a customer that says "scrub or no scrub, whats the price to clean my carpets?"
I'm just trying to understand the benefit of offering a lesser vs better cleaning, or is the scrubbing sort of an upsell/additional service that may be needed/recommended?
Sounds like you'd have to give alot of in-person estimates with that pricing structure, to new customers who want to know how much $$$...
Out here in the heartland, we get alot of the "don't build me a watch, just tell me what time it is..."
Before I retired in 2004, my prices started at 35 cents a sq ft, depending on how soiled, how much furniture to move, etc. Plus protector. So, a very soiled carpet, that needed a pre-scrub, clean with Truck Mount, and post bonnet, then protector could easily run 75 cents a sq ft.
Each job had to have a in home estimate to determine price.
Cleaning prices per square foot should be equal to the price of a first class postage stamp. Don't ya think?
For the last three years we start at .45 for cleanable space, not wall to wall. .10 extra for prevac. .20 extra for Teflon. Stairs at $4 plus $1 to protect. No extra charge for rotary jet extraction.